Newbie, tips and tricks please :)

Heyy everyone, my names lauren :)
so im new to here as you can see,
I am trying to loose at least 1lbs to 2 lbs per week by calorie counting.
so is there any tips and tricks that would help me with my weight loss please?
Anything that could help me i would be very grateful.
And good luck with all your wieght loss journeys, i know you can all do it :D


  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    slow and steady wins the race
  • Russellb97
    Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
    The most important part is keeping to your calorie goals.
    Have patience and make this your long-term lifestyle not a short-term fix.
  • GemUK84
    GemUK84 Posts: 73 Member
    Enter your food before you eat it, i find it makes you think about what you are eating and change things accordingly.

    Feel free to add me, support and motivation is the best part of MFP :smile:
  • Nette_54
    Nette_54 Posts: 265 Member
    Hello Lauren, Welcome to MFP I am also fairly new too, you find this a terrific site with lots of info and the support is fantastic. If you are using a PC for this website and you have a smart phone like an iPhone then download this app for MFP it is brilliant you can even read barcodes with this app so helps a great deal to keep a track of your calories while you are out and about so you don't have to remember at the end of the day what you have eaten. Good luck with your weight loss
  • bgredenbaugh
    bgredenbaugh Posts: 65 Member
    Hi and welcome!

    The easy part is burn more than you eat - of course - but I find that if I'm realy good about eating my protein throughout the day that I'm less hungry. It also helps with rebuilding muscle if you're also adding exercise into your life.

    ...and drink your water! I'm a Diet Mountain Dew addict, so that's sometimes a toughy for me, but often those feelings of hunger are actually you being dehydrated!

    Good luck!
  • Nette_54
    Nette_54 Posts: 265 Member
    Me again again Lauren, 1200 calories is your bare minimum for losing weight, if you don't eat enough you won't lose weight as your body will go into starvation mode and will store you food as fat. This was told to me by my dietitian she also said eat carbs with your dinner at night..... I wasn't and she said by the time breakfast comes around my body was in starvation mode then too. I had a problem of not eating enough food throughout the day so found it very hard to lose weight but now I have finally started. If you go over your calorie intake don't give up, tomorrow is another day. Best wishes
  • laurenmXD
    laurenmXD Posts: 141 Member
    wow thankyou for all getting back to me.
    i will definetly take in to consideration what you have all said thankyou :)
    I think this site and all you lot is really going to help me :D
  • ehlertmartha
    Enter your food before you eat it, i find it makes you think about what you are eating and change things accordingly.

    Feel free to add me, support and motivation is the best part of MFP :smile:

    i started doing that it really doeas help and makes you think weather you really want more
  • johnsonjk
    johnsonjk Posts: 23 Member
    I would say stick at 1 lb per week and just take the time that it takes to get the weight off. Depending on your height and current weight, 2 lb per week may be completely unrealistic. 1 lb per week may be as well.

    Remember the first few weeks are the toughest. Do some research on filling foods and find the ones that work for you.

    Stick to the calorie total and don't think anymore about it. Just stick to the total and the weight will come off.
  • jdjb1981
    Enter your food before you eat it, i find it makes you think about what you are eating and change things accordingly.

    Feel free to add me, support and motivation is the best part of MFP :smile:

    ooooo i do that and it helps heaps :smile:
  • zippo32
    zippo32 Posts: 1,419 Member
    The support, accountability, and motivation of this site...............
  • laurenmXD
    laurenmXD Posts: 141 Member
    i have wrote in what i would have been hvaing for tea today before i have had it and i noticed that i had gone really over so were as i would have had yorkshire puddings with my stew i didnt. it saved me going over alot more than i already have. good advice :D
  • grendel322
    grendel322 Posts: 105 Member
    Just remember: Be HONEST when you enter your food and exercise. You're not entering to impress anyone, just trying to make your goals, so "cheating" on entering won't help. I also try to look up restaurants before I go eat there, MFMP really will help you make better choices, and not always by making sacrifices. I'm amazed how many salads have more calories than say, pulled pork or a piece of salmon! A lot of good advice already has been offered, but stay true to your goals, enter accurately, don't feel guilty about a bad day here and there, look at the big picture (calories overall for the week) if you have a day of indulgence. Really want that extra snack after dinner? Maybe a 30 minute walk will allow it without going over your daily calories. Don't forget that exercise can help give you additional calories for the day! Good luck!

  • laurenmXD
    laurenmXD Posts: 141 Member
    Thankyou :) x