Newbie (again)

Falling in and out of motivation to eat right and’s always been a struggle and feels like an emotional and physical roller coaster ride. I’d love to just get a group of people together or join a group and write our weekly, monthly, and yearly goals and come up with a plan on how to execute those goals and stay accountable!! If you want me to create a group I can, or if you have one post the link here and I’ll join :) LETS DO THIS!


  • sangeetaiqbal
    sangeetaiqbal Posts: 7 Member
    Start one count me in....I need to lose nearly 100 lbs and I log in everyday.....
  • melicsalinas84
    melicsalinas84 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi guys! I've been struggling for awhile now. I am absolutely determined to win this fight this time. I have been struggling with depression and have now been diagnosed with diabetes type 2, so I really need to lose this weight and be healthy. Right now i'm at 227 lbs and would love to lose @75 lbs. I know its not going to be easy but I have to start somewhere. Can't wait to see our success stories! good luck on this journey.
  • teishabue21
    teishabue21 Posts: 10 Member
    Yes let’s go! :) feel free to add me as a friend and I’ll get something setup. I’ve lost 20lbs so far but I have another 35 to go!
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,595 Member
    Hey there!
    I am in a great MFP group - the Fat 2 Fit Challenge group. We have a weekly weigh-in (day of your choice; added into team results for the week), daily check-ins (how did you do on your plan for yourself food, water, exercise), and lots of fun and supportive chat (struggles, victories, ideas, etc.). Some people also sign up for a buddy. There are over 100 people in the total challenge, with that broken up into 5 teams -- small enough groups you can get to know people.
  • drewvander
    drewvander Posts: 4 Member
    It's time to see if I can make a change and stick to it. I do ok on my exercise - actually really well. But I love the B's. Beer, Bread, Beef....see - I don't need Carbs....

    So this time I'm only going to do this for 15 days - I need smaller chunks of time to see if I can stick to it. Feel free to PM me if you want.
  • Fatsotubs
    Fatsotubs Posts: 93 Member
    Just weighed myself and feel so disgusted with myself. None of my clothes fit and I feel so uncomfortable 😕
  • teishabue21
    teishabue21 Posts: 10 Member
    Drew- I’m sooo vulnerable to the B’s too!! Love me some bread and beer. But on the way to getting better...never will I cut it out but I will cut some of it. :) lets do this!!

    Austin- that group sounds PERFECT! I’ll get added and add you as a friend too :) stay accountable together

    Fatsotubs - lets get started together!!! We can DO this!
  • teishabue21
    teishabue21 Posts: 10 Member
    Day 1 and I’m already struggling to go workout 🤦‍♀️
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,595 Member
    edited April 2019
    @Teishabue21 - What are your goals? If you are looking for weight loss, start by focusing on logging what you eat. Losing weight is all about diet.
    And if you are struggling to go workout, you might go for a walk (10 minutes? Leslie Sansone video in front of a screen?) or do something else manageable for you. If you aim to get a little bit better week after week, day after day, you will reach your goals. Make your initial goals a stretch, but small enough that you can do them, and that you can get to where you do them regularly.
  • teishabue21
    teishabue21 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks!! Yeah I’ve just been doing little things. Monday I’m restarting my Thrive and my workout routine in the mornings. Always made the day so much better when I started it that way. And yes weight loss is 80% food, 20% workout. I have a May goal to lose 7lbs. And if I hit that im buying myself a swimsuit cuz then I’ll have lost 25lbs and haven’t worn a swimsuit in like 3 years. What are your goals?
  • lavenderchuleta
    lavenderchuleta Posts: 2 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend too! I used MFP back in 2013 and it did help me a lot but then life got busy and I gained back the weight and even more. Now that I have time to focus on myself, I'm motivated to lose the weight and I'd love to have a little support group of people who have the same kind of goals. I'm about 180lbs and want to lose about 40lbs.
  • teishabue21
    teishabue21 Posts: 10 Member
    I’ll add you!! :) we have similar goals too so that should be helpful! MFP is how I got started on the right track with eating.