i need some happy thoughts, please...

i'm not normally one to obsess over the scale, but it looks like i have managed to gain about 8 pounds over the last two weeks. i took a maintenance break for about a month and floated around 188/189, and that was with eating a ton of crap and soda, drinking very little if any water and not working out. i got back into my groove about two weeks ago. i'm back at the gym five days a week, drinking 9 to 12 ounces of water daily, and i'm eating decently. not perfect, but waaaaay better than i was during my break. this morning i weighed in at 196.

today is my one year anniversary with mfp (since i actually started using it, not from when i joined), and i am extremely bummed.

i know that it is pretty unlikely that these are pounds that are going to stick, but...i'm bummed all the same. :ohwell:


  • jlewis2896
    jlewis2896 Posts: 763 Member
    Give your body a bit to get used to the new (newish) routine and that extra weight will fall off like nuttin'!!

    It's a big jump, I understand being bummed, but you're still down overall. Congrats on your one-year anniversary, that's awesome!!

    No worries :)
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    Yeah I feel ya, I am finally having 5lbs of I don't know what come off after a week. I only ate kinda bad for 2 days a week ago and got stuck with 5lbs for it. It will come off though.
  • barbleit
    barbleit Posts: 8 Member
    I hope you are drinking at least 64 oz water a day.if you are back in the gym,the weight is muscle.Everyday that you get out of bed is a good day.Girl, it is all attitude.How you feel is so more important then what you weigh.Do you feel better when you workout, and eat right?Take care, and remember, chin up.
  • Megtkd
    Megtkd Posts: 1 Member
    I'm sorry that you're feeling discouraged. Try not to look at your numbers too much. You may be adding muscle weight at the gym.
    What matters is how you feel and how your clothes are fitting. Hang in there, don't give up!
    The food may play a big part as well. I gave up eating meat and dairy 2 years ago and it was amazing how quick the weight dropped. You might want to give it a try? Keep up the hard work! It will pay off.
  • Enforcer25
    Enforcer25 Posts: 350 Member
    Don't be bummed, you are still here working on your goal, it's like climbing a mountain, you slipped some, got your footing and are continuing your ascent, we've all been there, the important thing is you aren't giving up and you are continuing up the mountain.
  • chellaJKR
    chellaJKR Posts: 146
    You got this. Everyone slips into evil-ville once and a while, no one is perfect. Fact is- YOU decided to get back on board. You aren't accepting that lifestyle anymore and those pounds will be back off in a flash. You are a rock star =)
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    You'll knock those pounds off in no time because you are Victoria and you're Awesome! Down with Bella!

    And here's a happy thought. Breaking Dawn comes out soon!!!

    Do you watch Vampire Diaries? It starts on the 15th!!!
  • When I ate at maintanence for a 4 day vacation, I gained 4-5lbs. I've been able to drop of few of those pretty quickly, I'm battling the last pound now. Don't fret, the pounds will fall off in no time!!! You have made such awesome progress in weight loss and your physical health - that has NOT been undone!
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    thanks, everyone.

    my big concern is that when i was eating maintenance, i was maintaining. i held at 188 for four or five weeks while eating crap.

    this weight came back on when i started going back to the gym and eating right. very disheartening.

    but i'll stay the course, and all of you are a huge help, so thanks!
  • basschick
    basschick Posts: 3,502 Member
    If it makes you feel any better, you don't LOOK any heavier than you did when you weighed in the 180s. In fact, Duane commented on our way back to the house after dinner that you looked "more solid." As sore as your legs are, your muscles are probably retaining lots of water and I'm sure that accounts for some of the weight gain. Now that you're back to your school year schedule and working out like a madwoman the rest will come off quickly! Incidentally, I weigh a pound and a half more today than I did yesterday so some of it is that cheesecake that is sitting in our stomachs that hasn't been fully digested yet. :-)
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    They'll only stick if you quit, and I know you won't :) Cheer up, buttercup!
  • EmpressOfJudgment
    EmpressOfJudgment Posts: 1,162 Member
    You know how to get it done, girlie. Stick with it and it'll happen. It could be lots of things (all mentioned above). Just do what you know works and be patient. You've totally got this! I know it!
  • WA_Teacher
    WA_Teacher Posts: 1,042 Member
    A very intelligent woman told me, "it ain't no thang, jellybean! you will get there" Oh wait that was you! Hang in there, you changed things up over the summer and it's going to take a little time for your body to get back in burning mode. You'll get there girl. Plus YOU LOOK AMAZING!
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Puppies, presents, cake, beaches, free drinks, acquittal, Ed McMann, lol cats...
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    this weight came back on when i started going back to the gym
    Remember what I told you about glycogen :) Try your best to forget the scale right now.

    LOLCATS yaaaaay! raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens! bright copper kettles and warm wollen mittens! brown paper packages tied up in string ~