Back on it.

I started my MFP journey a few year ago and lost 8 stone!! Since then I've had a child and ate like a pig and put four stone on in 3 years. I'm determined to lose the 4 stone again as I feel and look like a whale and my confidence is at rock bottom!! I want to feel desired again!! Any tips to coping with dieting and being a mum to a toddler. Last time I did it it was just me and I could shop just for me but now I have to shop for a partner who doesn't believe in healthy food and a toddler!!!


  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,069 Member
    I started my MFP journey a few year ago and lost 8 stone!! Since then I've had a child and ate like a pig and put four stone on in 3 years. I'm determined to lose the 4 stone again as I feel and look like a whale and my confidence is at rock bottom!! I want to feel desired again!! Any tips to coping with dieting and being a mum to a toddler. Last time I did it it was just me and I could shop just for me but now I have to shop for a partner who doesn't believe in healthy food and a toddler!!!

    Focus on making small changes, there is no such thing as healthy food, just a healthy overall diet, so perhaps look at meals that are still tasty but you can bulk out with more veg for yourself (curries/lasagne/etc - loads of ideas on Pinterest, etc), you need a way of eating that suits you long term, so try not to think of it as a diet. Avoid cutting out foods altogether and work on portion sizes instead.

    My tip would be log your food for the next couple of days, eating as you would normally, then look over the log and see where you can trim a few calories to get to a reasonable deficit. Once you have a few weeks getting your calories sorted, you can then turn your focus to improving your nutrition - ensuring you're getting enough protein, fat, fibre, vitamins and minerals.