Lunch ideas for work



  • aasthadoeslife
    aasthadoeslife Posts: 1 Member
    Half a can of black beans with salsa, topped with cilantro and maybe avocado on the side. Depending on how many calories you are doing, could add a tortilla and some cheese on top as well. I find it to be a delish meal!
  • 150poundsofme
    150poundsofme Posts: 523 Member
    Hi, Sometime if I run out of time to make a salad with a protein, I will grab an apple or banana and 21 almonds. A hard boiled egg would be good to eat at the same time too. Grab baby carrots and a serving or two of hummus. That's all I got.
  • cheyeneinthesprings
    cheyeneinthesprings Posts: 46 Member
    I prep a salad the night before...super easy. I buy the bagged lettuce, cherry tomatoes, slice some cucumber, maybe add some nuts...then I use those little 2 oz disposable containers for dressing. You can even use raw cabbage instead of lettuce for a crunchy salad. Then add some protein like those tuna packets or some boiled eggs. 😀
  • KcRavassa
    KcRavassa Posts: 45 Member
    I've been super lazy lately but still determined to get in some veggies so I pack cherry tomatoes, cucumber, cheese, deli meat and sometimes avocado if they're on sale. Works out to about 400-600 calories depending on the amount of cheese and/or I eat my half an avocado. It's been working so far and keeps me so stuffed from the bulk of food that I don't get snacky at work! Otherwise, I eat leftovers.
  • lilithsrose
    lilithsrose Posts: 752 Member
    I usually try to bring leftovers, but some days there simply isn't anything made and I don't have time to make anything. So grab-and-go meals are nice.

    Tuna Pouches and whole-grain crackers are a quick grab-and-go lunch that don't require refrigeration or a microwave.

    One of my recent go-to lunches is a miso soup pouch (you just add hot water) with some instant rice added in to make it more filling. If I have any leftover meat from the night before, that gets thrown in too.

    If you ever make broth-based soups or pasta dishes, freeze a couple of portions. They reheat well in the microwave.
  • littlegreenparrot1
    littlegreenparrot1 Posts: 694 Member
    A few oatcakes, single portion tub of hummous, as many cherry tomatoes as I have available.

    Tins of soup are useful in the cupboard for when you don't have the time/inclination to make it. I prefer the veg based or broth ones with no cream.
  • CyclingDoofus
    CyclingDoofus Posts: 2 Member
    Ideas I have used regularly, as a non-meat eater:-

    * Deluxe homemade salads, plenty of undressed tuna pickled onions etc
    * Microwavable rice, undressed tuna and dry herb mixes (these contain very little calories, ie: Thai Chilli mix, BBQ mix etc)
    * Omlettes in my omelette maker
    * Huel ready to drink meals
    * Protein bars
    * Fruit
    * Marmite rice-cakes and laughing cow light triangles
    * Choc-chip rice cakes
    * Low calorie soup
    * Sandwich thins and quorn sliced meat
    * Lean Quorn home cooked meal, leftovers

  • alondrakar
    alondrakar Posts: 67 Member
    Salads and sandwiches are my go to. I rarely have enough leftovers but when I do it's a nice break from the usual.
  • rapscalli
    rapscalli Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks all. So far i have added to my online shopping that i can add to my work 'store cupboard' for some no prep (or prep in work) lunches.
    - Microwave brown rice (frozen spinach, lemon, chickpeas and harissa)
    - Tuna pots
    - Tuna
    - Almonds
    - Seed mix
    - Wholegrain crackers
    - Tins of soups.
  • sammidelvecchio
    sammidelvecchio Posts: 791 Member
    You could also buy a lunch-box ice pack if you are worried about not having access to a refrigerator at work. That way you could prep stuff in your bag that usually stays in the fridge.

    I usually get tuna packs and have them with mayo and crackers, with a piece of fruit for a snack. This week i'm branching out. Last night I grilled a bunch of chicken breasts and cut them up. I bought some broccoli slaw mix bags at the store, and plan on adding the chicken to the salad mix for lunches all week. Pretty simple and easy :)

    Check out Pinterest too if you have that, there are tons of great work-lunch ideas on there.
  • ridiculous59
    ridiculous59 Posts: 2,861 Member
    Sunday is food prep day. In the winter I make a big pot of soup in the slow cooker, and in the summer I make up a big salad. Sometimes I'll cook up several chicken breasts. Sometimes I'll make a dozen "egg muffins". Every morning I take a small container with the soup or salad and grab a protein serving (the chicken, egg mufffins, a can of tuna, or leftovers). It really doesn't get much easier than that. You know exactly what you're eating and its way cheaper than pre-packaged stuff. I lost 90 pounds and this habit was a big part of it.
  • Joie_de_vivre17
    Joie_de_vivre17 Posts: 23 Member
    Tuna pouches, canned soup, ready pac salads
  • zeezeemum
    zeezeemum Posts: 9 Member
    You can also try a variety of John West lunch on the go tins which I always keep in the cupboard for days I haven’t got time to prepare or buy something. There are different types but the Moroccan style salmon salad is one of my favourite tgaexrj0l2mp.jpeg
  • staticsplit
    staticsplit Posts: 538 Member
    Yeah I always have an emergency john west lunch lying around.
    Quick ones for me:
    Snack lunches: hard-boiled eggs, walnuts and sliced/string cheese, oat cakes/crackers, grapes/apple/whatever fruit. Jerky if I want meat. Maybe olives. Like posh lunchables! I aim to make it all about 450 calories.
    Wholemeal bread with peanut or almond butter and banana. I bring the banana whole and slice it up fresh at lunchtime.
    Wholemeal bread with goat cheese, sliced apple or apricot, walnuts, honey.
    Normal sandwich with deli meat, light cheese, veggies.
    Quick to make salads toppings can be from the snack lunch above, or bring a can of flavoured tuna.
    Batch make spiced lentils, rice, and veggies and put in tupperware.
    Batch make pasta salads with pesto and olives and tomatoes, or a lemony craime fraiche one with courgette.

    Those should all be good for a few hours out of the fridge between breakfast/lunch.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    There's a lot of varieties of frozen meals & even the frozen veggies that can be microwaved in the bag.
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 1,991 Member
    Honestly, I'm lazy when it comes to lunches right now. If I don't have some prepped leftovers, I keep a few frozen meals in my freezer to grab-n-go with. These make life much easier - you pay more for the better ones that aren't full of crap, but there are some decent ones out there. I also was doing Freshly before I moved, and found that very easy for lunches too.