Is 1200 calories too little for me?

Please could someone help me as I must be doing something wrong. I am 40, female and 5ft high. I have a sedentary job but I use a treadmill 5-6 times a week. My average steps are between 7800 - 10200 a day (because of the treadmill). I wear a garmin vivosmart HR and MFP does the calorie adjustment and I 'earn' 680 average calories a day. I am currently 124lb and would like to be 105lb (a nice size 8 for me as I have a short, petite frame). I entered these stats into MFP to lose 1.5lb a week and it calculated my calorie goal as 1200 - I believe my BMR is around 1290 so, especially with the calories earned, I think I am not eating enough? My weight has remained at 124lb for the last month. I re-adjusted the goals to lose 1lb a week and it set the calories as 1350, is this more beneficial/healthy? Any help appreciated.


  • nct310379
    nct310379 Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you tinkerbellang83. I have printed out all those posts and will read them later :)
  • Pipsqueak1965
    Pipsqueak1965 Posts: 397 Member
    I'm the same height as you (5 foot), a bit older (54) and weigh around your goal weight I guess (104-105 pounds) - a couple of years ago I weighed a bit more (about 117 pounds think). I also have a desk job, but walk quite a bit and also do 3 weights based workouts a week. My maintenance calories are probably around 16-1700 calories, and to lose the weight, I never went under 1400 calories, so you will be fine on around 1350. You might like to change the stair master to some body weight/weight training - it will improve your shape far more than the stairmaster.
  • nct310379
    nct310379 Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you Pipsqueak1965 I will have to think about the change to weights as I only have a treadmill at home, not keen on going to a gym or anything like that. I do have some dumbbells somewhere... your insight is very helpful, I do think I am not eating enough :o
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,843 Member
    Careful with the calorie adjustment. 680kcal sounds a lot for those steps. If you walk 8000 steps on the treadmill and we assume that a step length is 70cm, then that would be about 5.6km, or 3.5 miles. Generally you could use the equation 0.3 * distance in miles * weight in lbs to get the calories for walking. Thus 0.3 * 3.5 *124 = 130kcal.

    Of course those 680kcal will also include other activities. Just trying to say that it's easy to overestimate calories from workouts.
  • Pipsqueak1965
    Pipsqueak1965 Posts: 397 Member
    Dumbbells and body weight - lots of squats, lunges, pressups, triceps pressups, chest and shoulder press - all easily done at home if you hate the gym. HIIT exercise is pretty good too - loads on Youtube, if you like someone telling you what to do! (I do!). Just be consistent and it will happen - don't get disheartened after a week or so - it has to be a lifestyle change, so make sure you are doing things you can see yourself keeping up into the future .... good luck x
  • WholeFoods4Lyfe
    WholeFoods4Lyfe Posts: 1,518 Member
    yirara wrote: »
    Careful with the calorie adjustment. 680kcal sounds a lot for those steps. If you walk 8000 steps on the treadmill and we assume that a step length is 70cm, then that would be about 5.6km, or 3.5 miles. Generally you could use the equation 0.3 * distance in miles * weight in lbs to get the calories for walking. Thus 0.3 * 3.5 *124 = 130kcal.

    Of course those 680kcal will also include other activities. Just trying to say that it's easy to overestimate calories from workouts.

    I disagree with this. The average person actually burns between 100-120 calories per mile, so if she is in fact walking 3.5 miles, that would be 350-420. Still lower than what the OP is saying, but I think that your calculation is way low. I'd be UPSET if I walked 3.5 miles and only burned 130 calories LOL

    That said, I'm 5'1" but significantly heavier than the OP coming in at 236lbs. My TDEE is 1988. I just looked at my FitBit stats. On the days that I am sedentary (less than 5k steps for the day), my actual calories burned per my fit bit are around 2,300, but on the days that I get 10K steps it's up between 2700-2900.

    All that to say, is what the OP is "earning" is likely from ALL activity of her day, so the 680 calories is likely on top of her TDEE, and is probably accurate.

    Hope that makes sense.
  • Fitnessgirl0913
    Fitnessgirl0913 Posts: 481 Member
    yirara wrote: »
    Careful with the calorie adjustment. 680kcal sounds a lot for those steps. If you walk 8000 steps on the treadmill and we assume that a step length is 70cm, then that would be about 5.6km, or 3.5 miles. Generally you could use the equation 0.3 * distance in miles * weight in lbs to get the calories for walking. Thus 0.3 * 3.5 *124 = 130kcal.

    Of course those 680kcal will also include other activities. Just trying to say that it's easy to overestimate calories from workouts.

    I disagree with this. The average person actually burns between 100-120 calories per mile, so if she is in fact walking 3.5 miles, that would be 350-420. Still lower than what the OP is saying, but I think that your calculation is way low. I'd be UPSET if I walked 3.5 miles and only burned 130 calories LOL

    That said, I'm 5'1" but significantly heavier than the OP coming in at 236lbs. My TDEE is 1988. I just looked at my FitBit stats. On the days that I am sedentary (less than 5k steps for the day), my actual calories burned per my fit bit are around 2,300, but on the days that I get 10K steps it's up between 2700-2900.

    All that to say, is what the OP is "earning" is likely from ALL activity of her day, so the 680 calories is likely on top of her TDEE, and is probably accurate.

    Hope that makes sense.

    here's the thing - i'm slightly taller than the OP and weigh about 30lbs more and a 3 mile RUN - at an 10-11min/mile pace and i just broke 300cal - so i agree with Yirara, walking likely hasn't burnt more than about 130-150cal

    Can I ask what may be an ignorant question about walking, forgive me if the answer is obvious. Does speed at which you walk not matter for total calories burned on a walk? For example, say I walk 3 miles at 2.5 miles an hour then the next day walk 3 miles at 4 miles per hour, based on that calculation those walks would burn the same amount of calories, but I would think that walking almost double the pace would burn more calories? Again forgive me if this is a silly question but I am genuinely curious as to why speed does not factor in.
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    yirara wrote: »
    Careful with the calorie adjustment. 680kcal sounds a lot for those steps. If you walk 8000 steps on the treadmill and we assume that a step length is 70cm, then that would be about 5.6km, or 3.5 miles. Generally you could use the equation 0.3 * distance in miles * weight in lbs to get the calories for walking. Thus 0.3 * 3.5 *124 = 130kcal.

    Of course those 680kcal will also include other activities. Just trying to say that it's easy to overestimate calories from workouts.

    I disagree with this. The average person actually burns between 100-120 calories per mile, so if she is in fact walking 3.5 miles, that would be 350-420. Still lower than what the OP is saying, but I think that your calculation is way low. I'd be UPSET if I walked 3.5 miles and only burned 130 calories LOL

    That said, I'm 5'1" but significantly heavier than the OP coming in at 236lbs. My TDEE is 1988. I just looked at my FitBit stats. On the days that I am sedentary (less than 5k steps for the day), my actual calories burned per my fit bit are around 2,300, but on the days that I get 10K steps it's up between 2700-2900.

    All that to say, is what the OP is "earning" is likely from ALL activity of her day, so the 680 calories is likely on top of her TDEE, and is probably accurate.

    Hope that makes sense.

    here's the thing - i'm slightly taller than the OP and weigh about 30lbs more and a 3 mile RUN - at an 10-11min/mile pace and i just broke 300cal - so i agree with Yirara, walking likely hasn't burnt more than about 130-150cal

    Can I ask what may be an ignorant question about walking, forgive me if the answer is obvious. Does speed at which you walk not matter for total calories burned on a walk? For example, say I walk 3 miles at 2.5 miles an hour then the next day walk 3 miles at 4 miles per hour, based on that calculation those walks would burn the same amount of calories, but I would think that walking almost double the pace would burn more calories? Again forgive me if this is a silly question but I am genuinely curious as to why speed does not factor in.

    the difference is going to be minimal - if you look at the linke that WholeFoods posted above - there are 2 tables - one with like a 17min mile avg (3.5mpg) and then 15min mile age (4mph) and the calorie difference is negligible (like 5 calories over the course of a mile)
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    Chelle8070 wrote: »
    Maxematics wrote: »
    nct310379 wrote: »
    Thank you Pipsqueak1965 I will have to think about the change to weights as I only have a treadmill at home, not keen on going to a gym or anything like that. I do have some dumbbells somewhere... your insight is very helpful, I do think I am not eating enough :o

    There are things that can mask weight loss such as water weight from starting a new exercise routine, ovulation and/or menstruation, or high sodium days. However, if you haven't lost any weight in a month, the reason would never be that you're not eating enough. Not eating enough calories does not cause someone to maintain their weight or gain weight.

    I disagree with the end of this statement, at least somewhat.

    I tried a 1200 calorie diet and was starving. I lost a little weight but my energy was low so I might be doing the motions of working out but that was it. I increased my calories to 1500, I feel properly fueled, my energy is through the roof and my workouts are much more intense and beneficial.

    So while it's not calories alone, it definitely plays into the bigger picture.

    Right, when one undereats, one might compensate by decreasing activity, either by not putting in as much effort during workouts, as you observed in yourself, and also by decreasing NEAT, for example, by vegging in front of a screen instead of doing something that, while active, is not logged as formal exercise.

    I am debilitated by my TOM and go up and down the stairs much less, if at all, and otherwise decrease my activity to sloth-level for a few days. When I was in the small apartment and had a fitbit, I failed to get more than 1,000 steps per day some months.
  • nct310379
    nct310379 Posts: 10 Member
    If it helps, my calories burned on the treadmill are calculated via a heart strap and through the wahoo app. I walk at 4km per hour for about 50 mins and then on alternate days (3/4 days a week) do the same but include 8 rounds of 30secs run at 12km/hr, walk at 4km/hr 90secs
    Thanks again, this is all helping :)
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,843 Member

    And this might even be gross calories, thus the calories from the activity + the calories you burn anyway from being alive.
  • dondotwinks
    dondotwinks Posts: 93 Member

    This is consistent with my Apple watch. 5ft 1 and 140lbs