The Diamond Challenge: Round 5: Wk 1 - Little Diamond's


Hello Little Diamonds! Welcome to ROUND 5 of the Diamond Challenge!

Thank you SO much for your patience! I know that you all are as excited as I am to make friends, have fun, and kick some weight loss bootay! (Yes, I just said "bootay")

If you have not already done so, please check your email for steps to getting started!

Please note that (Question of the Day) QOTD's will start next week as the Diamond Challenge will be implementing a couple of changes at that time. Simple stuff, but stay tuned!
QOTD Thursday

How are you going to kick some serious "bootay" in the next four weeks?

My response:

I am very excited about this round, and have already kicked my exercising back into high gear. Today I biked for a total of 23 miles! I know, crazy (well, for me). I plan to continue to exercise my butt off, communicate with all of you regularly, and overall be AWESOME. I also am aiming to drink fewer diet drinks because I am starting to feel addicted to them.

I'm also going to stop letting my co-workers encourage me to eat crap. They are all pretty much in need of MFP, and yet I listen to them every time they say, "Oh, just have one doughnut/brownie/cookie/whatevercraptheyhave". Let's go Diamonds!



  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,803 Member
    Yeah.... Here we go!!!! I'm gonna get back into my routine of daily morning runs and try a little harder to back it with some extra exercise. I think it might be time for me to start some adding some strength training to my cardio. I'm so glad to be here and can't wait to get to know all of you. Good luck everyone!!!
  • blueillusion3
    blueillusion3 Posts: 151 Member
    i'm super excited to be in this challenge!! i'm going to do the regular zumba 2 days a week, and then i'm going to push myself to jog at least 1 mile a day. and on those days i have extra energy i'm putting Jillian's DVD and doing the 30DS :).

    good luck girls!
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    Work is killing me. I mean KILLING me!!! My goal for the next 4 weeks is simply to 1) remain alive 2) stay under calories for the most part (have a special dinner planned with the boyfriend this weekend as well as some other moments with friends coming up 3) work out whenever possible 4) eat healthy (I have been doing REALLY good in that aspect) 5) Keep my sanity.
  • northernchic
    northernchic Posts: 117 Member
    Hi ladies!
    I am DEFINITILEY in need of a kick in the pants...I've gotten a lil lax over the last couple of weeks...I was SOOOO close to Onderland, but have gone up a couple more lbs. So...I'm heading to Florida in 28 days and I am GOING to be UNDER 200lbs :-)

    How am I going to do it? I need to get myself organized again...logging, measuring, exercising. Best of luck everyone! I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone and start our new adventure!!

    ~ Betty
  • lablovr108
    lablovr108 Posts: 576 Member
    How are you going to kick some serious "bootay" in the next four weeks?

    Well, I just got my HRM last week and it has really kicked my bootay into gear regarding working out. I've always hated working out, hated to sweat, hated to be sore, etc. etc. Well, I am finding out quickly that I'm willing to do that extra five minutes, ten minutes, whatever it takes to get those calories burned! And I am exhausted at the end of the day but it feels great!

    Looking forward to the next four weeks with all of you fabulous ladies!!

    Christi (ckarlovec - just changed my user name today for personal reasons)
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    I am going to increase my exercise over the next four weeks and continue on my eating plan!!!!
  • balowry1
    balowry1 Posts: 85
    QOTD Thursday

    How are you going to kick some serious "bootay" in the next four weeks?

    Since my husband will be deployed, I'm going to eat more nutritious foods, and then when he comes back, won't let him tempt me to eat his foods. Also, I feel that I need to workout more.
  • shortee75
    shortee75 Posts: 164

    QOTD Thursday

    How are you going to kick some serious "bootay" in the next four weeks?

    I started a treadmill version of C25K training this week and I'm going stick with it until the end (I think it's 6-8 weeks long). So for the 4 weeks of the challenge I will push myself to stick with the C25K!

    <~~~~Perfect way to show my team being a RED DIAMOND!!!
  • QOTD Thursday

    How are you going to kick some serious "bootay" in the next four weeks?

    I have to admit that I have slacked the past week and a half but no more. I am going to log, drink plenty of water and watch what I eat and exercise way more then I have. Very excited to be part of the Little Diamonds as well as the Black Diamonds...Good luck ladies!!!
  • Hi Everyone!

    I am soooo excited to get this challenge started! I am getting over a foot injury this week, but I've still been able to burn calories, so I'm hopeful I'll see results on Friday! I'm very excited to be a part of the Little Diamonds and the RED DIAMONDS are going to ROCK !!! Good luck everyone!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    yay no one else is using my diamond picture yet! (For anyone who cares it is this:

    HI LIL D'S! Its great to be part of the diamond challenge again.

    QOTD Thursday

    How are you going to kick some serious "bootay" in the next four weeks?

    Oh....I don't know. I am just going to keep it up I guess. I've been really unhappy with a lot of my workouts lately but I'm already challenging myself as best I can so .... just gotta keep trying. I think I might not be eating enough although I'm set to only lose 1lb per week.
  • amandac72
    amandac72 Posts: 366 Member
    How are you going to kick some serious "bootay" in the next four weeks?

    Well I have been trying to learn to run and I really want to actually enjoy it. I sort of completed C25K, even though it took me ages, my problem is I would do one run and then not do another for a week!! So this time around I am determined to keep up with my runs and hopefully increase my speed. I have also been trying to do more weights at the gym, I see a personal trainer once a week but I need to add another session in somewhere. So my goals for the next four weeks, run more often and do an extra weight session each week.

    I have been really slack over the last few weeks with my food, I actually took a week or so off logging because I felt I just needed a break from it. So I started again fresh on Monday and I am going to try really hard to keep under my calories!!

    Looking forward to getting into this challenge!! Go Red Diamond's!!
  • barbara1982
    barbara1982 Posts: 349 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Nice to see you again little diamonds! Saw there are a lot of "old" little diamonds back, but also a lot of "new"ones. Looking forward to meet each one of you!

    I was 1,5 weeks off work and didn't log my food and esercise. But I did okay. Went on several bike tours, last one on Tuesday (52.8 miles/ 85 km). Actually it was the longest we did!
    QOTD Thursday

    How are you going to kick some serious "bootay" in the next four weeks?

    I plan to work out on a more regular basis again. Today I should have a new exercise Wii Game in the mail. EXERBEAT!!! I'm already waiting for this one! Plan to start it tonight. As it is very hot here at the moment (~98°F/37°C), I'm not going to the gym right now! I plan to go back to the gym next week. Maybe i should also start another round of EA Sports Active 2 soon!

    Proud to be a white diamond!
  • nikkiws
    nikkiws Posts: 164
    I am not on the list but was on the provisional one..... I had even started writing to my partner Amanda. :(
  • I am not on the list but was on the provisional one..... I had even started writing to my partner Amanda. :(

    Hey Nikki,

    I never got an acceptance from you, so I thought maybe you had changed your mind! No worries, I'm not on the list either! HA HA. I will stick us both in soon. In the meanwhile, I'll be your partner if you'll have me :-) I'm a nice girl!

  • lisa_lotte
    lisa_lotte Posts: 216
    QOTD Thursday

    How are you going to kick some serious "bootay" in the next four weeks?

    Well i'm training for a half marathon atm so that should keep me in check. I am up to 10 miles atm but that's hard enough and I have to do another 3 miles on top of that :noway:

    I will also keep up my normal gym class/zumba/30 DS :happy:

    Sooo excited to be a little diamond again.... GO WHITES!!!!!

    Lisa :flowerforyou:
  • carteremma
    carteremma Posts: 52 Member
    QOTD Thursday

    How are you going to kick some serious "bootay" in the next four weeks?

    I am going to be strict and write down every single thing which I eat in the next four weeks. No more playing fast and loose I need to get in gear and shift some weight.

    I am also training for a 10k on Oct 2nd so I also plan to be really strict with running at least 3 times a week (I am not a runner - can't run for the bus - and finding this really difficult!!)
  • pverbarg
    pverbarg Posts: 490 Member
    QOTD Thursday

    How are you going to kick some serious "bootay" in the next four weeks?

    My plan is to keep up with what I'm doing but also to figure out my adjusted workout routine once finishing a half marathon September 3rd. Have to avoid slacking off once it's done and find the next fitness goal! I'm actually thinking about working on speed rather than distance as I'm Super Slow right now!
  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member
    QOTD Thursday

    How are you going to kick some serious "bootay" in the next four weeks?

    I am going to be strict and write down every single thing which I eat in the next four weeks. No more playing fast and loose I need to get in gear and shift some weight.

    You said it!
  • ElleJay221
    ElleJay221 Posts: 104 Member
    QOTD Thursday

    How are you going to kick some serious "bootay" in the next four weeks?

    Good Morning Diamonds! So happy that the challenge has started!!

    I am trying a new workout schedule - one that has a bit more cardio in it....hopefully that will help get the pounds off!!