May Challenge: Maintainers Back on Track Thread

This challenge is specific to Maintainers who may have lost a little enthusiasm along the journey to better health or simply need to refocus efforts - let’s use this space as a discussion / accountability thread to get back on track and ultimately back in goal range. Check in as often as you like (weekly or bi-weekly preferred).

I just ask that you focus on up to three things:

1. Your current goal - can be big (like run a 10k or lose 10 lbs by Memorial Day) or small (like eat at a deficit 2 days a week or lose 1/2 lb a week)
2. Recent success - this can be tied to your goal (lost 3 lbs!) or a completely separate NSV (lost a pant size or ran a mile without stopping)
3. (NEW OPTIONAL) Strategy - how are you planning to meet your goal?

Here goes...

How long in maintenance:
Goal maintenance range:
Current weight:
Current goal:
Recent success:
Strategy for your goal:


  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    So happy this thread is continuing. Wishing everyone a successful May, back on track!
  • Fatgonegirl
    Fatgonegirl Posts: 126 Member

    Name: Fatgonegirl
    How long in maintenance: 10 months since declared goal (130lbs) but put on 11lbs between December and April
    Goal maintenance range: 128-132lbs
    Current weight:133lbs
    Current goal: Get to the bottom of the range by the end of the month
    Recent success: Lost 8lbs of winter weight in April
    Strategy for your goal: Log, eat in deficit, keep activity level up.
  • psychod787
    psychod787 Posts: 4,088 Member
    nowine4me wrote: »
    How long in maintenance: 3 years
    Goal maintenance range: 125-135, 5-7”
    Current weight: 145
    Current goal: for my shorts to fit
    Recent success: hit weekly deficit goal last week
    Strategy for your goal: stop eating crap processed vegan food

    Listening to you has introduced me to Jeff Novick. I like his takes on caloric density.
  • sofchak
    sofchak Posts: 862 Member
    jan110144 wrote: »
    My attempt at losing last month was a bust. I'm up another pound. Still within my 5 pound window, but barely (124.4). I know why. Most days were over goal by 200-600 calories. I am still trying to eat as I normally do but with 10 miles a week less running, it's not possible to keep the weight from creeping up. That 900 calories makes a big difference.

    I feel for you. Exercise is so impt, not just for allowing a few more calories but also, for me, it works as an appetite suppressor. I find it much easier to make good choices when I get the e exercise in.

    Alllll of this I can relate to recently. Ugh.

  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    Getting easier (at least for now). I ha e really focused on making sure that I eat enough and have not had any issues with bingeing since.

    Went out to dinner with friends yesterday. "Banked" some calories so I could indulge. Chosecsalmon for dinner and actually ended under for the day. Had a yummy, favorite evening snack later to make sure I met daily calorie intake. Felt really good about choices and how things are going in general.

  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,101 Member
    jan110144 wrote: »
    Getting easier (at least for now). I ha e really focused on making sure that I eat enough and have not had any issues with bingeing since.

    Went out to dinner with friends yesterday. "Banked" some calories so I could indulge. Chosecsalmon for dinner and actually ended under for the day. Had a yummy, favorite evening snack later to make sure I met daily calorie intake. Felt really good about choices and how things are going in general.

    @jan110144 I’m so happy for you! (And I’m taking notes as I’m right behind you!)