How many of you go to a gym?



  • AZTrailRunner
    AZTrailRunner Posts: 1,199 Member
    Just tell him "it would make me happy". Any man worth his salt shouldn't say "no" when his woman says that!
  • mommyoftwins05
    mommyoftwins05 Posts: 645 Member
    Here in Phoenix, we have a gym that is that cheap (Pure Fitness). They may have $99 enrollment fee, and some do, and some don't require a year membership. Just give them a call.

    Ok thanks yeah I will call and ask.. see if I have to pay more.. If I do i'll wait.. but it its really that cheap then I'll talk to the fiancee more about it
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    Well I can understand what he is saying about possibly wasting money, notsomuch the harassing men. lol (that maybe a little insecurity). Listen a gym membership isn't so bad if you are going to use it. And at 12.99 that is a great deal. I pay $25 per month for a 24hr membership and I love it. I dont go every day but I try to go at the minimum twice a week, sometimes I go even more it just depends on a number of things I am a single mother to two girls, so I find myself working out a lot at home so that they can workout with me or I can at least be home since I'm at work most of the day. I may take a class once during the week, get up early on Saturday and take a class or two and maybe once during the week go really late, like after my littlest one is sleep to run on the treadmill. Its worth it to me because I am serious. I didnt use to be years ago and wasted a lot of money on membership. You need to first ask yourself am I serious and what is my commitment level and who will be my accountability person, because you really need one. Best of luck to you on your journey. We are all in this together! Blessings Alibreasy (Alicia)
  • Run4UrHealth
    Run4UrHealth Posts: 348 Member
    Your husband is partly right, those are facts for SOME of the people who try the gym, however, just as many people stick with it without issue, or else the entire "gym" idea would go down the drain.

    For $13 a month, what do you stand to lose (besides weight). I'll spend that in a couple days at Starbucks! I say you should do it!

    Yeah thats what the sign said.. does that seem extremely cheap? Just wonder if you have to sign up for a year or somethingaheadof time.. which I hope not

    you may have to sign into a contract....
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    I go to our YMCA gym. My husband encourages me to go. I doubt any man would want me looking all nasty and sweaty! Hahaha! Have him go work out with you if he does not want you going. But really...he needs to work on some trust issues if he is worried about you finding someone else at the gym. If couples would do more together the whole trust issue would not be a problem! :)

    You would be surprised! Guys like girls who workout xD A lot of sweat just means you are working hard!
  • Bankman1989
    Bankman1989 Posts: 1,116 Member
    He doesn't have to go, but why do you need his permission? Don't make his lame reasoning an excuse not to go. It's 12.99 a month or $.40 cents a day even if you don't do it. You will get more benefit if you use it 1 week out of the month. I pay $12 a month for 24 hour fitness. I have had it since 1995. I kept it even when I didn't go to the gym. With some people paying $50 a month there it's definitely a bargain.

    Maybe you joining will get him to go. Guys are gonna gawk on the street at the grocery's not a no gawking zone but if you go there and work out and be serious guy will not approach often.
  • skittybang
    skittybang Posts: 1,525 Member
    He thinks they are a waste of money.. Usually people pay for a gym membership and never go - it's not that this isn't true but if you seriously commit to go just 4 x a week, that's not even a dollar per visit!

    He said he doesn't want guys harrassing me - I've been a member of multiple gyms since I was in my teens - NEVER have been harassed. Sometimes after a while, one of the regulars may approach you to chit chat, but normally everyone is there for themselves.

    It's an excellent investment.
  • Sweet_Pandora
    Sweet_Pandora Posts: 459 Member
    I go to a gym 4 to 5 days a week on my lunch for my workout and we have a have a home gym with a TM.

    As far as being hit on at my gym I guess it depends what time you go at. I know at lunch at my gym everyone is focused on getting in, getting their workout done and getting back to work.

    All the best.

  • LoveleeB
    LoveleeB Posts: 560 Member
    Good God, I wish my gym membership was only $12.99 per month! I pay $50 but it is so worth it. Plus, I am motivated to go work out because I am paying for it! lol

    I say just give it a try for a month or so and see if you use it.
  • nurse_carolyn
    I go to a gym and I love it......I don't live in a huge town so you end up seeing the same people there (friendly faces) it reminds me of MFP :laugh:
  • leynak
    leynak Posts: 963 Member
    I don't right now but I would love to be able to. Most of my time I have my kids so I get to do videos & things at home..haha - But oh wouldn't I love the extra "alone" time :smile: & that does seem like a great price
  • rebeccask
    rebeccask Posts: 170
    Get a gym membership! I have one and it goes in phases of constant use and limited, but for $13 and not far from your home I would. I think a lot of the reasons why people don't go/use it is convenience....conveniently located and times it is open.
  • abbyrabbit
    abbyrabbit Posts: 5 Member
    I joined a gym a few months back and I go all the time. I just like to use the elliptical and the treadmill and listen to my iPod. I go for about 40 minutes at least every other day. It helps keep my mood up. If I don't go for a few days I get depressed. So not only is it good for burning calories but also for your mood. :)
  • brokenartist
    brokenartist Posts: 52 Member
    I did the gym thing a while back and then let it go, never went...but that was before I was serious about getting fit. Now Im up and at the gym 4-5 days a week at 5:20 in the morning. If you have the drive you will go, if its a "current trend" that you are rolling with you wont.

    As far as the harassment thing...yeah, id say self-esteem...he doesnt want you to find complements from other people. For me, when my wife tells me about this guy or that guy checking her out, my response is "duh...cause you're freakin hot" and I take it as a complement.
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    I really want to go to this gym right down the street from me. Its 24 hrs and its 12.99 a month.

    I mentioned it to the fiancee.. He said no...

    Here are his reasons..

    He thinks they are a waste of money.. Usually people pay for a gym membership and never go
    He said he doesn't want guys harrassing me
    I'm thinking there might be a little low self esteem there too...maybe he thinks i'll meet someone there.. who knows

    I wanna go there mainly for the treadmill. I see how much you all burn on those...

    Do you make your own money? Pay for yourself. $12.99 a month for a gym is cheap. Mines $38 and it's not 24 hour.

    You're going to be more inclined to pay and go if it's auto-pay. Try it out on a pay as you go basis for the first month or two. See how you do. If you don't go at least 3/4 of the time, stop paying.

    Guys in my gym don't bother the girls in the gym, and so on. That's a ****ty reason.

    There are other benefits to going to a gym, seems like he's trying to hold you back.

    When I started, I figured I'd do it for a week or two - now, I'm up at 5:30 to be at the gym before work and going after work. I do skip some nights each week but I more than make up for it by riding my bike, minimum of 12 hours.

    I've also met some pretty cool people at the gym as well.
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member

    Here are his reasons..

    He thinks they are a waste of money.. Usually people pay for a gym membership and never go
    He said he doesn't want guys harrassing me
    I'm thinking there might be a little low self esteem there too...maybe he thinks i'll meet someone there.. who knows

    I wanna go there mainly for the treadmill. I see how much you all burn on those...

    I go to a gym 6 days a week, so definitely not a waste of money.
    Guys harrass me, I don't pay attention to them and half the time, my husband is there with me
    If he has a low self esteem, ask him to go with you to help him see you are not going for other guys and maybe help incrase his self esteem, too.
  • HappyathomeMN
    HappyathomeMN Posts: 498 Member
    Stop in, find out the details on the pricing (I pay WAY more than that!)

    I love going to the gym and I enjoy it even more when the BF goes with. We don't have to work out together, but I do like lifting weights together. We always find something to chat about later that had occurred at the gym.

    It's not a waste of money as long as you use it. You might also find that you are more willing to try some equipment since you have access to it as well.
  • lauren0804
    I think it depends on the person. I tried to save a few bucks and not go to the gym and try to workout at home. I bought all the stuff and just wasn't motivated enough. The gym is the ideal fit for me, it motivates me and my gym offers classes that I love doing. It depends what you are looking to do for your exercise routine. I go every morning on the way to work, so I make time to fit it in. It's a waste of money if you don't go and and the gym doesn't have anything you like.

    As far as the money being low, I would just look around before committing to a gym. My gym is accross the street from my work, so it's easy for me to go. My gym was only $15 a month and it had a lot to offer, then I increased my membership for a few dollars more to take the classes. It's not unheard of for gym to have low rates. Just read the contract and be aware of enrollment fees too.

    Good Luck in whatever you decide.
  • Run4UrHealth
    Run4UrHealth Posts: 348 Member
    Do you have a Planet Fitness near you?...we have one here and it is really reasonable and you can use them all over the world when you travel also. Certain packages allow tanning and massage chairs. I have never been but I have heard a lot of great things about it.
  • linsben
    linsben Posts: 108 Member
    WOW In Toronto gym memberships can be as high has $26 for two weeks. That a regular gym. I go to the YMCA because its cheaper and that 45$ a month. I have wasted my money before on gym memberships but the ymca lets you go from month to if you stop using it you can just cancel. i have been going regularly since 2009. If you WANT to go i think you will and i think $12.99 is great value!