Longest to leave dog home alone...



  • floofyschmoofer
    floofyschmoofer Posts: 209 Member
    I used to work home health, 12 hour shifts. Most of the time, I was lucky enough to be able to bring my pupper with me but she did stay home by herself from 8p-8a a lot over the 8 years I worked there. Granted, she probably slept for most of the time I was gone since it was overnight.

    The pup will be more than ok, though I wouldn't make a habit out of it -- do as I say, not as I do kinda thing. Maybe have a neighbor or friend pop in to fill a water/food bowl and let him out for walkies if needed, if you're concerned. But a lot of working folk do it all the time and so long as you aren't neglecting the animal, it's fine. Everyone always has emotional opinions about stuff like this but the fact that you're even asking shows you're a responsible enough pet parent to want to take the pet's comfort into consideration. <3
  • floofyschmoofer
    floofyschmoofer Posts: 209 Member
    Oh, and let me tell you-- a pet cam is a worthy investment! I don't work those long hours anymore but I love mine.
  • kds10
    kds10 Posts: 452 Member
    JenSD6 wrote: »
    We're usually the first people to leave the party so we can get home for the dogs.

    If your dog is used to a full day alone, he will probably be okay with a few more hours. It's not the best, just make sure he gets extra love when you get home. Can you leave your dog at someone else's house for the night? Could your friend come over to meet him before the day if she's going to stop by to check on him?
    That is the nature of having dog(s)....everybody else is staying overnight at a hotel but if we did that he would have to be kennelled and he has never been and being older I think that would stress him out way more than him being in his own home for 12 hours...and stress me out too:)
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    I once left my dog alone in the house for about 17 hours. I didn't intend to, but I got caught in Snowpocalypse a few years ago and it took me 14 hours to get home since I waited just a bit too long to leave work. She was super excited to finally be let out when I got home, but she had managed to hold it the entire time (I wouldn't have blamed her in the slightest if she hadn't). It's probably fine (you know your dog best); I would just make sure you let him out right before you leave to make things as comfortable as possible.