Rant: Office Work



  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    maybe consider some kind of CBT (cognitive behavior therapy) to help with this - i know a lot of ppl scoff at that thought, but it has helped me in the past for key issues - it teaches you coping techniques and habits
  • flintflash1
    flintflash1 Posts: 1,066 Member
    The Ol' "Work Buffet" as I call it, is ALWAYS a struggle, because it's right there in your face, typically at a time when you are stuck staring at it. One muffin is no big deal and can easily be adjusted for in your later choices or a little extra in the workout. You did well, considering the temptations beckoning to you for 3 hours (NO meeting should EVER be 3 hours....BLAH). I'd say you earned a BIG "ATTA GIRL"!!! Well Done!! :)
  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    @TonnnnUK I don't know. I just have this overwhelming wash of jealousy when people eat delicious things in front of me even if I'm also eating something good. And sharing sweets is horrible.

    I don't think I can get therapy for my raging hatred of medical professionals. It burns stronger than 1000 suns.
  • Yivs_87
    Yivs_87 Posts: 246 Member
    Well, if you can't even coexist with food... I think this is a much more serious problem. And it might even be worth getting some sort of professional (therapist) opinion.

    Have you ever spent some honest solo time with yourself? Asking yourself some tough questions and answering honestly without any filter or any "prettifying" descriptions.

    I personally did this back when I was restarting my MFP journey. I used a pen and a notebook and wrote down the questions and spent time thinking and answering them.
    1. Why and when am I eating out of control?
    2. What does food bring me?
    3. What do I feel before, during and after I eat?
    4. Why do I eat - hunger, need, habit, something else?
    5. Why do I want to lose weight?
    6. What is my goal with all this (not just "lose weight" but why? what for?)?

    Each of those questions got maybe two or three pages of ramblings and internal monologue. lol ^^; but it got me to realize a few things about myself and my relationship with food. So now it's easier to catch myself when I'm about to lose control (I've learned my triggers), it helped me built some sort of coping mechanism, and most importantly it taught me that if I was eating high-quality food (good nutrients, proper macros, enough calories) it was SO MUCH HARDER to just lose control and blow it.
  • xlilphishx
    xlilphishx Posts: 23 Member
    I hear ya. I work a desk job and our office revolves around food. I find that getting Starbucks before a meeting helps with the cravings. I always have healthy snacks like grapes, Wasa Crackers with Laughing Cow cheese. Those there curb sweet and salty cravings. And water. Lots of water.
  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    I know my what's and whys and wherefores. I spend too much time thinking about myself. I have no delusions.

    No appointments, no doctors. I hate them all. I am driven by rage and hatred and grief and loathing and fear. I downloaded this app right after my last doctor's appointment, swore I'd lose it all so I never have to go back.

    I'm not exaggerating. I really hate them that much. Nothing is worth seeing a therapist for. They only make everything worse.
  • Kimmotion5783
    Kimmotion5783 Posts: 417 Member
    edited April 2019
    I can relate, my part time job at the local library almost always has food. I've learned its best to just keep my eyes down, refill my water bottle and avoid "the corner" (table where all the bad food is).
  • DMarkSwan
    DMarkSwan Posts: 56 Member
    Be proud you kept it to one muffin! I can't really give advice as I struggle to resist and once I give in there can be trouble. I just wanted to point out you held up pretty well for a three hour meeting.

    Maybe some friendly competition for eating well would help the office culture and you.
  • hangrygreenhulk
    hangrygreenhulk Posts: 21 Member
    I am also a desk jockey, and free donuts populate my office almost daily. I feel your pain! Took a few months to transition after starting on MFP, but I finally got to the point where I only consume what I bring. Sometimes, once every few weeks, I will have one donut, though. :)
  • cobalt108
    cobalt108 Posts: 60 Member
    I get it! I’m a student and there is always promo people with free food being given away a school. Pizza, pretzels, ice creams, hoagies, cookies, cakes, candy etc. I can walk past most of it but when I smell the pizza it’s so much harder to resist!
    I keep sugar free cough drops in my bag and that helps sometimes.

    Also I don’t think I could pay attention to a meeting if there was a big pile of donuts in front of me. Very triggering and I’m sorry your dealing with it. Hope it gets better!

    Idea: maybe bring your own food contribution to work/ the meeting? Like a fruit platter so you can pick off that and not get overly tempted.
  • mnbell2013
    mnbell2013 Posts: 45 Member
    edited May 2019
    88olds wrote: »
    Less pawed at? Then wait. Watch your coworkers. That’s how I got over the donuts. I couldn’t believe it.

    Oh yes. I work in a building which houses several sub-divided departments within the larger office. If someone brings in donuts/cookies/etc. for our department and they don't get eaten within a few hours, they'll eventually get moved to the break room to share with the rest of the building. I've worked here for a year and have definitely become the office germaphobe. The thought of those dried out, picked-over old donuts sitting on the break room table at the end of the day doesn't sit well with me.
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    This is one of the reasons I love working from home! Sorry for your struggles- maybe keep yogurt or fresh fruit at work if you have a kitchen there. Then when the donuts arrive you'll have something else to eat.

    I work from home about half the time and there are exponentially more opportunities for me to veer off my eating plan here than there are in the office, hundreds of thousands of calories are at my disposal at any given time :)
  • RunsWithDogsWI
    RunsWithDogsWI Posts: 31 Member
    edited May 2019
    I feel your pain. What I've found is really effective is allowing myself to sample the treats. I cut myself 1/3 to 1/2 of the donut/muffin, really savor it, and congratulate myself on compromising (it's nowhere near as harmful as bingeing due to the complete denial/breakdown cycle). Everyone deserves a small treat, and rearranging the calorie budget on the fly is do-able. Some days I resist completely, and I celebrate that too by mentally congratulating myself and looking forward to my next weigh-in.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    edited May 2019
    Terytha wrote: »
    I know my what's and whys and wherefores. I spend too much time thinking about myself. I have no delusions.

    No appointments, no doctors. I hate them all. I am driven by rage and hatred and grief and loathing and fear. I downloaded this app right after my last doctor's appointment, swore I'd lose it all so I never have to go back.

    I'm not exaggerating. I really hate them that much. Nothing is worth seeing a therapist for. They only make everything worse.

    I would disagree with your conclusions, but I trust you have your reasons!
    Consider getting a book on cognitive behavioral therapy mentioned above. If you're a reader, I'd also recommend The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg.

    I find very often with food I have a conditioned response. Like, my brain doesn't fully engage and goes on autopilot. The best way to replace a bad habit/response is with a good one. So maybe try to come up with something you can do in a meeting, or at your desk, that will occupy your mind for a few minutes when you can't stop ogling the donuts. I'm a doodler, so when I feel like I'm about to reach for the cookie platter in a meeting, I start doodling. I might draw cookies, I might write I Am Not Hungry in fancy letters with smiley faces, whatever. It doesn't always work, but sometimes. I also try to have a drink with me in any of these situations, a cup of tea, some Mio in water, or chewing gum.

    Not sure if these will help you, but maybe they'll spark an idea anyway :smile:
  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    Gum definitely helps! A lot of my eating habit seems to be mostly satisfied by just chewing.

    Only problem is I drink less water, but everything is a balancing act. =P

    I can "take notes" in most meetings too. I have doodled cartoon cats on almost everything.
  • 2baninja
    2baninja Posts: 511 Member
    Terytha wrote: »
    You know, theres is this handy trick to help eat less. Before a meal, drink .75 to 1L of water or no calories beverage and you'll eat less.

    I appreciate the advice but unfortunately it doesn't work for me. I don't eat because I'm hungry. I eat because there's food and I don't want anyone else to have it. In the past I've eaten until I was in terrible pain as a result.

    Food and I aren't on good terms. It's a little better now but if I'm not strict with what I allow myself I'll just keep eating way past where I should.
