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Parents of boys/men:



  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    I have 3 boys and I didn’t even start to think about potty training them until they were almost 3... my friends with girls shook their heads at me and had their girls potty trained at two, but boys take more time.. when they were a few months shy of turning three I let them pick underwear and told them they had to go in the potty and only took about a week or so before they were fully trained :) hope this helps

    This. Boys are slower to learn this than girls. My pediatrician told me to not even try till he was closer to 3. At 3 we picked out underwear and I told him he would get a balloon for every day he used the potty. In 1 week he had 7 balloons and was completely potty trained.

    My pediatrician looked at me like I was stupid when I told him that I haven’t started trying to potty train yet

    You can go to 100 doctors and get about 100 different answers. But overall, most boys aren't ready till around 3. Use your judgement and don't push him. He'll just end up hating the potty. Let him play with it if he wants, if he wants to try let him. Don't push till it starts becoming a real problem.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    With my son, he was ready when he was ready... probably around 3 years old, maybe a little more. My daughter on the other hand, was fully trained by 2 and a half, but again was based on her readiness.

    That said, once he was ready, he was ready and has never had a non-night time accident and even at night I can count on one hand how many mishaps he had. He is now 8 and a half. don't rush the little man, make him aware and encourage the potty, but I would not put him in underwear for the day until he seems ready.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    I have heard of several moms having success with the potty training boot camp method.


    My son has only recently been potty trained (for about the last month or so). He turned 3 in January. He knew what to do, he just didn't want to do it. It finally just took bribing him to get the toy he had been asking for (an iron man action figure). I told him he could have it when he went poop on the potty. After that, he has been potty trained (with the exception of naps and bedtime).

    Why the rush to potty train him?

    I’m not trying to rush him, my pediatrician told me to start. He’s been asking to use the potty he just won’t go.

    then put him on it when he asks, to get used to it whether he uses it then or not. but maybe pull-ups day to day, until he starts using the potty consistently.
  • amdsf
    amdsf Posts: 24 Member
    Your pediatrician sounds very determined that you should potty-train. Why? If you don't mind diapers, what is the big deal? It'll happen - kids are different, and boys are notoriously "late" when it comes to potty-training. I have three boys, and they were all three before they were remotely interested in trying. Sounds like you are doing a lot of work, unnecessarily. Which is too bad. It's not like moms have nothing else to do or worry about. :-) If you have no other reasons than the random opinion of one pediatrician, I say relax and try again later. It'll happen. No need to force it and cause yourself stress.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    I waited and waited and waited for Mrs. to potty train my first daughter. She did not. I did.
    I waited and waited for Mrs. to potty train my second daughter. She did not. I did.
    I thought about waiting for Mrs to potty train my third daughter. Fuggetaboutit, I said. I did.
    In order of sequence, their ages were 3.5, 2.5, and 1.5 at the time.
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    I bribed our son.

    (really, I did; it worked too.)
  • stemsnpancetta
    stemsnpancetta Posts: 2 Member
    My older boys were a little over 3 and a little over 2 when I started to potty train them (they are a year apart). It was a nice summer day, we hung out in the backyard playing all day and I let them pee in the bushes. When they had to go #2 they asked if they could use the toilet. After that they used the toilet all the time, there was maybe 1 or 2 accidents at night. And no, I never let them pee in the bushes after that! But whatever, it worked for them! They never wanted diapers or pull ups after that day. My 3 year old was so ready to be potty trained, and the 2 year old just wanted to do everything his big brother did, so it was easy for me, I was lucky!
  • julesdechaine
    julesdechaine Posts: 138 Member
    I have three boys (all over the age of 17 now) and a sticker chart worked the best for the first and third one. Every time they peed they got a sticker, pooped two stickers, and at the end of the week they could choose a prize (something small like Hotwheels.) They loved that. The middle son was wicked smart and hated to be wet so he basically learned himself.

    Just over 2 may be a little young; each child will progress at their own speed.
  • motivatedmartha
    motivatedmartha Posts: 1,108 Member
    edited April 2019
    Some are earlier than others to want to use the toilet - my only advice is to wait until he is ready - regardless of whether your paediatrician is ready ;) When he decides it is time it will be over in a flash with very little mess. My son - who was never a supermarket pest - used to cry for me to buy nappies if I even suggested not doing so. The only thing we did to encourage him was to let him follow Daddy into the bathroom - seeing how his Dad dealt with the whole toilet thing encouraged him to show more enthusiasm for the toilet. The only use he ever made of the potty was to sit on to demand another bedtime story! When he did decide he was ready it took less than a week. Don't be in a rush to give up the freedom that nappies can provide - searching for acceptable toilets every time you step out the door for more than 30 mins is a much bigger pain :D
  • slessofme
    slessofme Posts: 7,740 Member
    boys love to pee on things i think bc mine learned to hold it bc he wanted to pee outside on a tree or on the fence

    then once he could hold it he was fine using potty indoors

    This is what I did for my boys too. I was also saying "listen to your body" constantly. 2 is really early, maybe wait a little while. He's probably just mimicking you when he asks to go potty.
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    Ours weren't ready for it until about 3. With our oldest, we tried all kinds of cajoling: potty charts with tiered rewards, special underwear, all the usual things. With our second, we didn't really push him as much and he more or less figured it out on his own. They were both about the same age. Numbers 3 and 4 were similar. They just figured it out by watching and learning.
  • Slowfaster
    Slowfaster Posts: 186 Member
    My boy trained fairly well with #1, but #2 just took up too much of his valuable play time.
    I think that's the main thing with little boys, they get really intent on whatever they're playing, and how they
    happen to look while they're playing just doesn't enter into it.
    Just relax, some day you'll be like me, looking back with tears in my eyes, thinking about that precious little guy, poopy pants and all.
  • Riffraft1960
    Riffraft1960 Posts: 1,984 Member
    As the father of 7 boys. None of them were potty trained before the age of 3. My three girls were potty trained right around 2 years old. Something about boys
  • kindalikevelma
    kindalikevelma Posts: 1,337 Member
    Honestly if you have the option, let them run around diaper free outside (backyard) now that it’s getting warmer. Teaching them to pee into bushes while standing is easier than teaching them to pee into a toilet. I potty trained my kid in the Caribbean and so the warm weather meant he got to be naked in the patio year round. Once he figured out peeing outside, peeing inside was easy as pie.
  • Sunshine_And_Sand
    Sunshine_And_Sand Posts: 1,320 Member
    Every kid is different and what works for girls may not work for boys. What worked for other boys may not work for yours.
    The running around naked worked for my daughter but my son thought it was funny. Both of my kids were much easier to bladder train than bowel train.
    If you have a yard that will allow for it, a lot of little boys like peeing outside and then that can be applied towards using the toilet because it may help them learn not to pee in a diaper. This could also backfire in that they may do this in public... The outside thing helped my son.
    Oh, and don't think that once they use the toilet once they will do that again every time or even more so than not. There will be accidents.
    You just have to find what works for your son, and he may just not be ready yet.
    Good luck!
  • rickiimarieee
    rickiimarieee Posts: 2,212 Member
  • CoffeeAndContour
    CoffeeAndContour Posts: 1,466 Member
    edited April 2019
    I'm probably going to not be much help my son was easy. Around 1 I bought a potty and had him sit on it when i was using the bathroom. At 18 months I brought the potty in the living areas, took off his diaper and told him every time he pees in the potty he gets a reward. This worked in a few days. Took about 6 months to have him going poo on the potty though. Same method but he was lazy because he couldn't play and poop anymore.
  • rickiimarieee
    rickiimarieee Posts: 2,212 Member
    I'm probably going to not be much help my son was easy. Around 1 I bought a potty and had him sit on it when i was using the bathroom. At 18 months I brought the potty in the living areas, took off his diaper and told him every time he pees in the potty he gets a reward. This worked in a few days. Took about 6 months to have him going poo on the potty though. Same method but he was lazy because he couldn't play and poop anymore.

    Did you put diapers or pull ups or underwear on him between the time he was trained to pee to the time he was trained to poop?
    I’ve been having him run around butt naked because as soon as I put undies or a pull up on him he pees himself.
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    Honestly if you have the option, let them run around diaper free outside (backyard) now that it’s getting warmer. Teaching them to pee into bushes while standing is easier than teaching them to pee into a toilet. I potty trained my kid in the Caribbean and so the warm weather meant he got to be naked in the patio year round. Once he figured out peeing outside, peeing inside was easy as pie.

    Taking a wizz in the backyard. This is how I was trained as a young lad.

    Thing is, old habits die hard & I still think it's a great idea.

    My next door neighbor and our mailman, not so much.
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,069 Member
    There is a book from the 70’s called Toilet Training in Less Than a Day. It really works. We used it on all three of our boys. There’s a checklist at the beginning to determine if they are ready. We made some modifications for the times and ignored sexist 70’s writing. I recommend it to everyone.