I am new here Looking for more friends

Hi My name is Steve and am looking to add some new friends for motivational support as well as give it in return. Im an insulin dependant diabetic who is looking to shed The big 100 pounds currently 6'3 415. As a weightlifter for 21 years i developed an injury from my diabetes which sidelined me and unfortunatly started gaining weight in which I'm now looking to remove. Please feel free to add me


  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,574 Member
    Welcome to MFP!
    If you'd like a group of friends and some structure for accountability, I'm a member of an MFP group that is wonderfully supportive. It's a monthly team weight loss challenge (the goal being for all of us to win!). Interested? You'd be welcome to sign up and start being part of the conversation. You'd be assigned to a team and could start being part of the conversation now, and your weigh-ins would start counting for the team in June. There are optional daily check-ins -- very helpful when you use them, as you check in on how you are doing on your plan for yourself as regards food, water, exercise, plus any other health goals you had for the day. People on our team cheer each other on. Weigh-in is weekly on whatever day you choose. People on the teams share challenges, victories, ideas and more. Jump in, if it's appealing!