How did you pick your goal weight?

ksself Posts: 9
edited October 1 in Health and Weight Loss
I am just interested to know. Is this your happy weight? I am thinking 140 is about as low as I want to go and I haven't been that in maybe 10 years. I am 170 now and feel better even though I've only lost 3 lbs. Just wondering how you picked a goal.


  • pnieuw
    pnieuw Posts: 473
    BMI of 22.5 - half way between the start of health and overweight. Also the weight I was when I got married 20 years ago. It fits my body shape and skeleton size, so it is a comfortable, healthy weight for me.
  • Beth720
    Beth720 Posts: 661 Member
    I went in the middle of my "healthy" BMI range. Some wiggle room at the top, but I felt like I'd be too skinny at the bottom. When I hit "healthy" I'll re-evaluate and see if I want to keep that goal or move it up or down.
  • Homer3D
    Homer3D Posts: 318
    It is the weight I believe is "healthy" for my size. I don't want to be super thin cause I don't want to look like I am sick. I am 5'8 so I think 165 is a good weight to be at for life. I started out at 189 when I joined MFP. I am 3 lbs away.
  • RoanneRed
    RoanneRed Posts: 429 Member
    Bit of a 'Happy Weight' - have been there before with combination of cardio & resistance training, know clothes fit properly at that weight and that I can maintain it with 4 workouts a week and still enjoy my food and weekly/fortnightly nights out.
  • melbaby925
    melbaby925 Posts: 613
    I went with the high end of what's considered healthy BMI for my size, and when I *finally* get close, I'll figure out what's really my ideal. I don't care about weight so much as Body Fat %. I really want to get down to 20-22% body fat. So when I get there, I'll stay at whatever weight that is!
  • Zsangel
    Zsangel Posts: 202
    I just picked something that was achievable, as I had no idea how it would look on me, then once I reached that goal weight, I re-assessed it to see if i needed to readjust it.
    It's all trial and error really, just go with what you think feels right =)
  • ursy87
    ursy87 Posts: 287
    Pretty much the same as everyone else. Picked a middle healthy weight and will assess it as I get closer
  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    welll. my mom is 30 years older than me.... She weighs 120 at 5'6"... I hated the thought of weighing 40 pounds more than my mom especially because I am supposed to be thin/peak fitness because of my age (19).... On my 18th birthday I weighed about 158 pounds... and I was huge, but I was still at a "healthy" BMI...

    I knew I needed to lose a lot of weight to look good... so I used my mom's weight as a guide... My 1st goal was 125, but then I changed it to 127 because I learned about % body fat, and I will be about 13% BF at 127 pounds which is exactly what I want.

    Currently I am 132 pounds with about 16.5% body fat, and I am happy with that, but I want to have it be lower
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    Have been this weight before and know it suits me. I get to keep some curves. The weight I "should" be is too skinny for my liking, or my husbands for that matter LOL
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    a shot in the dark. lol. i said 176, and then changed it to 175 after I did the BMI thingy {which I think sucks} lol {don't ask me why}
  • AmyJuhasz
    AmyJuhasz Posts: 1 Member
    I've been overweight for most of my life, so I really had no idea what a good goal weight would wasn't like I could say I want to get back in my wedding dress, or my weight in high school, because I was overweight then too! so I looked up my BMI and went with a middle number within the "normal" range. I might get to that number and realize I want to lose a little more, but it's a start...for example I'm 5'3" so a normal BMI for me would be between 105-140 so I went with 125 for a goal for now.
  • CharlieOverby
    CharlieOverby Posts: 82 Member
    I want to weigh 170 lbs, so I took 170 and multiplied it times 10. (170 x 10 = 1700 calories per day. ) When I reach my goal I may want to go to 160 lbs, so I will multiply 160 x 10= 1600 calories
  • fionat29
    fionat29 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi there, I originally wanted to lose 10lbs just to get to the weight I was this time last year. Once I got there I thought maybe 7lbs more? and then 7lbs more? I've lost that much and now I'm thinking 5lbs more, simply because I haven't been 9 stone anything for 30 years and I want to be!! It won't bother me if I don't reach the 135lb that I'm aiming for, but just to be under 140lbs for the first time ever would suit me! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    Picked a % body fat based on one that would let my muscles show a bit better, but still give me some softness. Calculated my goal weight by using my approximate lean body mass & goal percentage. May be subject to some tweaking once I get there! :smile:
  • had3nuf
    had3nuf Posts: 59
    I chose 200...because I still want to be curvy for my height.....when I reach my goal, and I feel that I will still look good by dropping another 10, I might just do it. Right now my goal is 200.
  • medoria
    medoria Posts: 673 Member
    Im 5'3 and my goal is 145 pounds. Ive been there before and it may sound much considering my height but im pretty muscular. And Im also pretty curvy and I dont want to loose to much of my junk. And its still in the range of a healty BMI, even thou I really dont like BMI as a tool.
  • Most doctors recommend 10% as an initial goal. For your end goal, if you have an average sized frame, you could use BMI as a rough guide and pick a number in the middle of the range. Once you start getting closer to that weight, you will be able to see if that is a good goal, or if it is too much/little.

    Personally, this is what I did. I'm 5'9", and my body weight "should" be between 129-169 lbs (BMI 19-25). I initially shot for 140, but then when I got there I realized that I still had lots of fat in those hard to lose places (thighs, belly), so I am going to continue exercising (cardio and toning) until I get there.

    Keep up the good can do it!
  • LH2011
    LH2011 Posts: 176 Member
    Hi I'm 5 8" and my orginal goal was 140lbs down from 155lbs I picked this as on "diets" before I never managed to get below 142lbs but with MFP I reached 140lbs and then decided to head for 130-133lbs which is were I am today and I'm very happy with my shape and how my clothes now fit me.
  • bookworm03
    bookworm03 Posts: 88 Member
    I wanted to set a goal according to frame size but when we took my measurements I was all of thee above. So, I decided 100lbs for 5ft and 5lbs for every inch over. Once I get close I will adjust my goal as needed. I'm hoping to see some abs.
  • LH2011
    LH2011 Posts: 176 Member
    I want to weigh 170 lbs, so I took 170 and multiplied it times 10. (170 x 10 = 1700 calories per day. )

    I don't understand what does this mean???
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