GUYS: Your sweat is NOT God's Nectar......



  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    I always wipe my sweat off the benches. Now, my semen? That's another story....
    Ahahaha. So wrong.

    You might be a father ;)

    I just call him daddy.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    what i hate is the ppl blasting music from their phone or ipod speakers or whatever.
  • Miss_Chievous_wechange
    Miss_Chievous_wechange Posts: 1,230 Member
    but, I like their sweat and grunting :embarassed:

    I agree. I like it too.
  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    If we're ranting, how about the douche bags who work out while on their cell phone?
  • GladImTall
    GladImTall Posts: 65 Member
    Amen! Oh you are not kidding...there is a fellow at my gym that literally DRIPS while on the treadmill. There are puddles on the sides of the ramp. Nasty!!!!

    I am that guy.

    Mostly because I am running at sustained speeds of 10mph, while your pansy *kitten* is at 4mph. The gym is a nasty place. Don't like it, buy your own home gym. The gym is for sweating. Get used to it, or don't go.

    If you aren't gonna be touching it, don't worry about it. If its on the floor, don't worry about it. Take a shower when you get home.

    Its one thing when guys are getting nastiness on the benches and don't wipe it off, its a whole different animal when its on the sides of a treadmill.

    My only beef is with those (men AND women) who don't wipe up after themselves on benches, etc. A quick wipe of a treadmill side arms and control panel is courtesy... Only other gripe is if the sweat is flinging onto me by someone :) and no- not in a good way.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Tightening of the diaphragm through grunting helps the body stabilise your core when lifting heavy. It's a necessary evil for many us.

    If any of you can show me how to lift 350+ on the bar without grunting and being safe I would be happy to listern.
  • GladImTall
    GladImTall Posts: 65 Member
    Tightening of the diaphragm through grunting helps the body stabilise your core when lifting heavy. It's a necessary evil for many us.

    If any of you can show me how to lift 350+ on the bar without grunting and being safe I would be happy to listern.

    Ok- that makes sense... what about a sustained ROAR after the weight has long since been lifted and/or deposited? :) To me- that cries "Look at ME!"
  • If we're ranting, how about the douche bags who work out while on their cell phone?

    Don't be a hater lol I will shoot a text if I'm cycling but nothing serious! I think it's rude if your on a weight machine though
  • datguy2011
    datguy2011 Posts: 477 Member
    how about you go to teh gym and work out... and relax... and have fun? I know.. it seems like a bad idea to the pauly D's out there who scream, yell and look at themselves in the mirror 100 times before picking up one weight.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Tightening of the diaphragm through grunting helps the body stabilise your core when lifting heavy. It's a necessary evil for many us.

    If any of you can show me how to lift 350+ on the bar without grunting and being safe I would be happy to listern.

    Ok- that makes sense... what about a sustained ROAR after the weight has long since been lifted and/or deposited? :) To me- that cries "Look at ME!"

    Oh, I agree with that. That's freakin' ridiculous. And weight doesn't impress anyone.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    My sweat may not be God's nectar...but my grunting most CERTAINLY is His music!!!!! =)
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    If we're ranting, how about the douche bags who work out while on their cell phone?

    they make me want to rip their cell phone from their ear and chunk it across the gym. Seriously. (not texting, talking. Loudly, as if the are the only ones there.)
  • Panda_Jack
    Panda_Jack Posts: 829 Member
    Tightening of the diaphragm through grunting helps the body stabilise your core when lifting heavy. It's a necessary evil for many us.

    If any of you can show me how to lift 350+ on the bar without grunting and being safe I would be happy to listern.

    This. I'd like to see the other people in this thread put down their 5lb dumbells and lift some real weight.
  • jen31889
    jen31889 Posts: 121
    I have a friend who goes to the gym 2 times a day and doesn't shower between them! >:-( We hang out and he's always trying to hug me. Sooooo gross!
  • lind3400
    lind3400 Posts: 557 Member
    If we're ranting, how about the douche bags who work out while on their cell phone?

    Or bring their timmmies with them??? So they can read a magazine and drink their coffee while on the phone.....
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Tightening of the diaphragm through grunting helps the body stabilise your core when lifting heavy. It's a necessary evil for many us.

    If any of you can show me how to lift 350+ on the bar without grunting and being safe I would be happy to listern.

    One of our trainers routinely lifts that much and deadlifts 500+ pounds without making a sound.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Tightening of the diaphragm through grunting helps the body stabilise your core when lifting heavy. It's a necessary evil for many us.

    If any of you can show me how to lift 350+ on the bar without grunting and being safe I would be happy to listern.

    There's grunting to lift weight...and then there's grunting: (language: it's 'My New Haircut')

    I'm pretty sure most folks can tell the difference, and it's the latter that is bothersome.
  • If we're ranting, how about the douche bags who work out while on their cell phone?

    Or bring their timmmies with them??? So they can read a magazine and drink their coffee while on the phone.....

    People actually do that? Then why not skip the gym and go to a coffee shop
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Tightening of the diaphragm through grunting helps the body stabilise your core when lifting heavy. It's a necessary evil for many us.

    If any of you can show me how to lift 350+ on the bar without grunting and being safe I would be happy to listern.

    One of our trainers routinely lifts that much and deadlifts 500+ pounds without making a sound.

    That's nice for him. I can't. I'm not saying it can't be done however.
  • jen31889
    jen31889 Posts: 121
    If we're ranting, how about the douche bags who work out while on their cell phone?

    Or bring their timmmies with them??? So they can read a magazine and drink their coffee while on the phone.....

    People actually do that? Then why not skip the gym and go to a coffee shop

    LOL I was actually talking to a trainer the other day and she said old men typically come in in the morning to have their coffee and hang out. They don't work out, then they go to breakfast.