I'm going to cry!



  • samvotaw
    samvotaw Posts: 2 Member
    When I have an overage like that, I just regroup and make a plan for next time. I NEVER eat out without preplanning my meals. I have an index card in my purse that has a list of my "go to" meals. In fact, when someone asks me if I want to go to lunch, I say, "Sure. Would you like to go to Chick Fil A or Jasons' Deli?" I've never had anyone say, "neither."

    My last thought is to just learn from it, and move on. If i get stuck in a place of regret, it will often lead to more slip ups! You can TOTALLY do this!
  • jtoz88
    jtoz88 Posts: 9
    Live and learn. Trust me, we've all been there.

    But for future reference, what I would do is check out your diet profile in the goals section and see how much your daily calorie deficit is. This is how much is subtracted from what your body needs daily to carry on its normal functioning. For most people it's probably around 1,000. If you find yourself going over your goal but still within the range of your deficit, then I wouldn't worry too much about it. It's when you start going over the limit that your body needs that you start adding the pounds, so as long as that doesn't happen the worst that can happen is that you probably won't lose as much for this week.

    So don't stress! Indulging a little bit every once in a while is perfectly fine and necessary if you don't want to feel restricted.
  • Yep - always just look forward - We all make mistakes and fall off the wagon!

    If I don't know how many calories are in something, I also pop it into myfitnesspal before I eat it... And if its too high in calories, I either portion control if I really want or choose something else!

    You can't blame yourself if you didn't know... Next time, you can check before hand and just delete from myfitnesspal if you don't end up eating it!

    Goodlcuk - and stay strong!!
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    I NEVER eat out without preplanning my meals. I have an index card in my purse that has a list of my "go to" meals. In fact, when someone asks me if I want to go to lunch, I say, "Sure. Would you like to go to Chick Fil A or Jasons' Deli?" I've never had anyone say, "neither."

    I pre-save meals in MFP under "my meals" :-) Then when we go out to eat most places, I can just say "Oh, I'm at chick-fil-a" and add the (reasonably healthy) chick-fil-a meal to my food log!
  • I feel for you on this one. I'm over really bad today. Because I took the kids for ice cream and I had some too. I had a sandwich the other day that ended up being 800 calories. I couldn't believe it. I thought I was eating something a little on the healthier side, but apparently not. I have a feeling everyone starts out this way. We just need to figure food out. We'll be better for it in the long run. I almost wanted to throw in the towel tonight. But I'm still here too. :-) We can do this!
  • dont worry. we went to crackel barrell the other day and I posted it and man it hurt to see those numbers. but I know I will do it again.
  • babygurl48
    babygurl48 Posts: 1,236 Member
    i wouldn't worry about it too much! I am over today by 900 if not more. It's ok to go over once in a while. as long as u get back on the wagon the following day. keep at it!!
  • 2700 over for me. I win!! :) (I think?)

    Tomorrow is another day.
  • tikkamasala
    tikkamasala Posts: 36 Member
    live and learn! I've had several eye-openers like that-- and I won't be making THOSE mistakes again! Tomorrow is another day. I understand your disappointment, but it happens sometimes! Can't let it discourage you.
  • Hoppymom
    Hoppymom Posts: 1,158 Member
    You are trying to break old habits. That's a tough thing to do. The only thing you should worry about is not learning from your "oops." I started MFP after losing 6.5 pounds in two weeks. I cut out Diet Cole and chips and sweets. I have not had a problem with them but early this week I was so hungry I felt like I couldn't get enough to eat and I binged a little. I felt terrible physically and emotionally. I joined to have a way to track what I eat and I an ruthless about putting in everything I eat. No cheating. My daughter is joining with me and she will keep me going. She has lost about 25 and has 10 to go. Start over from whereever you struggled and move forward. It's ok.
  • I didn't realize how many calories...

    Okay, now you are a bit wiser. Sometimes I have to feel the pain of a mistake a few times before my feeble mind gets a clue! :bigsmile:

    Sounds like you were pressed for time based on your food choices, this may be what gets you to start planning your strategy. No war was ever won without a strategy, and make no mistake, this is a war. It will be won or lost with the mind as the body can only do what the mind tells it to.

    So pick your self up, dust yourself off and work your plan!
  • adross3
    adross3 Posts: 606 Member
    One day is not a death blow. Live and learn. One bad meal is like paying too much for an item at the store. Invest wisely into yourself.
  • tikkamasala
    tikkamasala Posts: 36 Member
    (oops-- accidentally replied twice) hang in there! everyone makes mistakes-- the important part is that you are honest about it and that you keep trying!
  • bree2012
    bree2012 Posts: 179
    What was done, was done. Now focus on the future! The key to weight-loss and a healthy lifestyle is your attitude. Be positive! And I agree with walldancer, start now. You can be productive and plan your meals for tomorrow or you can be counterproductive and wallow in your despair. Good luck! Here's to a better tomorrow!
  • Rachaelluvszipped
    Rachaelluvszipped Posts: 768 Member
    Its ok, today's a new day!! And yes, we have all had our bad days...birthday's, celebrations, weddings, baptismals, long list goes on and on....and now that holidays are coming in..yikes..time to stay even stronger! You know your buddies at MFP are here for ya! Don't lose site of the Minor/Major goal!! Things will look better soon! If it helps you can add me as a friend and I will try to keep you motivated, too..
