Realizing how big you are..



  • pinkbride2011
    You're not alone. I just had this rude awakening this week. I tried on 5 different outifts today, not to wear something that looked good, but to wear something that fits. It seems like this has happened so quickly, but in reality I know it's bad habits over the years that have gotten me here. I've started a real food diet (no processed foods), weighing my foods (I have a portion control issue) and a work out regime. I'm nervous bc I'm impatient and I have trouble in this area with follow through, but I can't keep living this way and this uncomfortable and I can't just go buy all new clothes. Try to find motivation in your discomfort/unhappiness, that is what I'm trying to do.
  • Giddeaon
    Giddeaon Posts: 43
    Yes - Yes and...YES!

    I've always known I was a big guy. I was heads and shoulders taller and many-many pounds heavier than just about every kid I went to school with until I hit high school. The reason I take photos (and I really encourage everyone to do so) of my progress is to remind myself of how I look. I've always been athletic even though I'm a big guy. I don't feel fat, but the pictures don't lie. I need to see those images to remind myself why I'm working so hard to lose the weight. It's about being healthy. It's about adding years to my life. It's about looking good in those pictures and in the mirror. We all can benefit from seeing the truth once in a while. Just don't let it get you down. Use it to motivate, not decimate.

    Keep your head up. Use those feelings as fuel and imagine how you'll feel when you succeed!
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    I had pictures taken on holiday shortly after my husband died, they were horrible. I'm now 14 kgs lighter, but with 10 kgs to go. By all means look at the pictures, acknowledge and love yourself enough to change yourself. Self-loathing never helped anyone, but treating yourself and your body with compassion and kindness, enjoying the way you body feels as it moves more and is properly fuelled. Get in touch with your inner gorgeousness. It doesn't matter how long the journey is, enjoy it!

  • AmyJo54915
    AmyJo54915 Posts: 103
    I used to be the skinny girl until my 4th pregnancy. I was put on bedrest and gained a lot of weight. Then I just kept gaining. I'm 6' tall and used to weigh 150 (which is about what a woman my height should weigh). Now I am well over 200. I avoid getting my picture taken, and try not to look in the mirror. It's gotten better lately...I've lost 17 lbs and am starting to notice a small difference. I still don't like how I look, but I use it to motivate me. Keep your chin can do this!
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    I hate seeing pictures of myself for this reason.

    I went to a Phillies game a couple of years ago. We had great seats (too good, matter of fact) and the fan cam kept focusing on our section and displaying the image on those massive screens. In an entire section of fans, I saw a person dressed in black with their arms folded onto themself because they couldn't fit anywhere else. It took about 5 seconds for me to realize that was me! It was beyond awful and I kept those Phillies tix as a constant reminder of what I'm working away from. (BTW, they played the Rockies that night, LOL).

    What to do? IDK but I like to keep those images fresh so I can muster motivation when needed.

    Good luck!
  • monocot
    monocot Posts: 475 Member
    I had started on the healthy path already when I realized that I would end up like my dad but then I really started working on it when I saw a picture from Christmas. I looked huge, I looked like a slightly smaller but girl version of my Dad. My Dad weighed over 500 lbs. I was way less.

    But as soon as I saw that. I knew I had to change. I wanted a figure again. I wanted cheek Bones.!
    So i started to work out. Drinking Water. Eating healthy

    Had the same type of moment on July 3rd. I took "before" photos (as you can see in my profile pic) even though I had lost 10 pounds before that (because I slacked off and wanted to "begin" again). After I took the pictures, I looked at them and saw the female version of my dad. I love my dad, but I really don't want to end up having the health issues he has because of his weight.... diabetes, heart disease, etc.

    My Dad's health issue was death. He died of heart attack from being morbidly obese
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    over the past year, I have been doing zumba with the same group of girls. the studio has floor to ceiling mirrors. twice a week, I see me, shakin it and jiggling all over. I hate it. My 6 friends have all lost weight, anywhere from 10 to 60 pounds in a year. Me? nope.

    we hang out together a lot, and there's always someone with a camera. so I take extra care how I dress, and often buy something new to wear to parties. after the pictures are posted on facebook, I never wear that outfit again.

    I always wonder how my sense of self can be so warped that I think i look great in the change room, but the pictures tell another story. it sucks. I suppose it will get better, eventually.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I wanted to add something to this thread after reading all the replies and seeing how many people feel the same.

    I started my weight loss after a holiday in 2007 when I was ashamed that I couldn't get one nice picture of myself without thinking how big I looked. That was my wake up call. And probably the worst holiday I've ever had. Turned out, I was actually 7 weeks pregnant (with my 2nd) on that holiday so that probably had something to do with my emotions!! Anyway, despite being pregnant, I was aware that I wanted to slim down, but not actively doing anything about it.

    Not much happened for a while... I had my baby.... then started doing some limited exercise and cutting out some of the crappy food. Then I had my 3rd baby, lol, so weight never moved much. THEN I got engaged and set a date for my wedding - 16 weeks after my 3rd was born! I had to get into a wedding dress!! That was it. That was my kick in to action. I had a goal. I had to work for it. And bloody hell I did. I lost approx 23lbs in those 16 weeks. I was at my goal weight for my wedding :-)

    Now, this was way before MFP and thankfully, myself, I managed to make a lot of changes. With exercise and food. I changed from an 'eat a tub of icecream while watching TV girl' to where I am today.... this weekend I am running my first half marathon, I've cleaned up my eating massively (with choc allowed!!), I workout every day and I am PROUD of my body. Yes, it has taken me around 4 years to get to this point. But I've only been on MFP for a year or so..... and I have 3 kids, so it's not like I can focus 100% on myself. People don't believe I've had 3 kids. I am strong, I am slim and I am now down to 113lbs (from about 165lbs).

    I am at my lowest ever weight. I think 'wow' when I look in the mirror. Sure, that may vain..... who gives a f***? I achieved this. Myself.

    Those days are out there people........ don't give up. One day you will look in the mirror and be pleased :-)
  • Michelle_M2002
    Michelle_M2002 Posts: 301 Member
    I saw a picture of myself taken in June. That's what got me to get my butt in gear and change my habits to get healthier! I'm now down 20 pounds from that day! I still have 50 - 60 pounds to go to hit my goal..but I'll get there. I've made it this far, I can make it the rest of the way too!!!

    Use it as a motivational tool!!!

    God bless!
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    I had started on the healthy path already when I realized that I would end up like my dad but then I really started working on it when I saw a picture from Christmas. I looked huge, I looked like a slightly smaller but girl version of my Dad. My Dad weighed over 500 lbs. I was way less.

    But as soon as I saw that. I knew I had to change. I wanted a figure again. I wanted cheek Bones.!
    So i started to work out. Drinking Water. Eating healthy

    Had the same type of moment on July 3rd. I took "before" photos (as you can see in my profile pic) even though I had lost 10 pounds before that (because I slacked off and wanted to "begin" again). After I took the pictures, I looked at them and saw the female version of my dad. I love my dad, but I really don't want to end up having the health issues he has because of his weight.... diabetes, heart disease, etc.

    My Dad's health issue was death. He died of heart attack from being morbidly obese

    I'm so sorry! My dad is still alive, thank God, but he has had one or two heart attacks. It's bad news. :frown:
  • kristlynngirl
    kristlynngirl Posts: 121 Member
    I definitely know how this feels! I didn't realize how bad I looked until my future mother in law posted pictures on Facebook from a family reunion....and I was twice as wide as any of the people pictured with me! This hit me like a ton of bricks and I got super depressed, and strangely my initial reaction was to pig out. Luckily, I shook that off and am now working on fixing it.
  • Hoppymom
    Hoppymom Posts: 1,158 Member
    This is similar to the problem that anorexic people have only in reverse. Doctors call it "body dismorphic disorder" I think. The super
    thin look at themselves and think they are fat and we look at ourselves and don't always see how big we really are. So it is easy to get bigger because we are in denial about what we really look like. I too hate having my picture taken. I also avoid full length mirrors. That was last month. Now I will fix the damage that I have done to my body as much as I am able. I will be realistic and honest but kind to myself. We can only move forward if we have a positive outlook. Good luck to all who face the challenge of weight loss.
  • kaylenlawrence
    kaylenlawrence Posts: 211 Member
    i always knew i didnt like the number on the scale but always ignoring what i saw in the mirror because i didnt want to believe it.
    So after 5 months of hard work i lost 40 lbs and going back looking at pictures i was needless to say embarrassed!!

    its a fight but YOU ARE worth it!