Workout Gear with NO PANTY LINES?

When I work out at the gym, I work out hard. The last thing I want to worry about is what my butt looks like while I'm pounding away on the treadmill. But I do. I am not overly worried about what I look like overall, but I am very self-conscious about my backside.

I've been tying a sweatshirt or other long-sleeved shirt around my waist so I don't have to worry about it, but the other day I saw a girl at the gym who had what looked like a t-shirt under her workout top that covered her entire backside. But it looked like it was attached to her pants, which were flared capri-length. I felt weird asking her what it was since that seemed it would imply I was checking out her butt!

Does anyone know where I can find some pants like this? I've been Googling workout pants for the past hour!
