New to this...

hkstubbs34 Posts: 4 Member
edited May 2019 in Motivation and Support
Hi community! This is my first time to join and share on a community so I’ll be learning!

I’ve joined because I need to support and I really need support. I’ve now been overweight for half my life. It has been a struggle in many ways over the years but now it’s really effecting my health. Now losing weight is a have to. I have come to believe, after many attempts to lose weight, that I can’t do it; I have to. So no more I can’t...I’ll battle that in my mind.

I’m an emotional eater and , shall I admit, greedy eater. I have to address these issues! Using Fitness Pal is a start...right?

Thanks for listening community. It sounds like I need goals for May:
1 - walk 3 times a week.
2 - call someone as I drive home to keep me from stopping for fast food.
3 - pray about it.
4 - follow Fitness Pal.

I believe that’s doable!

Thanks y’all!


  • Panini911
    Panini911 Posts: 2,325 Member
    welcome and good luck.

    If i may add some thoughts

    - I would work on having dinner planned and ready (or quick to prepare) so that you at least remove the motivation of "there is nothing for dinner" or "it will take forever to plan dinner" from reasons to stop for fast food VS rely on self motivation. Work on meal prep and quick meal ideas. make things YOU LIKE not "diet food". again this will help you go home to eat.
    - but fast food could still work if you order things within your calorie goal. maybe plan 1 fast food meal a week but something that fits in your goal.
    - get a food scale, weigh all your food and carefully chose diary entries. the key to weight loss is staying in a calorie deficit over time.
    - look into volume eating. i am a "big" eater, i need volume. So i bulk meals with some foods low in calories. here is a thread on the topic

    here is a link to some helpful starting tips
  • hkstubbs34
    hkstubbs34 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you Panini911 !!!!
  • TamaraLoe
    TamaraLoe Posts: 7 Member
    edited May 2019
    I think Benjamin Franklin said, "If you are failing to plan, you are planning to fail."
    You are off to a good start--planning not failing! I agree with Panini911--plan your dinner. Plan all your meals. Do meal prep so you HAVE something to go to. I have used other apps--most recent WW app with their Fitpoints--but I find that MyFitnessPal tells me SO MUCH MORE info that helps me. The Fitpoints didn't tell me calories or macros. Nothing. I like MyFitnessPal so much that I asked my kids to get me a year subscription for Mother's Day! They agreed! So this morning, I am now a Premium member, and I am excited. :) I truly, truly hope you do well, HKStubbs34. Joining this community will be a great tool for you as well! Forums are always very helpful!
  • hkstubbs34
    hkstubbs34 Posts: 4 Member
    Yay kids...they love their momma! I’ve been looking around on the app and am enjoying all the recipes and articles! Okay so be a it! I’m going to try it ladies. Thank you!