Is it bad for kids to have zero calorie sweeteners?



  • Aspartame was developed by the military. it started out as a POISON to attack the neurological system and meant to slip into a drink with out them noticing it and killing a person slowly over time. its not good for anybody, let alone a child. Google it. maybe I'm wrong, but I definitely don't let my child have it.

    I've heard bad things about aspartame but didn't know that... I only use or eat things that have Splenda when I have something with a zero calorie sweetener.

    See, this is the problem. Splenda (which is chlorinated sugar), has only been around for 10 years or so. Let's say we find out in 10, 20 or 40 years that it causes some major damage. You are SENTENCING YOUR CHILDREN** to a future of.... and that's just it. We don't know yet, but once we do, it will be too late to undo what has been done. That is the problem with not being very careful with what our children are exposed to. Whether they like it or not, you are in control of what they get in their formative years (formative years make a tremendous difference to future health).

    **Don't mean to sound holier than thou or like I'm yelling, but hope the concept stands out, because adults have all the power in terms of the next generation's health.

    Just by googling "splenda bad", I got this list (results from animal tests), but there are many other articles too. Bear in mind, you'll always find positive articles about artificial foods or anything where someone has a vested interest in the product being successful and those companies pay dearly to ensure their products have a good marketing spin. it comes down to money, so always read positives with a grain of salt and ask questions.

    partial list of Splenda effects:

    Shrunken thymus glands (up to 40% shrinkage)
    Enlarged liver and kidneys.
    Atrophy of lymph follicles in the spleen and thymus
    Increased cecal weigh
    Reduced growth rate
    Decreased red blood cell count
    Hyperplasia of the pelvis
    Extension of the pregnancy period
    Aborted pregnancy
    Decreased fetal body weights and placental weights

    On yahoo's main page, I saw an article called "How one family broke their junk food addiction". The mom has a blog called 100daysofrealfood . The article is there now if you scroll through the news articles.

    Books that will explain how and why fake food will mess up your hormones, make you fat, and make you extremely unhealthy:

    Master Your Metabolism: The 3 Diet Secrets to Naturally Balancing Your Hormones for a Hot and Healthy Body!
    by fitness guru Jillian Michaels

    Any book by Michael Pollan will help you look at your food and understand why you're hurting yourself if you consume the artificial stuff.

    Finally, in giving kids treats, here's what I employ: "After you eat all the protein, fat, carb, veggie and fruit that I want you to eat right now, so I know you're going to be healthy and strong, you may have a treat." This keeps their blood sugar balanced and makes them fill up so they're not as ravenous for treats, and therefore more likely to take a reasonable treat portion rather than overdo it. Now if only I were as strict with myself, but I'm working on it. :)
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    Aspartame was developed by the military. it started out as a POISON to attack the neurological system and meant to slip into a drink with out them noticing it and killing a person slowly over time. its not good for anybody, let alone a child. Google it. maybe I'm wrong, but I definitely don't let my child have it.

    I've heard bad things about aspartame but didn't know that... I only use or eat things that have Splenda when I have something with a zero calorie sweetener.

    See, this is the problem. Splenda (which is chlorinated sugar), has only been around for 10 years or so. Let's say we find out in 10, 20 or 40 years that it causes some major damage. You are SENTENCING YOUR CHILDREN** to a future of.... and that's just it. We don't know yet, but once we do, it will be too late to undo what has been done. That is the problem with not being very careful with what our children are exposed to. Whether they like it or not, you are in control of what they get in their formative years (formative years make a tremendous difference to future health).

    **Don't mean to sound holier than thou or like I'm yelling, but hope the concept stands out, because adults have all the power in terms of the next generation's health.

    Just by googling "splenda bad", I got this list (results from animal tests), but there are many other articles too. Bear in mind, you'll always find positive articles about artificial foods or anything where someone has a vested interest in the product being successful and those companies pay dearly to ensure their products have a good marketing spin. it comes down to money, so always read positives with a grain of salt and ask questions.

    partial list of Splenda effects:

    Shrunken thymus glands (up to 40% shrinkage)
    Enlarged liver and kidneys.
    Atrophy of lymph follicles in the spleen and thymus
    Increased cecal weigh
    Reduced growth rate
    Decreased red blood cell count
    Hyperplasia of the pelvis
    Extension of the pregnancy period
    Aborted pregnancy
    Decreased fetal body weights and placental weights

    On yahoo's main page, I saw an article called "How one family broke their junk food addiction". The mom has a blog called 100daysofrealfood . The article is there now if you scroll through the news articles.

    Books that will explain how and why fake food will mess up your hormones, make you fat, and make you extremely unhealthy:

    Master Your Metabolism: The 3 Diet Secrets to Naturally Balancing Your Hormones for a Hot and Healthy Body!
    by fitness guru Jillian Michaels

    Any book by Michael Pollan will help you look at your food and understand why you're hurting yourself if you consume the artificial stuff.

    Finally, in giving kids treats, here's what I employ: "After you eat all the protein, fat, carb, veggie and fruit that I want you to eat right now, so I know you're going to be healthy and strong, you may have a treat." This keeps their blood sugar balanced and makes them fill up so they're not as ravenous for treats, and therefore more likely to take a reasonable treat portion rather than overdo it. Now if only I were as strict with myself, but I'm working on it. :)

    I give my son 3 healthy meals a day... This was more of a question of him seeing me eating something and he wanted to try it.
  • carrie1128
    carrie1128 Posts: 267 Member
    For anyone wanting to cut it out for themselves or their kids, just an FYI, it is in a lot of products that are not labeled as diet or low sugar. Check labels for sucralose. You'll be surprised at how much it's in, including a lot of bread, rolls and English muffins.
  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    [Just by googling "splenda bad", I got this list (results from animal tests), but there are many other articles too. Bear in mind, you'll always find positive articles about artificial foods or anything where someone has a vested interest in the product being successful and those companies pay dearly to ensure their products have a good marketing spin. it comes down to money, so always read positives with a grain of salt and ask questions.

    Please also keep in mind that "negative study results" can come from someone with a vested interest in a competing product's success. Very few people and even fewer corporate entities are honest, noble, or altruistic. It does come down to spin, nearly always, even from our own government.

    Anything can become next year's or next generation's Class Action Lawsuit. Use common sense and moderation, not scare tactics and popular opinion.
  • I give my son 3 healthy meals a day... This was more of a question of him seeing me eating something and he wanted to try it.

    I'm very sorry if I offended you. I guess I wanted you to see that Splenda could be hurting you, too. It was a long way around of saying i don't think anyone should eat any Splenda whatsoever, not even a bite. I think the potential gains someone gets in weight loss are not worth the potential losses in health.

    There was another post above mine that talked about stevia and agave, Both of which are probably better than artificials, but I've seen conflicting reports on agave too, so I use it just sometimes.

    Good luck whatever you do.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Aspartame was developed by the military. it started out as a POISON to attack the neurological system and meant to slip into a drink with out them noticing it and killing a person slowly over time. its not good for anybody, let alone a child. Google it. maybe I'm wrong, but I definitely don't let my child have it.

    Absolutely false. Who told you that story? Aspartame was invented by a scientist who was working on anti-ulcer medication, when he hit upon a very sweet formula.

    Also, aspartame has been around since the 1960's, and it's still studied today. All studies, from over 100 countries around the world, label it as safe for consumption with no ill effects (beyond potential allergies, but those are completely unrelated to it being a manufactured chemical, after all people are allergic to all kinds of "natural" foods.)
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Can't really stop laughing at the military killing you slowly with aspartame :)

    Anyhow, to the OP...

    I personally do not feed my child anything containing the following when I cook at home:

    Food Dyes
    High Fructose Corn Syrup
    Other unnatural additives

    By doing so, that actually rules out any intentionally sugar free type foods. I'd rather he eat sugar in it's regular old form as the body knows what to do with it on it's own. And sugar, on it's own, is not really the devil :devil: Same goes with fats in this house. We eat normal old fats the way the cow made them :)

    When we go out somewhere he can have anything he wants (he eats really healthy on his own accord, so I really don't restrict him). So he does have that stuff when we go out - except MSG as he's allergic (we think). So, he gets that stuff, but I figure if I can do better at home, that's half the battle right there.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member

    Also, aspartame has been around since the 1960's, and it's still studied today. All studies, from over 100 countries around the world, label it as safe for consumption with no ill effects (beyond potential allergies, but those are completely unrelated to it being a manufactured chemical, after all people are allergic to all kinds of "natural" foods.)

    Yup! nuts, shellfish, avocado *sobbing*
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    I give my son 3 healthy meals a day... This was more of a question of him seeing me eating something and he wanted to try it.

    I'm very sorry if I offended you. I guess I wanted you to see that Splenda could be hurting you, too. It was a long way around of saying i don't think anyone should eat any Splenda whatsoever, not even a bite. I think the potential gains someone gets in weight loss are not worth the potential losses in health.

    There was another post above mine that talked about stevia and agave, Both of which are probably better than artificials, but I've seen conflicting reports on agave too, so I use it just sometimes.

    Good luck whatever you do.

    Not offended, don't worry =)
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    Here's my take... I prefer my kids to have "real" sweeteners when possible, but because I'm diabetic, we do have things with artificial sweeteners in them, and sometimes they eat them. Personally, I've been having them when the only choice was Saccharin, and if I wanted something other than water to drink, I had my "Faygo" diet soda or Tab. According to my doc, I'm healthier than 95% of his patients, and my only health issue is that I could stand to lose 20#.

    I've known morbidly obese people who have never touched a drop of artificial sweeteners, I've known runners who that's all they seem to consume. I think it's a decision that you and your pediatrician need to make together..
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