Macro question??

Is it bad to go over on macros if you stay under calories?


  • MichelleSilverleaf
    MichelleSilverleaf Posts: 2,028 Member
    Not really, although you're not supposed to be under your MFP calories intentionally. The site already gives you a deficit, you're supposed to eat to that number (or as close as you can get).
  • CCCMistiq
    CCCMistiq Posts: 2 Member
    I struggle with the same thing - for me, staying in the right calorie range has helped me start losing weight while trying to change my diet. I try to keep in mind that carbs can be processed into fat/protein whenever I'm not sure what to eat so long as I don't smother said carbs with cheese or grab a candy bar (usually way too much fat). I also like to try to view an average for the week instead of only daily - that way one 'bad' meal doesn't drag your stats down as much if you're doing good otherwise.

    TLDR: Staying within your calorie budget is good while working toward getting your macros in line.
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    That’s my goal... to be over on macros (protein, fat & fiber) while staying on target with calories.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Calorie goal is most important, followed by macros. Your protein and fat macros should be seen as a minimum goal. It's fine to exceed either or both as long as you don't exceed your calorie goal. Your carb goal should be seen as a maximum. If you exceed your carb goal, you either exceeded your calorie goal, or you didn't hit your protein or fat goal...or both.
  • Crimsonlilac7
    Crimsonlilac7 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you all, I'm finding that keeping everything balanced can be very difficult some days.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,872 Member
    CCCMistiq wrote: »
    I struggle with the same thing - for me, staying in the right calorie range has helped me start losing weight while trying to change my diet. I try to keep in mind that carbs can be processed into fat/protein whenever I'm not sure what to eat so long as I don't smother said carbs with cheese or grab a candy bar (usually way too much fat). I also like to try to view an average for the week instead of only daily - that way one 'bad' meal doesn't drag your stats down as much if you're doing good otherwise.

    TLDR: Staying within your calorie budget is good while working toward getting your macros in line.

    Carbs can't be processed into protein or fats. Protein and fats are essential nutrients, meaning you have to eat some of them. Carbs are not an essential nutrient. In effect, your body can manufacture carbs from protein or fats, not the other way around.

    Calories determine weight loss. Adequate macros are for nutrition and health. In the long run, truly poor macronutrient balance can lead to health problems or weakness/fatigue, and those things may impair weight loss, but that's more of a long-term risk than a short-term issue. Also, macro levels can affect satiation, thus compliance with reduced calories. (If you can't stick to reduced calories because you're feeling too hungry, so you over-eat, the lack of compliance obviously interferes with weight loss.)