Weight won’t budge


Hey guys- so I’m 5’8. I’m used to being around 125 and the past two years I’ve shot up to 133, then now on birth control I’m 135. Literally no matter what I do. I’m tired and feel hungry all the time. I’m about to say f it and just eat whatever bc I’m trying so hard and just think it’s bizarre


  • Panini911
    Panini911 Posts: 2,325 Member
    so what are you doing in order to lose weight and how long has it been?

    you are already wellll within your healthy weight range. so:
    - put your stats in MFP, select a rate of loss of 0.5lb/a week.
    - get a food scale, weight EVERYTHING
    - carefully select entries in MFP
    - ensure you track everything
    - patience. the vanity pounds take patience and a rate of loss of 0.5lb/a week is often masked by normal weight fluctuations.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member

    Hey guys- so I’m 5’8. I’m used to being around 125 and the past two years I’ve shot up to 133, then now on birth control I’m 135. Literally no matter what I do. I’m tired and feel hungry all the time. I’m about to say f it and just eat whatever bc I’m trying so hard and just think it’s bizarre

    Both weights are in the lower end of the healthy weight range for your height, so to lose weight you will need to be detailed and patient. Set your goal to lose 0.5lbs per week, log accurately and consistently - using a food scale for ALL solids and double checking the accuracy of the database entries you choose, and understand that water weight fluctuations can easily cover up that 0.5lb of fat so you simply won't see the scale move every week.



    And honestly, there is nothing wrong with 5'8 135lbs. If you would rather stay there than deal with losing the weight that's a perfectly reasonable choice :drinker:
  • Cakey321
    Cakey321 Posts: 6 Member
    You’re so kind. I appreciate your honest and realistic reply. It’s hard when you’re used to a certain size.

    I struggled with anorexia for a while (worst 10 years ago) I and worked really hard to accept a weight at 125 ish for seeing it jump up can be triggering and I don’t want that.

    Thank you for your advice
  • Cakey321
    Cakey321 Posts: 6 Member
    Panini911 (I don’t know how to reply to just your comment lol help!) so when I saw it jump up two years ago I would wax/wane exercise and calorie counting. My BIGGEST struggle is I bartend and don’t have a consistent schedule, the lack of sleep makes me crave weird things and I’m sure it’s messing with cortisole fight/flight.

    I am not consistent, however it used to be different- I would check myself for a bit, weight will fall off. I guess seeing a change in my body in general is the problem.

    Thank you for your reply!
  • PoundsOfJules
    PoundsOfJules Posts: 28 Member
    You look great to me!! Are you looking to hit that 125 number or are you looking to tone up a bit more? Maybe a bit of weightlifting will help you when you look in the mirror?
  • MichelleSilverleaf
    MichelleSilverleaf Posts: 2,028 Member
    I think you need to ask yourself whether the problem is your figure or the number on the scale. Because you do look great, and the number on the scale shouldn't take away from that.
  • Cakey321
    Cakey321 Posts: 6 Member
    You’re so sweet. Somtimes we need to hear that when we struggle with society. It is the # that is stuck in my head. I always think it’s possible to tone up :) thank you