Struggling with spouse not on board.

I am the heaviest and most unfit I have ever been. I've had a couple of physical set backs over the past 2 years. My life is chaos right now and I'm struggling to find the energy and time to manage my health. My husband has a sweet tooth but doesn't seem to gain weight so he just eats how he wants. We are both stressed. I am practically begging him not to bring junk food into the house but he'll just say things like "I won't eat it in front of you". I know he is stressed out. I know this is his comfort. I know I can't change his behavior. How do I do this? :'(


  • madtrevjen
    madtrevjen Posts: 1 Member
    I hear ya!! Im in the exact same is my day one and the house is still full of Easter candy and junk food that my husband and my daughter will be eating while im trying to get started. My husband also has a sweet tooth and eats whatever her wants and never gains....on the other hand when I do the same it gets me where i am today....overweight and unhappy....ill be following to see what others have done to overcome this situation...good luck to us lol!
  • avlucia
    avlucia Posts: 66 Member
    Terytha wrote: »
    In addition to not eating them in front of you, can he put them somewhere you don't usually look so you don't have to face them all the time? A cupboard somewhere or something.

    This - out of sight, out of mind.
  • 2baninja
    2baninja Posts: 511 Member
    avlucia wrote: »
    Terytha wrote: »
    In addition to not eating them in front of you, can he put them somewhere you don't usually look so you don't have to face them all the time? A cupboard somewhere or something.

    This - out of sight, out of mind.

    This - a drawer that's his and his alone, "it's his drawer and I can't go into it" not great, but.... hopefully it helps.
  • pierinifitness
    pierinifitness Posts: 2,226 Member
    You do your thing and let your spouse do his thing. He’s not putting a gun to your head making you eat his stuff so what’s your problem? Are you doubtful of your ability to follow your plan because of being unable to resist temptation?
  • emmamcgarity
    emmamcgarity Posts: 1,594 Member
    Relationships are tricky. What I had to do was buy lower calorie food that I really look forward to. Often in portion controlled packaging. That way I can opt for the alternative while he eats what he wants. I recognize that if I eat what he is eating, I am personally not able to control my portion sizes. He also knows which foods I have reserved for only me and doesn’t eat them so that I always have them available. Knowing my limitations has helped a lot. I keep a lot of frozen dinners on hand so that I can easily opt out of the shared family meal but we can all still sit together.

    After a period of time I was able to find ways to reintroduce some higher calorie foods and make them work with my calorie goal.
  • HisStrengthCounselor
    HisStrengthCounselor Posts: 191 Member
    jtp139 wrote: »
    I am the heaviest and most unfit I have ever been. I've had a couple of physical set backs over the past 2 years. My life is chaos right now and I'm struggling to find the energy and time to manage my health. My husband has a sweet tooth but doesn't seem to gain weight so he just eats how he wants. We are both stressed. I am practically begging him not to bring junk food into the house but he'll just say things like "I won't eat it in front of you". I know he is stressed out. I know this is his comfort. I know I can't change his behavior. How do I do this? :'(

    Hey I too live with a spouse who still brings junk food in the house and says the same thing your spouse does, what is important for you to do is turn inward and have prepared healthy snacks to turn to when he has his unhealthy snacks. Remind yourself every day all day of your goals, when tempted to eat his snacks go for a walk to clear your head, get sugar free snacks, fruit, nuts to replace bad snacks.
  • MrsTitus2
    MrsTitus2 Posts: 61 Member
    Be patient with him and tell him to eat fruit instead. Maybe even with vanilla ice cream. Or get a few sweet cereals for dessert, I'd rather have a bowl or cereal than cake. My husband loves sweets and tonight I told him no junk food and he still got cookies. I dont like what he likes so no temptation but I understand. My husband and son need to be on the same page. And the mostly are, we try to buy foods that are organic and have no artificial ingredients or too much sugar.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,097 Member
    Ivr found that making my own snack box helps!
    He can just go grab a chocolate bar or sweets or whatever he fancies. But what can you just go mindlessly grab like that?
    Hence, the snack box.

    So in your snack box, you can have carrot sticks, cucumber, celery (maybe a small pot of houmous to dip in!) any sort of fruit, low fat yoghurts, low calorie crackers (like Ryvitas) And have it all prepped in the fridge, so you can just go grab it! And have it pre-measured with what the cslories are with a sticky note or something.
    So when my partner grabs something, and i think "oooh what can i have" i dont even need to LOOK. just straight to the fridge, and by having a variety it means i also have choice, so if i dont fancy yoghurt i can have the fruit instead!
    Just make it easier for you to choose the right snack!

    Its as easy as it is for him when he thinks, hmm should i have a Snickers or a Kitkat!
  • SteroidalLolita
    SteroidalLolita Posts: 122 Member
    Mine is lean and muscular and eats like a pig and never gains too, so I get that. He eats whatever he wants around me, though. I don't track macros, just CICO, so I can basically eat whatever I feel like so long as it suits my daily limit. Personally I find it damaging to your overall journey to deny yourself cravings. I think it can be a kind of conduit to ultimate failure. Everything in moderation, right? I have a little chocolate basically every day and I'm down from 250 to 196 since March 28th. Make it easy on yourself and don't deprive yourself of the things you love- just go a little easy on them.
  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    Fill out your food diary for the whole day either the night before or first thing in the morning. I do 3 days ahead.
  • cayenne_007
    cayenne_007 Posts: 668 Member
    I think this is really common - my boyfriend can (and does) eat basically anything without getting chunky. (The man is HOT). It's why I've really started to make use of these forums, I'm grateful for a group of people that have the same goals I do. Yes - there's junk food in my house, I just don't eat it (it's HIS). I'll buy his favorites for him when I grocery shop. He's very active during the day and can handle it. I'm not going to torment him into eating only healthy foods. I haven't told my Mom that I've been really watching what I eat for the past few months and making an effort to lose weight - the reasoning? She will decide she's my self elected accountability partner and make me freakin INSANE! Which promptly makes me derail and decide that packing around a bit extra is fine by me. Mom is a health food/fitness freak.....and I like food & beer. It's just best we don't discuss weight issues. I think it works the same with spouses/boyfriends.