Getting my ____ together

Mauireadhead808 Posts: 1 Member
edited May 2019 in Introduce Yourself
Like so many others, I have struggled all my life with weight, self esteem and following through with being healthy and working out. I don't have that natural drive that some people have to go to the gym everyday, watch portion controls, make good choices, not fall off the wagon, etc... However, I do feel better when I am consistent at the gym/eating right and my mental health also surges in the positive. There isn't a diet I haven't done. I am resort back to macro's for my height/weight/goal this go around and it seems to be the most realistic approach for me.

I am most irritated/disappointed in myself because EVERYTHING I do is 100% except taking care of myself. So my goal is 50lbs/size 8. I am currently 5'6", 210 and size 14. I am giving myself a year to be realistic, hoping to do it before 2020. I can't believe I just shared all that.... yikes. Oh well. Maybe holding myself accountable with the world will be helpful! Here's to yet another start.


  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,574 Member
    Welcome to MFP!
    If you'd like a group of friends and some structure for accountability, I'm a member of an MFP group that is wonderfully supportive. It's a monthly team weight loss challenge (the goal being for all of us to win!). If you join, you get assigned to one of several teams, and your weigh-ins would start counting for the team in June. There are optional daily check-ins -- very helpful when you use them, as you check in on how you are doing on your plan for yourself as regards food, water, exercise, plus any other health goals you had for the day. Weigh-in is weekly on whatever day you choose. People on the teams share challenges, victories, ideas and generally cheer each other on. Join the group, if this sounds appealing!