Keto Newbie

Tips, motivation happily accepted


  • eiskar
    eiskar Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there! We're starting at the same time! Breakfast is eggs, ham, tomatoes. Walked 30 minutes. Learning as I go :smile:
  • Missy_Lou_D
    Missy_Lou_D Posts: 6 Member
    I'm just starting too! Did a run and a big food shop and D-day is tomorrow! Need to drop a dress size before my holiday in 5 weeks! Hoping this will work 🤞😊 x Louise
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,829 Member
    I am a keto'er...Tips make sure you get plenty of kero'er usually range around 3000mg or higher...drink broth, pickle juice/pickles...ketoade which is water, salt and do not want the keto is not fun....for recipes there is a few sites I ....feel free to add me as a friend...wishing you all the best of luck :)
  • ultra_violets
    ultra_violets Posts: 202 Member
    Hey and welcome to keto! You'll find it's a bit of a contentious subject around here, but just do what you and your doctor feel is best for you. I started January 1st and I've lost 40 lb (2.85 stone) and dropped my blood sugar 200 points, and so far have been able to avoid adding a second diabetes medication. I love the keto lifestyle and it hasn't been hard for me at all. I don't miss bread or empty carbs. I can't emphasize enough what a wonderful resource youtube is for someone just starting out. There's a very vibrant and active keto community there. You don't need to buy any expensive supplements or pay for anyone's book. It's all out there for free. I highly recommend Dr. Ken Berry's channel. He's a real medical doctor who has done the keto diet himself, and also has his patients on keto. He has a whole series of videos that can answer almost any question you have.

    There are also tons of keto recipes. Almost any food you can think of, even pizza and chocolate cake, can easily be made keto with a few simple ingredient switches. Check out Keto Connect, CJ's Keto Kitchen and Headbanger's Kitchen for fun, interesting videos that show you how. And there's loads more. Everything I learned about keto, I learned there.

    Talk to your doctor first, and best of luck with whatever food plan works for you.