Only counting calories

Who has lost weight only doing normal day to day activities and counting calories? I don’t plan on going to the gym until I lose at least 20 pound.


  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,328 Member
    I lost 78 lbs on here back in 09/2010 just counting calories
  • shelby5711
    shelby5711 Posts: 45 Member
    I’ve lost weight plenty of times that way. Because what you eat is most important even when you’re working out.... so , yeah, question, why not just start walking a mile everyday and gradually up it. Cardio is definitely a great way to help lose fat when counting calories.
  • csplatt
    csplatt Posts: 1,044 Member
    I am down 20 since mid December only counting
  • Hydr8Cafn8Medic8
    Hydr8Cafn8Medic8 Posts: 472 Member
    I found it much easier at 1st to lose weight only restricting calories, but the more weight I lost, the harder it was to lose more without exercise. Now supplemental exercise is almost a necessity.
  • Danp
    Danp Posts: 1,561 Member
    I lost the first 30kg or so (about 60lb) with zero exercise. None

    In fact I consider the fact that I didn't exercise at first to be a key to my ultimate success where I'd failed in the past.
    - By not exercising I was able to focus fully on getting my eating under control.
    - I helped me avoid one of my biggest pitfalls. Exercise induced overeating. I'd be so ravenous after working out that I'd end up eating 2x the number of calories I'd just burned for a net calorie surplus.
    - I was able to get to a weight were I was able to exercise effectively. Previously I was so overweight that any attempt at exercise was just frustration without any progress.

    80% of weight management is getting the calories in sorted. I'm a firm believer in the mantra 'eat for weight management, exercise for fitness'