Anyone else hate running?



  • CharlieCharlie007
    CharlieCharlie007 Posts: 246 Member
    I hate running....shhhhhhh!!!! But, I climb 5000-6000 stairs a day.
  • emmies_123
    emmies_123 Posts: 513 Member
    The first time I played Beat Saber I ended up playing it 3 hours and not even noticing. my shoulders were sore the next day though!
  • Joanna2012B
    Joanna2012B Posts: 1,448 Member
    I absolutely love running....but I thought I would chime in anyway...LOL!!

    I also love cycling and weight training!!!
  • echmain3
    echmain3 Posts: 231 Member
    I hate running....shhhhhhh!!!! But, I climb 5000-6000 stairs a day.

    Holy Hannah!

    There are only 2109 in the Sears Tower!

    You must have leg muscles of iron by now.

  • mpca66
    mpca66 Posts: 6 Member
    Yup, straight up hate it. I like rowing though :-)
  • Strongfitmama100412
    Strongfitmama100412 Posts: 90 Member
    Not a fan of running. I don't want the "runners" body either and I find it so boring. I love sprinting though. HIIT training is what I love. I do this 2 days a week. Friday I do 3 miles, Sundays 4 miles. I do walk, jog and sprint intervals. I go with the music. Fast song, I sprint for 30 sec and recover for 30 secs repeat. Slow song hill climbs, etc. or walk for 5min , jog for 5 min, sprints for 5 mins (30 sec on 30 sec off) and then repeat until I do it for 45 in or an hour.
    On the other days I lift heavy 3 days a week, spin another day, and tabata train (HIIT training) and lighter weights 2 days a week. I mix it up and train everyday.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Hello, I’m coleen and I hate running. There... I said it... whew.
    What are your favorite types of exercise that AREN’T running?
    I’ve found walking to be the most convenient, but I also do love swimming. I think I may need to take lessons again though because I don’t feel very coordinated while doing laps 😂

    I hate running and haven't done it in years. I love cycling and do a bit of swimming.
  • ChrisCatMama
    ChrisCatMama Posts: 1,038 Member
    I can’t run due to my flat feet and recovery from a torn band. I use a portable Exercycle at home and work my arms while cycling with wrist weights. I also do some low impact cardio and strength training.
    But I try to get out walking when I have the time. 😌
  • emeraldwoods4214
    emeraldwoods4214 Posts: 177 Member
    Yes! Sometimes I feel like I have two left feet. Maybe if my parents had gotten me into gymnastics or dance when I was younger I would be more coordinated... but I was busy climbing trees and rollerblading around 🤣
  • aokoye
    aokoye Posts: 3,495 Member
    GiddyupTim wrote: »
    It's sad that there has been such proselytizing of running that people feel guilty if they don't like it.
    It shouldn't be a big deal. None of us like everything.

    Agreed. It's the trap of it being "convenient" in that "you only need running shoes".
  • MikePTY
    MikePTY Posts: 3,814 Member
    aokoye wrote: »
    GiddyupTim wrote: »
    It's sad that there has been such proselytizing of running that people feel guilty if they don't like it.
    It shouldn't be a big deal. None of us like everything.

    Agreed. It's the trap of it being "convenient" in that "you only need running shoes".

    I also feel like it's been built up as the definition of what a "fit" person is. Like to be considered athletic, you need to be good at running.

    Sometimes I feel like I'm not athletic because I can barely run down the street, but then I can handle 15 rounds of full contact, full body sparring. So runners may be more athletic than me in certain ways, but I am in others.

    Running is great for those who enjoy it, but it is certainly not the be all and end all of deifning what athletic means.
  • emeraldwoods4214
    emeraldwoods4214 Posts: 177 Member
    Thanks for teaching me a new word! I’ve never heard that one before. “Proselyte” 🤗
  • damianromero2014
    damianromero2014 Posts: 4 Member
    Hiya Emerald!
    I’m not a huge fan of running either but a short run helps get the blood flowing as a warmup. I’m in Florida so it’s easy to throw in a quick mile.
    Where do you live?
  • emeraldwoods4214
    emeraldwoods4214 Posts: 177 Member
    Hey buddy! I’m in FL too! Gainesville specifically... go gators!
    I will speed walk the hell out of 5 miles easily and it’s enjoyable for me. As soon as I try to up the pace to a slow jog, my brain shuts down and I start hating life. 😂
  • Tankiscool
    Tankiscool Posts: 11,105 Member
    I've always hated running for a workout.
    I played sports growing up, never hated running in those besides suicides lol but running for a workout kills me lol I do enjoy walking tho!
  • emeraldwoods4214
    emeraldwoods4214 Posts: 177 Member
    Oh man I remember doing suicides in middle school... those were the worst! We had to do them on the tennis team and basketball team. Then I became a theater kid in high school and left the intense cardio alone 😋
  • funjen1972
    funjen1972 Posts: 949 Member
    I ❤️ Running. Please do not throw things at me.

    The elliptical is pure torture 🤬🤬🤬
  • emeraldwoods4214
    emeraldwoods4214 Posts: 177 Member
    Hey this is a no judgement zone! My aunt is a marathon runner and I admire the hell out of her and anyone else who can push their bodies to those limits! I guess I didn’t get the runner’s gene 😋