Calorie Adjustment

For as long as I can remember myFitnesspal has been giving me a daoly calorie adjustment for my daily activity synced from my Polar M430. Yesterday it has shown a 0 calorie adjustment even though it is showing the information from the tracker. Anyone able to help me fix this. Not sure why it would suddenly change.



  • amfreitas
    amfreitas Posts: 2 Member
    I'm having the same problem. It stopped working on Sunday.
  • BMsJourney
    BMsJourney Posts: 106 Member
    Same problem.. annoying as sh**. Mine transfers steps correctly, but calories burned/daily estimate is all messed up. Landed me on a -760 kcal adjustment yesterday, where it should have been a +150 kcal adjustment. For now, I have switched off negative adjustments.
  • ron1905
    ron1905 Posts: 3 Member
    Is there any support on this forum or is it pot luck someone helps
  • Scottgriesser
    Scottgriesser Posts: 172 Member
    I'd suggest going to the actual tech support forum.

    Even then it isn't necessarily a mfp issue, could be your device which they have no obligation to support.
  • Sweetfruit1988
    Sweetfruit1988 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm having the same issue, also started Sunday. Yesterday it was at least logging my steps correctly, today the steps are stuck at zero. No syncing at all. Not sure what to do
  • lsrose06
    lsrose06 Posts: 3 Member
    Mine did the same Sunday then all of a sudden started working correctly again today! 🤷🏽‍♀️
  • thedoubleyoud
    thedoubleyoud Posts: 1 Member
    Having the same issue here, since sunday calorie estimates are al messed up when they were good before. Seems Mfp gets about half the calories as my polar vantage m, get corrected -1000 calories sometimes when it should be a surplus!
  • Debinapril
    Debinapril Posts: 53 Member
    For the last 4 days the adjustment has been a net -270 cals everyday irrespective of the amount of exercise I do. There is definitely something wrong so I am disabling it for the time being.
  • ron1905
    ron1905 Posts: 3 Member
    Yes as Isrose said. Started working again today. Strange ??????? Spent a good hour trying to explain it to the support desk. It had nothing to do with my tracker. I think they weren't telling us something.
  • BMsJourney
    BMsJourney Posts: 106 Member
    Not strange, I talked to Polar too, and sent them some screenshots of MFP and Flow - they found a bug in the transfer is what they said :) Great to have it back in order.