
charlieletty Posts: 22 Member
edited April 2019 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi all, I'm alittle confused. So ive done my first day on fitness pal and linked my fitbit to it. It says ive burned 468 calories through exercise. So the question is will this lead to more weightloss.?


  • charlieletty
    charlieletty Posts: 22 Member
    Hi all, I'm alittle confused. So ive done my first day on fitness pal and linked my fitbit to it. It says ive burned 468 calories through exercise. So the question is will this lead to more weightloss? Has 1200 calories was set for weightloss. Sorry I'm new to this. Thank you for reading

  • fitom80
    fitom80 Posts: 154 Member
    Its only estimation but you can take it into account. Any kcal deficit(and i see deficit) should lead to fat burning but not necesserly to weight loss esp. when you measure it at dayly basis. This is good calculator to check against whats mfp is showing.
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    This app is designed for you to eat back any exercise calories. Not doing so could cause you to undereat and potentially lead to health problems. Unless you are really short, it is generally recommended that women NET at least 1200 calories/day. If you don't eat back those exercise calories, you will only GROSS 1153 calories today.

    What is your age, height, current weight and goal weight? What settings did you put into MFP to get 1200 calories/day?
  • charlieletty
    charlieletty Posts: 22 Member
    puffbrat wrote: »
    This app is designed for you to eat back any exercise calories. Not doing so could cause you to undereat and potentially lead to health problems. Unless you are really short, it is generally recommended that women NET at least 1200 calories/day. If you don't eat back those exercise calories, you will only GROSS 1153 calories today.

    What is your age, height, current weight and goal weight? What settings did you put into MFP to get 1200 calories/day?

    Hi, I'm 5 ft 2 and 165 pounds.
  • charlieletty
    charlieletty Posts: 22 Member
    My goal weight is around 125 pounds mark :)
  • fitom80
    fitom80 Posts: 154 Member
    @puffbrat good point
    @charlieletty pls set it for longer and healthy weight loss expect healt you will sure loose musles, get exhausted soon.. 8msp1hasm26y.jpg

  • charlieletty
    charlieletty Posts: 22 Member
    I know what your saying. But i feel scared to have more calories. :/ I dont know how to change them on here to go back to default settings. If I eat more calories and try and get a deficit in exercise will this be a better option.? Say like 1300 calories and then 300 or so exercise
  • fitom80
    fitom80 Posts: 154 Member
    Go to goals menu and change weakly goal to 0,5 lbs per weak
  • fitom80
    fitom80 Posts: 154 Member
    And no nore than 1 lbs, pls prepare for longer and maintainable and healthy weight loss, or you will face things like jojo effect, you will fight with hunger and risk your health... (trust us)
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    I don't know what you have it set at right now, but I agree that 1lb/week loss would be a reasonable rate for you right now. Don't just pick a calorie number for yourself, let MFP do that for you using the guided setup as @fitom80 said. Then eat the number of calories MFP tells you including eating back your exercise calories. Try that for 6 weeks and then see how you are actually losing compared to the 1lb/week expected loss.

    Here is a great post to help you get started:
  • charlieletty
    charlieletty Posts: 22 Member
    puffbrat wrote: »
    I don't know what you have it set at right now, but I agree that 1lb/week loss would be a reasonable rate for you right now. Don't just pick a calorie number for yourself, let MFP do that for you using the guided setup as @fitom80 said. Then eat the number of calories MFP tells you including eating back your exercise calories. Try that for 6 weeks and then see how you are actually losing compared to the 1lb/week expected loss.

    Here is a great post to help you get started:

    I've done it. Ok i set weekly weight loss to -1 loss per week and it's given me 1510 calories a day :D wow that's like another meals worth. :)
  • fitom80
    fitom80 Posts: 154 Member
    👍 You shouln't feel hunger, eat 5 6 times,... your excercise gives you another meal or two... you should see something near 0 as the result not a large green number 😁 and some days you can even go over with 200 kcal and you stay still in cal deficit... All credits to @puffbrat who was thinking before commenting
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    puffbrat wrote: »
    I don't know what you have it set at right now, but I agree that 1lb/week loss would be a reasonable rate for you right now. Don't just pick a calorie number for yourself, let MFP do that for you using the guided setup as @fitom80 said. Then eat the number of calories MFP tells you including eating back your exercise calories. Try that for 6 weeks and then see how you are actually losing compared to the 1lb/week expected loss.

    Here is a great post to help you get started:

    I've done it. Ok i set weekly weight loss to -1 loss per week and it's given me 1510 calories a day :D wow that's like another meals worth. :)
    Good job! If you burn for example 400 in exercise you should eat back at least half that, so another 200 for 1700 total. That’s how MFP numbers are set up to work right for you.
  • csplatt
    csplatt Posts: 1,185 Member
    If the Fitbit logged general steps and just moving around, that is covered in “activity level,” and I would not eat it back. If it was from cardio, I would eat some of it back.
  • fitom80
    fitom80 Posts: 154 Member
    @csplatt I see there is no basal metabolic option in goals, so its hard to use it with fitness tracker and steps...workaround? ... Setting Not very active option minus 10% kcal? This could be very confusing for some people.. Good luck I use primarly kcal from calculator but most of time matches what i see here but iam not sure why..