Eating healthy = unhealthy cravings?!

Before I started eating healthy, I never had a sweet tooth. And it wasn't because I would eat sweet things on a regular basis. I just ate what I wanted, and I was mostly a carbs person. Since changing my eating habits, I've found I have quite the sweet tooth and I get super hungry at night! I'm thinking this could be my downfall.

I'm curious if anyone else has this issue and how they cope! Here are a few things I've tried
For my sweet tooth... dark chocolate, frozen yogurt, or Skinny Cow icecream sandwiches.
For my night cravings... hot tea, oatmeal, whole wheat toast w/ peanut butter, just going to bed and forgetting about it

These have been temporary fixes but I really let myself off the leash last night. At midnight I was standing in my kitchen eating from the tupperware leftover pasta, then went to bed. Ugh I need some help!


  • innerfashionista
    innerfashionista Posts: 451 Member
    Sugar free candies are a great way to curb the sweet tooth. Also, fruit!

    For eating late at night, my suggestion is to listen to your body. Are you really hungry, or just bored? If I'm bored, I just go to bed.
  • skinnylove00
    skinnylove00 Posts: 662 Member
    at night i just brush my teeth and put on my retainers!! haha all cravings are skillfully avoided because i know i am far too lazy to brush my teeth and retainers again :)
  • banjjo
    banjjo Posts: 89
    This can be my problem at times too! I don't know what triggers it and what doesn't it. But going to bed is the best solution for me also, and like you said, if I can get there. One of the things I found that helps me personally, is sugar free pudding and jello. Low cal, fills me up, and tastes good for hardly any calories. I think your substitutions are good too, I do those also! If I'm out of jello or pudding I get my peanut butter/sweet/ice-cream fix by mixing a tiny bit of peanut butter with greek yogurt and low cal sweetener and freeze it. So yummy.

    Speaking of eating healthy though and getting worse cravings. When I was doing low-carb years ago, I lost all my weight and never had a sweet tooth. It was so strange. Now though, with low cal, I have. But not only that, I started, just out of the blue, cravings things that disgusted me, like peanut butter, maple syrup, and ketchup. Peanut butter is the worse. It used to literally make me nauseous just to smell it.
  • army_cobra
    army_cobra Posts: 136 Member
    Throw the junk food away and keep more fruit that is sweet. I use to love junk food and it was hard to stop eating it when i started caring more about my body. Now that i have been doing it for years i dont even crave it or like the taste of it. I cant remember the last time i ate at a fast food restaurant. Just be stronge and tell yourself NO
  • Balsam1951
    I've been dieting for 40 years off and on. I've always battled being hungriest in the evenings and night. I always crave something sweet after I eat dinner. I have no idea why it was that way, when I was on high protein diets but on any diet. I just suffered through it. Perhaps it is just our particular make up that makes us hungry later in the day and crave sweets. I've tried the sugar free stuff but it sort of leaves me feeling deprived.

    I'm starting again for the 1000th time, but now I'm sticking to calories and not cutting out food I like I just limit how much I eat of it. I cut out the high protein diets because I can lose but then gain it all back. I just want to eat healthy feel satisfied and have something a little sweet after my meals and I feel good. I've lost about 1 lb a week and that is ok. I work on 20 to 30 lbs at a time and don't focus on the total I need to lose which is over 100 lbs. I don't punch myself if I go over the calories but must 99% of the time I am under on calories and surprised I have any left.

    I feel more positive about losing this time I think I'm being more realistic just trying to get 1/2 to 1 lb off a week. I don't feel deprived or sorry for myself.

  • Balsam1951
    TO: Army_Cobra
    My son who is 23 lost 80 lbs so he could join the Navy a year and 1/2 ago. He stopped all the junk food didn't eat out except at subway occasionally and he has kept the weight off and he is now in the Navy. He inspired me to get on the ball and start losing and get healther. I saw your picture it reminded me of my son and his positive attitude. Good going on your weight loss.

    Balsam 1951