Looking for MFP friends!😁

Not to long ago I was doing so well! Then it happened my 14 year old dog. The one constant in my life passed over to the rainbow bridge. Having a dog really makes you get out and get moving.. Even if you don't want to, you got to! Not going out as much made me pack on the pounds. But here I'm! Back at it! With my 40th birthday around the corner I'm looking to really get back on track! Looking for support! I will do my best to do the same in return.


  • oann454
    oann454 Posts: 4 Member
    Add me
  • bs291023health
    bs291023health Posts: 4 Member
    I agree about dogs getting you moving! Kids do that, too. Right now I don't have (young) kids or dogs. I'm new to MFP, looking for friends, accountability and encouragement. I'm not even sure what "add me" means.
  • workin_onit
    workin_onit Posts: 101 Member
    Please add me :) The thing is, life happens and for me, maybe for a lot of people, we respond with less-than-ideal eating patterns! I've been through a similar thing, though it was my father's death and the ensuing family chaos. I hope I can be a listening ear for others!