Gastric Bypass...



  • I think a lot of peoples opinions on gastric bypass come from lack of information. If you think you can just walk in, have surgery, and do nothing else- you are completely wrong. I had gastric bypass back 10/25/2010 and am down 120lbs from my highest. I had done everything under the book, exercise(have always been atheletic, was three sport athelete in high school), medically supervised weight loss diet, weight watchers, nutrisystem, personal trainer, la weight loss. It is hard to qualify for surgery- not only do you have to pass physical tests, but also psycological evals, behavior modification classes, nutritionist classes etc.

    They tell you straight out that it is not the easy way out. I agree, it is a quick way to lose weight- but when you have hundreds of lbs to lose- sometimes you need the kick start or it all seems overwhelming. That's what it was for me. I am 5'11" and at nine months, im stuck at 215lbs. I pretty much have accepted that this is as far as surgery alone will get me, but I am determined to get under 200lbs. I have been walking since day of surgery. At three weeks when I got the all clear to workout, I started doing aerobics at the gym 3 days a week and moved eventually to 5 days. I climed Mt. Major at 4 weeks post op. I have completed three, 5k's this summer alone. Yes, there are people that get surgery as the easy way out...but how are they any different than people who take appetite suppressants or some pill that stops them from absorbing fat- aren't they taking the easy way out as well?

    As far as complications- I was in good shape before surgery and had no complications what so ever. I make sure to take al my vitamins and mineral supplements and eat healthy. Believe me, Not everyone gets sick off bad food with surgery-wish it was that easy!! I can still eat chips, crackers, bread, ice cream etc without getting sick- contrary to popular belief- you need will power just as much as those who didn't have surgery.

    Everyone has a story about someone they know who had it and gained it back or who had it and had tons of complications....but ever wonder why you never hear stories of people that do well with it? That's probably bc you encounter them at the gym or the store or the restaurant and never even know they have had it. It's the way society is- no one comes on a says great things about a procedure or company- its only the ones with the bad experiences, or the ones we see with bad experiences that we hear from.

    So i really do encourage everyone to do their research before they pass judgement on those who chose surgery as an option. Before I did my research, I thought it was the easy way out as well. Information is power!

  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    grat reply svno. I now am even more understanding and I support anyone who will do anything to save thier life. I wonder if some folks think that its done for just the physical appearance only....of course, when people weight 500 , 600 and even 700 lbs, their choices are few and limited

    I know of one girl who I went to school with, had surgery and took off 100 lbs and keeps it off..........not the same for her 2 sisters who had surgery and gained even more back

    her third sister has refused to have surgery, the whole family is super morbidly obese.......this last sister had her first heart attack at the age of 41.........

    you did what you did to save your life.....I applaud you and am more sympathetic to people now . Thanks for sharing

  • I am 5'11" and at nine months, im stuck at 215lbs. I pretty much have accepted that this is as far as surgery alone will get me, but I am determined to get under 200lbs. I have been walking since day of surgery. At three weeks when I got the all clear to workout, I started doing aerobics at the gym 3 days a week and moved eventually to 5 days. I climed Mt. Major at 4 weeks post op. I have completed three, 5k's this summer alone.


    I am 5 years out and have been maintaining (actually losing now that I have been using MFP). At nine months out you are probably just plateau-ing. The weight loss will definitely be slower, but I lost weight until the 18 month mark and then I stabilized. Continue to exercise, drink your water, and eat your protein! Best of luck to you!
  • Whatever you do, be careful and get the best surgeon you can. 2 yrs. ago my sister-in-law died from complications of GPB.
  • It can be a very effective tool for those who have exhausted all options. But if you can't change your lifestyle then it's not going to work. It's very easy to binge eat and gain it all back only then you have a stretched out stomach and malnutrition issues for the rest of your life. But I know many that HAVE made the lifestyle changes and have really maximized the benefits of WLS and it's been a life saver/changer for them. But I also know some that have gained it back (plus some) because they just assumed it was the answer to their prayers and didn't want to do their part of the bargain.

    If it's something you are interested in....just be sure to do lots and lots of research (and perhaps even spend 6 months living a post surgery lifestyle to see if it's something you could maintain the rest of your life). You may even fine you can do it w/out the actual surgery.....
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