My Near-Death Experience

I was feeling really tired and I was sick. I wasn't eating, breathing seemed labored, and I felt confused/blacked out. So the husband took me to the doctor, and the doctor told me I was experiencing pneumonia and called the paramedics.

I was in hospital two and half weeks, with a breathing tube and feeding tube. I came out of it 8 days later, and the doctors told me I had septic shock and that developed the pneumonia. There was a 50 percent mortality rate. They monitored me for the rest of the time: physical therapy, pulmonary therapy, and nutritional therapy (my blood glucose went through the roof! )

Now I've gotten out of the hospital, and I'm going to walk at least five times a week to get my lungs to expand, and I been testing my glucose. My A1c level was 5.8-6.0 pre-pneumonia, my A1C is 9.1-8.1 after. And I been getting blood glucose in the 300s, and now the 200s.

I know all about shock about near-fatal illness, how it raises the blood glucose levels. I just left the hospital 23 pound lighter (and I've kept it off). I'm following a new meal plan and I have more salads and raw vegetable and fruits. I'm currently anemic and been eating red meat.

The doctor wants me take my labs again in three months and she's given me the go-head to take more 10 mg of the glipizide.

Any advice for me?


  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,794 Member
    I am sooooooo sorry this happen to you....Back in Jan. of this year I went to the ER because I couldn't breathe....I was hospitalized for 9 days due to the flu/pneumonia....I came out with COPD ( I quit smoking Jan. 2nd) and type II diabetes.....While in the hospital my blood sugar was 200 to 300 and one night it was 55..I was on steroids at the time...My Ac1 in the hospital was 8.3...I am in meds for high blood pressure (which has been normal the last 2 Dr, visits)....and I am on Metformin and my blood sugars are in the low 90's to 128...I wish you the very best
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,072 Member
    Any advice from prediabetics and diabetics out there? I'd like to know where the label of diabetes happened for you.

    I'm seeing a nurse next week, NovusDies. And you would be happy to know that everyone tells me, "You look good -- especially suffering with septic shock and pneumonia!" I'm over it.

    I don't quite understand. If your elevated blood glucose and a1c were caused by the shock and near-fatal illness, wouldn't you expect it to return to your normal levels as you recover and return to your pre-illness lifestyle?
  • candylilacs
    candylilacs Posts: 614 Member
    Thanks for you comments! As you can tell, I was shocked by my blood sugar -- I'm usually 120-130. The kidneys values and blood pressure have come down, but not the blood sugar. :(
  • candylilacs
    candylilacs Posts: 614 Member
    I don't quite understand. If your elevated blood glucose and a1c were caused by the shock and near-fatal illness, wouldn't you expect it to return to your normal levels as you recover and return to your pre-illness lifestyle?

    I know, right?

  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,321 Member
    bottom line is you dodged a bullet.. listen to your doctors and take their advice. we here are not qualified. However..wonderful you are here.. you can get well..and you have a second chance, .. take it!!! Good luck to you!
  • Noreenmarie1234
    Noreenmarie1234 Posts: 7,492 Member
    Give your body a few weeks to recover and then reassess. When you are sick you are in a high cortisol state which raises blood sugar for awhile after. I am so glad you survived.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,072 Member
    I don't quite understand. If your elevated blood glucose and a1c were caused by the shock and near-fatal illness, wouldn't you expect it to return to your normal levels as you recover and return to your pre-illness lifestyle?

    I know, right?

    I think you misunderstood me. I meant, I don't see a need to focus on doing things to try to bring your acc down. Just focus on recovery.
  • candylilacs
    candylilacs Posts: 614 Member
    I left the hospital on March 26. My doctor told me I had to build up my lungs in the outdoors. I have a side business where I walk dogs, and I been doing that for two weeks. I haven't been going to gym, but I can probably go within a week. I have my brother's funeral to go to. :/
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    I left the hospital on March 26. My doctor told me I had to build up my lungs in the outdoors. I have a side business where I walk dogs, and I been doing that for two weeks. I haven't been going to gym, but I can probably go within a week. I have my brother's funeral to go to. :/

    He should have told you to be patient too. It has only been a month. There is such a thing as over-correcting. I still think you should talk to a RD not just a nurse. A nurse knows a lot of things but it is not certain she will have a lot of nutrition training.

    Sorry to hear about your brother. Take care of yourself in that regard too.
  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    I left the hospital on March 26. My doctor told me I had to build up my lungs in the outdoors. I have a side business where I walk dogs, and I been doing that for two weeks. I haven't been going to gym, but I can probably go within a week. I have my brother's funeral to go to. :/

    Stress can also raise blood sugars. Sounds like you've had a loss and that could be a factor. Give it time.