How would you log this?

My fitness tracker is not compatable with MFP , so I can't link it. So how would you log this?



  • Coffee0ooYummy
    Coffee0ooYummy Posts: 30 Member
    It also logs my miles and steps
  • echmain3
    echmain3 Posts: 231 Member
    I don’t know what this photo is.

    What activity were you doing?

  • Coffee0ooYummy
    Coffee0ooYummy Posts: 30 Member
    Oh sorry keeps track of steps and how far I walk each day
  • Yivs_87
    Yivs_87 Posts: 246 Member
    edited April 2019
    Was this an exercise? What kind of exercise? I'd really love to know what burns almost 1.8k calories for under an hour and a half :D

    It would make a lot more sense if those calories were actually your daily burn. And if it has simply tracked that you've walked for 79 minutes total that day and this is standard for you I wouldn't log this into MFP - this is part of your activity setting.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Use it as motivation to move more, I wouldn't log it - I would account for it in my daily activity setting.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,403 Member
    If you do purposeful walking, like going on a hike you can go with 0.3 * your weight in lbs * the distance in miles. That will give you a good estimate of calories burned for that walk.

    If the steps are just due to your activity level, then maybe have a look at your activity level set here. I'm sure people here can chime in with how much steps normal day to day activity corresponds to what activity level.
  • elliej
    elliej Posts: 466 Member
    Wouldn't log it at all. Before you started losing weight/getting fit I assume you had to walk about, clean and go about your daily life - so now only log things you do purposefully.

    If you find you are constantly hungry and feel you need more energy potentially add 50 cals a day to your total and see how that goes for a few weeks.
  • Coffee0ooYummy
    Coffee0ooYummy Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks everyone, I really appreciate all the advice!! And to Yivs_87, I know what you mean. I have been skeptical about how accurate the calories burned are on my device. It keeps track of my mileage, and movement, steps, heart rate, can tell if I'm awake or asleep. So I dunno if it takes into account how fast my heartbeat is while I'm in motion and calculates caloric burn that way as well. Because I can't figure out a base equation for the calculation of my calories burned by my daily steps and calories burned.
    I do a lot of farm work as well. So I'm active but not really walking around, but it counts the activity. And most days I forget to put it on til the afternoon lol
  • Yivs_87
    Yivs_87 Posts: 246 Member
    Hm, then maybe ignore it altogether and instead use a higher activity level based on your steps alone. Or use TDEE method instead of MFP method (I find TDEE much easier as it takes away all the "do I log this activity or not" questions).

    As for the tracker... If it's saying 1770 kcals in 79 minutes I'd be very skeptical to how accurate it is. If it's saying 1770 daily burn, and 79 min of a higher activity - then it's more possible. But then you won't log your 1770 kcals at all...

    I personally am using Xiaomi Mi Band 3 (it costs about $25), but the steps and heart rate are rather accurate. And for reference, today I've logged 10,579 steps and its calorie burn based on the steps only is 249 kcals.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    I think it’s 1771 cals for the day and 79 min of “high intensity” movement, as determined by the device. My Fitbit And garmin have similar icons.