Frantic about adhering to the "right" calorie intake? Read t



  • Hil1987
    Hil1987 Posts: 6
    Love this! Thank you! :)
  • stroutman81
    stroutman81 Posts: 2,474 Member
    You're welcome.
  • njean888
    njean888 Posts: 399 Member
    This is a wonderful post. Thank you
  • stroutman81
    stroutman81 Posts: 2,474 Member
    You're welcome! Thanks for reading.
  • Adrenaline_Queen
    Adrenaline_Queen Posts: 626 Member
    Over load on my brain............... Time to sit away from the computer and come back later, this is a rest day, that means my brain too!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    Pssssssssssstttttttttttt but thank you all so much, you do all know I will have to read every last word xxxxxxxxxx
  • stroutman81
    stroutman81 Posts: 2,474 Member
    You're welcome... let me know if you need anything cleared up.
  • stroutman81
    stroutman81 Posts: 2,474 Member
  • Lacole216
  • i_am_asparagus
    i_am_asparagus Posts: 336 Member
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member

    I've had women ramp up to maintenance over a month's time and while doing so, remove exercise. Then they'd stay at maintenance for a week or so and by then, things should be settled enough where they can start back at the original goal but this time using much saner parameters.

    Hopefully this is at least a start to answering what I think was a great question. Let me know.

    I've found this to be true for myself-- I lost 25 lbs and plateaued, so I ate maintenance for 3 months or so (without gaining) and then went back to a deficit and have started losing quickly again.

    Great read, thanks!
  • babyblues4
    babyblues4 Posts: 241 Member
    Yes, I am currently 149 lbs. I mis-typed, but meant to say I am at 1300 calories/day, and have been at that about 2 1/2 weeks. However, it's been surprisingly tough, after being at 1500/day for a few months before that.

    I track everything I eat in MFP, but do not have a digital scale. I use measuring cups when eating at home, but often eat on the go. When possible, I go to national chains that have posted nutritional info. I know what you say about people, even nutritionists, under-reporting, and I try to be conscious of that.

    Watch this video.

    This morning I decided to weigh my Peanut butter instead of my normal way Eyeballing ... I couldn't believe I was eating a tablespoon MORE then I thought I was!! Funny that I came accross your post here just after this!
    I'm weighing my food from now on.

    Thanks for all your great advice steve!
    FITnFIRM4LIFE Posts: 818 Member
  • Lizzie2As
    Lizzie2As Posts: 30 Member
  • Enginette
    Enginette Posts: 123 Member
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
  • stroutman81
    stroutman81 Posts: 2,474 Member
    Yes, I am currently 149 lbs. I mis-typed, but meant to say I am at 1300 calories/day, and have been at that about 2 1/2 weeks. However, it's been surprisingly tough, after being at 1500/day for a few months before that.

    I track everything I eat in MFP, but do not have a digital scale. I use measuring cups when eating at home, but often eat on the go. When possible, I go to national chains that have posted nutritional info. I know what you say about people, even nutritionists, under-reporting, and I try to be conscious of that.

    Watch this video.

    This morning I decided to weigh my Peanut butter instead of my normal way Eyeballing ... I couldn't believe I was eating a tablespoon MORE then I thought I was!! Funny that I came accross your post here just after this!
    I'm weighing my food from now on.

    Thanks for all your great advice steve!

    Man alive, if only more people would understand this! Glad you figured it out.
  • ksmorck
    ksmorck Posts: 82 Member
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Bump for new members...
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Bump for new members...

    Respect :)
  • MeowserKitty
    First let me express how much I respect you. Alright
    My issue is that I lost the weight (Near 13-15 lbs, so not too much) but my expenditure and intake was very erratic. Sometimes way undersonsuming sometimes over. Now I have tried to adjust things because I really wish to maintain, but it has been hell.. I'm newly 18 (so age is on my side), was once a XC runner and exercise around 3x a week for like half an hour or so (I do a bit of weights also) I am a uni student but this is my confusion. I am not sure my activity level. During the week I walk to classes, sit in quite a few, stand in a few, then go to rehearsals which are standing around, light dancing, easy stuff. I also walk to dining hall, up and down floors on occassion, down halls to the bathroom.... but I also sit a decent amount. (studyyy) Right now I think I am averaging 1400 on my intake, not sure if I am gaining or losing or staying. I just had TOM (went up to 119) but before my workout today I was down to around 115 again. (I was around 112 for a bit, so I may have gained some. That I'm fine with, I just don't want to gain more)

    I'm 5'4.5
    115 approx.