Think my husband is sabotaging me....



  • BellySoonGone
    OK...DH has been making comments here and there about how I'm getting all healthy and fit and I'm going to meet someone at the gym and leave him. He says he's just joking but it's getting annoying.

    Even yesterday I came home from the gym and he said he was at the store and thought of me. He bought a bag of dark chocolate M&Ms. OMG...seriously?!? So I didn't touch them, then I go into the room and there's a smiley face of M&Ms on my pillow. Geesh! Well, of course I ate them! Then I went downstairs and did 30 min Shred.

    He's always coming over to me offering me something junkie and now he's questioning me...who'd ya have in the car. Uhhhh no one! His paranoia is starting to tick me off! First he wants to keep me fat so I won't leave him and now it seems he's checking up on me like I do have someone in the wings! OMG!!!!

    Anyone else have these issues???

    Just tell him we're not dating....baaaaahhhh
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Try looking up, "is my spouse cheating" its basically, working out. caring about yourself. looking better. going to new places (the gym).

    My wife has been semi supportive. She thinks tracking everything, everyday is dumb. She leaves the boxes of stuff she used to make dinner out though.
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    I would perhaps bringing this subject up to your husband rather than strangers, but that's just what I would do. And don't blame him because you didn't have the willpower to take the M&Ms off of your pillow and throw them out. Sounds like he was just trying to be sweet, but again, just my opinion.
  • eates
    eates Posts: 334 Member
    Tell him you're too busy messing with his DVR to find someone new... :)
  • kmcgrath1
    kmcgrath1 Posts: 175 Member
    Tell him you're too busy messing with his DVR to find someone new... :)

    Now that was funny!!!! He did appreciate it. Was just mad he didn't come up with it.
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member

    Sounds like he can't handle the change too well, i cant understand guys like that surely he must want a happier, healthier, sexier, you?

    This sounds harsh but drag him with you to the gym or on a run or move on to a fitter sexier model and get your self an upgrade.

    uh, okay. and if this happened to you?? here's my hand, use it for your own *face palm*

    I agree that his comment was less than helpful. It's obvious people post about this stuff so that they know they can get through it. Telling her to "upgrade" isn't giving her any hope that she can try to make it better or much hope about their marriage.