Baked fish

sonilac Posts: 55 Member
Have you ever tried sea-bass or branzino fish? Where i am it is a very traditional food. However, i find it very expensive in restaurants so i have started cooking it myself. Recipe includes couple of side dishes too.


  • MADgical72
    MADgical72 Posts: 81 Member
    Wow, nice! Thanks for sharing
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,266 Member
    I have never had it. What is the flavor like? I am always interested in trying new things!
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    I live in Italy and make it often, also orate (gilthead). I've figured out the simplest way to do it. Line your oven pan with parchment paper---you need to be generous and have extra. I place my cleaned fish in the pan and add a little water-swish it around and under the fish. Then I form a tent with the oven paper and staple it in a couple places. I put it in a 350° oven for half an hour or 40 min. Once it's done take it out and since mine are small, I give everyone their own. You can put whatever you like on the fish after--lemon, salt, tartar sauce, ..... I never add oil because this type of fish has enough of it's own.
  • sonilac
    sonilac Posts: 55 Member
    @snowflake954 thank you!!! I'll have to try that too:))). These were kind of big so i had to cut them to fillets after they were baked but i remember back in my native country we would get plenty that were individual size and people would either fry them or bake them in alufoil in the oven. I'll definitely try your way.