Worst Plateau Ever.

Okay... So I was on a plateau but I was dealing with it. Now, however, all my pals on here are catching up to me. Im not talking like 5-10lbs catching up... I'm talking like 20-40. Seriously??? I am so ticked.... I should have been so much closer to goal by now and I'm not, and it sucks. I've tried switching things up, eating different foods, taking a break, upping cals, lowering cals, doing different exercises... nothing is working and I'm starting to get past just being frustrated and becoming actually angry and resentful. Not just to myself, not just at my body or slow weightloss, but even at the people who are succeeding so well while I sit here failing.

-sigh- It's not a good place to be mentally...


  • papastu
    papastu Posts: 737 Member
    I know the feeling, been a long while for me also but the way I have been looking at it is like this :-

    1 } im eating healthier
    2 } im fitter
    3 } im not gaining weight :happy:

    im sure if we stick with it our bodies will respond

  • spaingirl2011
    spaingirl2011 Posts: 763 Member
    I'm totally in the same boat. I really don't know what to do at this point. I still have almost 30lbs to lose, and I've only managed to lose 2 since July (because I over exercised and undernourished myself). Two! I eat mostly whole foods, drink lots of water, get in 45 minutes of exercise 5 times a week, weight train, I occasionally splurge .... I've upped calories, tried to net 1200, tried to net the full 1400, set my weight loss goal to 1lb a week.

    Totally understand your frustration
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Okay... So I was on a plateau but I was dealing with it. Now, however, all my pals on here are catching up to me. Im not talking like 5-10lbs catching up... I'm talking like 20-40. Seriously??? I am so ticked.... I should have been so much closer to goal by now and I'm not, and it sucks. I've tried switching things up, eating different foods, taking a break, upping cals, lowering cals, doing different exercises... nothing is working and I'm starting to get past just being frustrated and becoming actually angry and resentful. Not just to myself, not just at my body or slow weightloss, but even at the people who are succeeding so well while I sit here failing.

    -sigh- It's not a good place to be mentally...
    I took a quick look at your food diary and while it looks like you're staying within your goal every day, there is almost no fruits and vegetables there, at least not within the last few days. It also looks like most of your calories are coming from processed carbs, upwards of 300 grams per day.

    I recently broke a 6 week plateau simply by cutting out processed carbs and limiting them to under 100 grams per day. I kept my calories and exercise level the same and the weight started dropping off again. Watch the processed breads, white rice, pastas and sugar and get your carbs from whole grains and vegetables and see if that doesn't give you some results, too.

    ETA: It occurred to me that your recent diet might be more from frustration than it being your usual habit and if it is understand that I didn't look back more than a few days.
  • Lissaannco
    Lissaannco Posts: 39 Member
    I'm right there with you! Been holding at my current weight for about 2 weeks now.....don't know if I should be happy because at least I'm maintaining or cry because I've stalled out! :sad: I've been trying to change things up: calories lower, calories higher, electrolytes, different exercise, but nothing seems to be working. The really bad thing is that I'm only 1/2 way to my goal....I still have at least 70 more pounds to go. My husband seems to be moving right along with his weight loss and is almost to his goal. He has almost caught up to my total amount lost (even though I started losing a month before him) and sometimes that makes me very mad. :mad: I'm sorry I don't have any good advice to give you....just want to let you know that you are NOT alone! I'm gonna try to stay positive and hopefully things will start moving along again soon!! :flowerforyou:
  • dezedeze
    dezedeze Posts: 96 Member
    I agree with sfoust...I took a peek in your diary for the past week or so, and would definitely suggest trying to scale back the processed, refined carbs a bit and adding in some more fruits and veggies! You may find that adjustment alone will make a huge difference.

    Also, what are you doing for exercise? I notice you haven't logged any lately...but sometimes mixing up your exercise routine and getting new muscles involved will help break through a plateau.

    Bottom line is: keep at it! You've done a fantastic job so far, this is just an obstacle that needs to be overcome.
  • JennBona
    JennBona Posts: 255 Member
    I had a look at your diary as well...you might want to change your diary settings to start tracking sodium, sugar and fibre. Sodium and sugar can reak havoc on your weightloss...I agree on the processed foods they are so bad and full of sodium.

    Dont give up :happy:
  • LauraDubbleya
    LauraDubbleya Posts: 79 Member
    It's hard to break a plateau. I know.. I haven't gotten past my present weight in 8 months!! It's almost a process of elimination for me right now. I'm eating too many carbs, so this week I'll try to cut back. Next week, I might try more protein.

    I know, by your posts, that you're on a tight budget and have kids and so your foods are probably whatever you can afford, like me. It's hard to buy fresh or organic foods when you're working with a small amount of money. I don't have the answer to that either, because i"m doing the same thing.

    Finally, don't ever compare yourself to how others are doing. If I did that, you'd constantly depress me because you've lost 58 lbs so far and I've lost 2!!! lol. Just keep doing what you're doing, knowing that 58 lbs lost is an AMAZING accomplishment. Wave that banner proudly, girl!

    It'll come off eventually. Thats what I keep telling myself!!