Week 5 of C25K and going strong :)

Hi Everyone,
So, 5 weeks ago I started the C25K program and joined a group that was starting at the same time. It seems that many people in this group have stopped posting, are having difficulty with the program and therefore are re-doing weeks OR are behind in the program because of summer vacations. I am still a part of the group and will continue to support and encourage those who are keeping at it... But, I would like to hear from people who are on track with the program. Anyone on W5 who would like to write and/or friend me I would be very happy to hear from you! Specifically how are you finding W5? Are you running inside/outside? What speed are you keeping up? Do you foresee yourself moving on to the B210K after? What are your current goals?
Thanks so much! <3 MFP


  • DRetel
    DRetel Posts: 136 Member
    I'm in Week 5 right now as well. I did W5D2 tonight. I do most of my runs on the treadmill at the gym, but I ran outside tonight. It was pretty intense, but I got through without stopping. My calfs were pretty tight from a strenuous work out yesterday at the gym. I probably should have stretched a bit more.

    I'm still enjoying it! I'll be taking an extra day off before I try D3, and the big 20 minute run. I plan on doing that Saturday morning.
    I'd love to have some C25K friends! :-)
  • Teach4Hisglory
    Teach4Hisglory Posts: 48 Member
    Great work! I've been doing the program too, and I'm loving it. Tomorrow I'll be doing D2W7. I'm now out of the walk/run intervals, but so far I've survived. :o) I'm a slow runner (I'd actually call myself a jogger...), but I'm getting through. I assume that as I continue to lose weight I will be able to pick up the pace and go longer. Keep up the good work, and enjoy! (PS I've already downloaded the Bridge to 10K on my iPod. I WILL do it!)
  • Teach4Hisglory
    Teach4Hisglory Posts: 48 Member
    Enjoy that 20 minute run on Saturday. That seemed like such a huge goal to me, but I was surprised that I made it. Now I'm in the 25 minute runs, and I am learning that I CAN do it. If you have a "chatty" buddy, take her along on Saturday. I don't think I could get through the longer runs without conversation! :o)
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,459 Member
    Not doing C25K now, I did it last fall...but week 5 was the "ah-a" moment for me when I realized that I could actually do it. Congrats!
  • TammiAcker
    TammiAcker Posts: 53 Member
    HI! I've been doing the C25k program for about 3 weeks now, and I'm signing up for my first 5k run!? If I follow the plan to a "T" then I should be ready by October, but I haven't been good about that, so luckily the 5k isn't until Thanksgiving. My local YMCA is actually helping anyone who want to sign up with a fitness plan and everything. I look forward to the day when I'm as far as those of you who posted above me :) MFP has really been an inspiration for me to even pursue this goal.
  • jvinmill
    jvinmill Posts: 279 Member
    Bobby, I see you're now working towards a half marathon. You're an inspiration. I hope my C25K leads to later successes such as this :)
  • jvinmill
    jvinmill Posts: 279 Member
    Hi Tammi,
    I hope now that you are able to start following it more closely, as its been my experience now that the progression of the program really works. Congrats on signing up for your first 5K. I debated signing up for a 5K myeself, but I think instead I am going to go right on to do the B210K. And then we'll see where that takes me :)
  • jvinmill
    jvinmill Posts: 279 Member
    I don't know how you manage to chat and run at the same time!! I don't think I could do that. I rather lose myself in the scenery and the music. Before I know it the run is done. I actually can't wait till I can go for longer, so that my work-out doesn't seem so short!
    Congrats on making to W7!!
  • HeyGrlHey
    HeyGrlHey Posts: 640
    Hey JV!

    Thank you so much for keeping the motivation going for C25K! I will defiantly be posting in the Week 5 thread next week ^_^
    Still on week 4 this week...it is killer! I am kind of afraid to start week 5 next week :p

  • jvinmill
    jvinmill Posts: 279 Member
    Just finished W5 D2. Can't put it lightly or disagree with others above. W5 is a game changer. Look forward to the new thread and glad to see you're keeping on after your vaca.
  • w4d2 here, I'm already dreading w5d3, well the whole week will be hard, but that 3rd day? Damn, I just don't see how that'll be possible for me! I had to stop with 30 seconds left in the the last 5 minute run today. If I can actually complete w5d3, even if I struggle a lot. I will be blown away. That day seems like a crazy wth jump out nowhere.

    that day seems like a cruel joke compared to days 1-2 and the fact days 1&2 of the next week aren't even nearly as bad. It should be interesting for me, I ended up doing all of w3 twice because I really sucked at it the 1st go around. w4 has been hard too. UUUUUGH I don't wanna even think about a 20 minute straight run. lol
  • fmbarbuto
    fmbarbuto Posts: 131 Member
    Good morning all! I completed week 4/day 2 yesterday. It's TOM for me this week, so I've been quite tired. I felt "okay" during my run - it was definately more challenging. Monday's run felt better. I managed to complete the whole thing and was thrilled that I did! I keep thinking, that geez, if I was 30 lbs lighter this would be so much easier!

    Taking it one day at a time! Hope everyone has a good day!

  • jvinmill
    jvinmill Posts: 279 Member
    I know what you mean by the big jump out of no where. I was thinking the same thing to myself last night! We all can do it though I know, because so many non-runners to runners have before us. And we def haven not come this far in the program to stop now. I just plan to take a day or two to rest up for it and then I'll give it a go :ohwell:
  • jvinmill
    jvinmill Posts: 279 Member
    Hey Fran,
    No worries. With all this running you're doing you're going to be 30 pounds lighter and running hard before you know it. Certainly when you're tired it is more difficult to run. I ran for my 3rd day in a row last night and could really feel the incline on the hills. I don't know about you, but I plan to rest up for a day or two before attempting D3.
  • fmbarbuto
    fmbarbuto Posts: 131 Member
    Hi everyone!!! Happy Friday!!!

    Week 4/Day 3 is DONE!!! I'm still sweating as I type this! :happy:

    I think I waited a little too long after breakfast to start my run this morning. I did manage thru it - actually put up my pace on the treadmill for the 3 minute runs but for the 5 minute runs I stay .2 paces behind. I'm fine with that. As long as I'm doing it, I'm happy! I'm trying not to think negatively - I think week 5 is going to be challenging for me! We shall see!!!!

    Hope you all have a great weekend! We are going to the NY State Fair tomorrow - lots of walking - but I don't plan on eating junk - they do have healthy choices there - thankfully! Not steering out of my path for fried anything... it will make my Monday run that much harder!

    :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • EmilioA
    EmilioA Posts: 18 Member
    I finished W4D3 today. It was actually my 3rd week of Week 4. The first 2 weeks of it I only got in 4 runs total, and Week 5 is intimidating! I plan on doing an extra Week 4 run and will start Week 5 on Tuesday. I am nervous, but know I can do it. Slow and steady :) I run outside, I need the change in scenery so I won't get bored and stop,
  • jvinmill
    jvinmill Posts: 279 Member
    Fmbarbuto & EmilioA,
    Good luck on starting W5! It is definitely a challenge. I am SO sore from working out 4 days in a row that I am holding off my 20 min run until Sunday. But, I will update everyone and let you know how it goes. After the D2 though, I am thinking this is going to be tough! But no stopping now :)
  • jvinmill
    jvinmill Posts: 279 Member
    Well, I had planned to wait... but, I woke up at 3:30 and was restless... I think from not working yesterday. I truly think I have become addicted to working out. In any case, I got up, had something to eat and then prepped myself for the 20 min run. Before attempting, I felt confident that no matter how difficult it was going to be, I was not going to let myself walk. That confidence is surely what pushed me through some of tougher moments, such as when I hit some elevation changes. Needless to say I completed W5 D3 without walking... pulling it off at 6mph. Although it was not a fast pace, I am very proud of myself in this moment. Thank you everyone for your support and comments on my W5 thread!
  • Hi Everyone! I finished the Week 6 Run 1 today. I totally love the program. It has really motivated me, and I can't believe the difference in my weight and energy level. I have signed up for a 5K on September 24th. I have a running partner who helps me to stay motivated.
  • HeyGrlHey
    HeyGrlHey Posts: 640
    Hey Everyone! Finally able to post on this thread :]

    Completed Week4 last night and I am ready to complete Week5!
