Soul Cysters 40 in 4



  • Petunia32
    And I'm just lazy ;) Actually I was out of the house all day, posting on my iphone or ipad. Which reminds me that I'm home now and should probably do my measurements...
  • sugarcrystal8
    sugarcrystal8 Posts: 38 Member
    Okay... measurements from yesterday:

    184 pounds
    14.25" neck
    43" bust
    36" waist
    43" hips

    Today I did a hardcore class at the gym that kicked my butt, LOL. Step aerobics mixed with intervals of circuit training with weights. About 20 min in I thought I was going to die, LOL, but I pushed through the full 60 min!

    Hope to see everyone else starting to put in towards their 300 minutes of exercise this week! Good luck!
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    I quite like the idea of this challenge and this group. I find I'm over committing to groups so I don't do them. And we're all in the same boat here :)
  • Choirgirl37
    If you want to post in Kilograms, I suppose that's fine. I hope you don't mind if I convert them (If I convert them, then I will convert the lbs to kgs too) so that everyone is aware of what is going on and we can feel like where on the same page. Once I converted them, i was so please to see that we're all close to the same weight! How about that :-) BTW, whatever happened to the spreadsheet?

    I'm aiming for 400 minutes of exercise this week. What is everyone else doing?

    I went to and composed the virtual model you see as my avatar. She weighs 150. You like?

    Hey SUGARCYRSTAL!!! I'm ttc in 2012 too. Best of luck to us both :-)
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    don't mind at all if you convert.

    I'm just gonna aim for the inital 300mins :| haven't done well so far. May actually go dancing tomorrow night. Maybe even tonight ... make up some of my mins ...
  • SereneRose
    SereneRose Posts: 499 Member
    Did an hour of exercise at the gym last night, still aiming towards the big 300. Not ashamed to say it hurt like hell especially since I did a lot of squats monday and now my thighs are shot but it also felt so good to get back into exercising.
    On a happy note small nsv - did jogging intervals on the treadmill and lasted longer than 15 seconds lol.

    Not put my measurements on here, emailed them to the challenge leader, maybe I should add here too.
  • sugarcrystal8
    sugarcrystal8 Posts: 38 Member
    Good luck to you too in TTC ChoirGirl!

    Well, yesterday I was too sore to go work out, LOL, I know I would've pulled a muscle or something. That's fine though, still on track for my 3000 min. Today it was Zumba and on Thursday I normally do 2 classes (Pilates & Zumba) so that makes up for yesterday, LOL.

    Food intake has been good and been keeping to 1480/day so I hope to see progress over the next few weeks! I have a big goal of dropping a good chunk of weight by October 6th when I take a trip and see a bunch of friends I haven't seen since last year. I'm hoping I look quite a bit different to them!
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    My food intake has been okay this week. On target (eating back some exercise). I'm gonna struggle meeting the 300mins. I think I'll go for an extended walk on Friday night or something.
  • Choirgirl37
    I don't know what's going on with me. I'm not normally this tired...


    8/21 90 minutes
    8/22 60 minutes
    8 23 50 minutes
    8/24 30 minutes

    Total =230/400
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    I don't know what's going on with me. I'm not normally this tired...


    8/21 90 minutes
    8/22 60 minutes
    8 23 50 minutes
    8/24 30 minutes

    Total =230/400

    I'm very tired lately. My adrenal glands have been overworking for ages so I have fatigue, have had for about a year. Starting to see a chiroprator. Energy levels are way down today.
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    I don't know what's going on with me. I'm not normally this tired...


    8/21 90 minutes
    8/22 60 minutes
    8 23 50 minutes
    8/24 30 minutes

    Total =230/400

    I'm very tired lately. My adrenal glands have been overworking for ages so I have fatigue, have had for about a year. Starting to see a chiroprator. Energy levels are way down today.
  • Petunia32
    I can convert from kgs to lbs, that's cool.

    I will have to opt out of any exercise challenges for the foreseeable future. I snapped four ligaments in my left ankle a month ago and it's healed a bit, but not a ton. I can walk for about half an hour max at a very moderate pace and then hurt for ages afterwards, though it's rained a lot this week so even that wasn't really happening. I am hoping it with time and working on it it will be back to normal soon, but this is the fourth time I've done the same injury and the joint is pretty messed up now. Physio is in my near future :(
  • Choirgirl37
    I can convert from kgs to lbs, that's cool.

    I will have to opt out of any exercise challenges for the foreseeable future. I snapped four ligaments in my left ankle a month ago and it's healed a bit, but not a ton. I can walk for about half an hour max at a very moderate pace and then hurt for ages afterwards, though it's rained a lot this week so even that wasn't really happening. I am hoping it with time and working on it it will be back to normal soon, but this is the fourth time I've done the same injury and the joint is pretty messed up now. Physio is in my near future :(

    Hey Lady!

    As my old-timer BIL would say, "Don't worry about what you ain't got; work with what you do got!" So, I say, work those arms. Can you do 100 (modified) jumping jacks? -Modified means no leg action. There's also shadow boxing. Plus, some Zumba moves are pretty low impact, and what about swimming?:smile: -I bet you could do 100 crunches if you really put your mind to it. One of my favorite things to do is resistance band training. I love the way it makes my muscles look long and lean. :-)

    I say this because if walking is painful for you, it would be so much better and useful to have painless exercises as part of your routine rather than having to experience that kind of agony every time you exercise.
  • Choirgirl37

    I'm very tired lately. My adrenal glands have been overworking for ages so I have fatigue, have had for about a year. Starting to see a chiroprator. Energy levels are way down today.

    I've always been afraid of chiroprators! I'm holding out for the super vitamins. OH! By the way! has anyone seen the ads/banner running on this page forsupplements to benefit those with PCOS? It is very interesting, I might order some. They're expensive!
  • sugarcrystal8
    sugarcrystal8 Posts: 38 Member
    Is the ad for InsuliteLabs? I haven't noticed the ads but I did try those supplements for 3 months but honestly I didn't notice any difference. No change in my period either. I was reading the testimonials and everyone was saying how it helped bring on a period and i was hoping for that myself, but nothing. It was expensive, $100 a month and it was 18 pills a day and I was taking it very strictly everyday. I just cancelled last week. Of course in 2 weeks I'll run out and then I'll notice if I feel different without it and decide if I need to get back on them.

    Anyway... here's mine for the week:

    8/21 - 0
    8/22 - 60
    8/23 - 0
    8/24 - 60
    8/25 - 60
    8/26 -
    8/27 -

    TOTAL 180/300
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    I'm very suscpicious of suppliments ... I ordered Liproxenol and there was a message board and everything and I thought "awesome! seems genuine!" did sh&t all for me. No food suppressant, no inches lost , no weight lost.

    This week (i also tend not to count *walking to and from work* as exercise)
    20/8: 40
    21/8: 0
    22/8: 30
    23/8: 25
    24/8: 30
    25/8: 0


  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    You go ladies..I have only 11 more till my would have been 40 total.

    so from one cyster to guys can kick butt..and get fit!
  • Choirgirl37
    Wow. 18 supplements a day -I can hardly remember to take 3 vitamins.

    I'm glad you told me because they market them so heavily to women with PCOS, and they make it seem like their products can reverse all of the symptoms. This was particuarly good news for me because I have a few hairs on my chin that are driving me insane. NSV: I shave less frequently :-) Instead of everyday, I only have to shave every 3 days :-)

    Chrystal, I hope you put an online review some place like Amazon so that others can save their money.

    Katie, normally I shy away from certain supplements. These particulary supplements were the first that I'd every heard of as specifically designed to reverse PCOS symptoms. From what I could gather from their web site, the ingredients were natural -herbs I'm not suggesting all herbs are good for us, but this information left me hopeful and curious, and at the same time I knew that there is no easy fix.
  • Choirgirl37
    You go ladies..I have only 11 more till my would have been 40 total.

    so from one cyster to guys can kick butt..and get fit!

    Join us anyway -I don't think the ladies would mind :-) For now, all you need to do is commit to 300 or 400 minutes of exercise per week.