Recently diagnosed as Diabetic

Hello. On Friday my Dr's office called me to review my yearly blood work. My A1C was at 6.9 and last year it was below 6. I have an appt with the Dr to review my treatment plan. Anyone out there who is a Type 2 diabetic that can offer any tips or suggestions? I will be following up with a nutritionist after the appt.


  • texasredreb
    texasredreb Posts: 541 Member
    I was recently diagnosed as pre-diabetic so I jumped onto this website and got busy and serious with the weightloss. Since I'm "just" pre-diabetic, all my doctor told me was to lose weight. My A1C was 5.7.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    The three things that will help most are:
    Lose weight/ body fat (assuming you are overweight).
    Increase exercise.
    Lower carb intake.

    I did these things and went from prediabetic to ideal/normal BG and A1c.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    My strongest recommendation, since your numbers are actually diabetic rather than prediabetic, is to insist on getting a blood sugar meter, and use it frequently after meals to learn how many carbs you can eat without raising your blood glucose. Many doctors will not recommend blood testing for diabetics who are not using insulin, but knowing these numbers can be incredibly helpful. For example, I learned that I can quickly drop my blood glucose if it gets too high by doing body weight squats - other diabetics may find that vigorous exercise temporarily raises glucose due to stress hormones. Since every single diabetic is different, it’s good to be informed, and no one else’s tips or advice is as good as what comes from your own body.

    My a1c was 11 when I was diagnosed, and is now consistently under 5, through a combination of weight loss, exercise, and eating to the meter.
  • 2baninja
    2baninja Posts: 511 Member
    When I was diagnosed as pre-diabetic, my dr told me to limit simple carbs- rice, corn, potatoes, candy, bread, and lose weight.

    I started exercising, eating as he suggested and dropped 20 pounds fairly easily.

    When I went back for my next blood work 6 months later, I had dropped to 6.2, I don't remember my starting number, just that I was in the middle range.

    Good luck.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I recommend Dr Richard Bernstein's book and videos. He has a low carb plan that reduced insulin levels and lowers BG.

    Dr Sarah Halberg and Virta have videos and lots of good information on how to reverse T2D using a LCHF diet.

    I reversed my higher BG and lost weight with lower carb. It helped me within days of switching my diet... I recommend a blood glucose monitor too. It's a huge help in learning how many carbs you can handle without BG going up.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    I recommend Dr Richard Bernstein's book and videos. He has a low carb plan that reduced insulin levels and lowers BG.

    Dr. Bernstein is a type 1 diabetic and an endocrinologist. His information is also very useful to type 2's.

    My suggestion, which I think you will see a lot, is to limit foods that quickly convert to glucose (i.e. carbs).
  • QuinntessentiallyMe
    QuinntessentiallyMe Posts: 88 Member
    I was Type 2 for almost 10 years. Kicked the diagnosis, and even the prediabetes diagnosis, in less than 18 months. It's doable, if your pancreas is not to blame. Mine wasn't because it was all my doing- sedentary lifestyle and a crap diet. I had go to low carb, and only allow good carbs. I even cut way back on raw fruit until I got my A1c to normal, then began adding it back in slowly. Exercise played a big part in it, and losing weight did as well. I took no meds, but they can be sooo helpful for others. Please see a Diabetic dietician ASAP if you haven't already. Listen well, take notes, and ask questions. They know their stuff, and have specialized information that is key to your needs. Good luck!!
  • dsboohead
    dsboohead Posts: 1,900 Member
    This is the time to familiarize yourself with all the food groups.....learn the glucose meter so you know what foods raise YOUR sugars.
    Tracking my 1400 calorie diet here on MFP is key!