Slim in 6

Hello Everyone.

I really want to start doing Slim in 6 today BUT I have misplaced my calendar. Does ANYONE have theirs that they can maybe e-mail it to me or something? Heeelp!!!


  • crystalmichelle82
    I can probably find it for you since I'm with Beachbody. Let me look it up.
  • Yahmeena1986
    Thank You!!!

  • AliDarling
    AliDarling Posts: 373
    i just used my reg calender. slim in 6 is awesome! i lost 24 lbs and 40 inches in 6 months. went from a 32 to a 14. never got past work out 1 though, but it is still awesome! congrats on starting it
  • cnewyou
    cnewyou Posts: 40
    I can also get you the schedule, but not until later today. If my memory serves me correctly, you do the Start it Up! video for the 1st week. I'll friend you for your email address.
  • Riebop
    Riebop Posts: 275
    A few days to a week of Start it Up. 2 weeks of Ramp it Up and the last 3 weeks of Burn it Up. 6 days a week for six weeks. After 6 weeks, take an active recovery week and start over if you want. Most importantly.. . Listen to your body. Move onto the next level when you feel ready. The calendar isn't set in stone. You can do any of them for as long as you need to. Just keep moving and you'll do great.
  • Yahmeena1986
    Thanks Everyone.


    I just like to have a visual. It helps me work.
  • kat_renee
    kat_renee Posts: 131 Member
    Debbie doesn't give a calendar with daily wkouts per say, but she says to Start It Up 1-2 wks, Ramp It Up the next 2 wks, and Burn It Up the last 2 wks. The guideline also suggest that you go at your own pace. So as soon as a workout feels too easy, it's time to move to the next level. So you may be doing Start It Up for only a few days before you feel it's time to move on to Ramp It Up, when you master that it's time for Burn It Up. It also suggest that you do the Slim and 6 pack and Slim and Limber 3 to 4 times a wk. Hope this helps. :)
  • SheaHF
    SheaHF Posts: 27 Member
    Hey everyone! I just ordered my Slim in 6 today and can't wait for it to arrive. I would love to have a little support group for the journey. Anyone up for it?
  • auburngirl06
    auburngirl06 Posts: 153 Member
    Hey! I have the slim in 6 workouts and have been thinking about starting them up again. I did them last year and had some great results-although I never could complete Burt it up in its entirety!!!! It is intense! Anyway, I'd love to have someone to share the journey with!
  • agrabau
    agrabau Posts: 35
    I Just finished Slim in 6 and will be starting the Slim Series on Sunday- I loved Slim in 6! I really starting seeing great results around weeks 3-4 so stick with it and keep pressing play! I'm hoping to post before and after picks on the success page some time this weekend!
  • gtmama
    gtmama Posts: 10 Member
    Crystal I just started it today...attempt 2, loved it the first time but lost motivation a couple weeks in...add me if you want.
  • loridaisy1
    loridaisy1 Posts: 19 Member
    I have done si6 off and on for a few years always with good results. I bought the slim series this year and love it. I was about 4 weeks in and broke some ribs so had to stop for awhile but started back up on Sunday. Love this series!
  • SheaHF
    SheaHF Posts: 27 Member
    I started Slim in 6 yesterday! I'm really excited. I am doing the six day diet too, but I really don't like collard greens. Anybody have any suggestions on what else I could have? The other options in the book aren't really available right now or I don't like them. . . . Any ideas or do I just have to suck it up and eat collard?
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    I just found this particular site tonight; this guy copied the calendar for a bunch of DVD's like Slim in 6, Insanity, P90x etc. and put them into an excel spreadsheet so you can enter your own start date and it will tell you which workout to do when.
  • SheaHF
    SheaHF Posts: 27 Member
    I'm in week 4 of Slim in 6 and really have seemed to hit a peak with my results here. . . I haven't seemed to lose anything in two weeks. I'm on Ramp It Up and it is still a challenge, so I'm not ready to go to Burn It Up early. Is anyone else in the same boat?
  • SheaHF
    SheaHF Posts: 27 Member
    Slim in 6 Results are in!!! I lost 4 pounds and 7.125 inches. I lost 2 inches in my waist and 2.75 in my hips! Wahoo! I'm going to keep doing Burn It Up to hopefully lose more!