I struggle to meet my calorie goal. Is it bad?

mushy1342 Posts: 16 Member
So, I decided to start eating cleaner and shed some of the weight I packed on last year stress eating. I cut back on carbs and sugars significantly and started eating a lot cleaner. I feel great. I supplement with multivitamins. However, I struggle to meet 1200 kcal goal. I just can’t eat that much when eating lower calorie foods.

I usually have 2 meals a day and I don’t eat after 6 pm.
Breakfast is usually 2-3 eggs and 1/2 cup (dry) plain oatmeal, with a little bit of either butter or oil
Dinner is usually chicken thigh or couple drumsticks (I choose fattier cuts of chicken since I cut back on processed carbs)/lean pork and 1 cup veggies.
If I’m hungry in between meals I typically have an apple or handful of nuts/seeds, but I’m not much of a snacker. Typically my daily calorie intake is 800-900.

I feel pretty satisfied after my meals (other than occasional sugar cravings) and the only time I feel ravenous is in the mornings, but I’m worried about messing up my metabolism by not consuming bare minimum calories.

Opinions and advice please? Thanks.


  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    Are you using a food scale to weigh all solid food?
  • mushy1342
    mushy1342 Posts: 16 Member
    apullum wrote: »
    Are you using a food scale to weigh all solid food?

    No, I don’t. I go by volume and use measuring cups
  • mushy1342
    mushy1342 Posts: 16 Member
    Thank y’all
  • grace173
    grace173 Posts: 180 Member
    Yes I agree, I mean if I'm saying 1 cup of veggies then I'm packing that puppy but other people think they are having a cup full of veggies when really they are only having a half a cup because it's not packed. Do you choose dark chicken meat over white for some reason?
  • Zinka61
    Zinka61 Posts: 563 Member
    If you're hungriest in the morning, add some fruits and nuts/seeds to your oatmeal and fruit on the side. Have more veggies, including some starchier ones and beans with dinner? Think about covering your nutritional bases.
    Do you have a source of dietary calcium/vitamin D? Fortified plant milk or cow's milk will help with that.
  • mushy1342
    mushy1342 Posts: 16 Member
    Zinka61 wrote: »
    If you're hungriest in the morning, add some fruits and nuts/seeds to your oatmeal and fruit on the side. Have more veggies, including some starchier ones and beans with dinner? Think about covering your nutritional bases.
    Do you have a source of dietary calcium/vitamin D? Fortified plant milk or cow's milk will help with that.

    Sounds like a good option, thank you! Adding beans also sounds like a good idea.
    As for dietary calcium and vitamin D, not too much to be honest, I’m lactose intolerant but I guess picking up some lactose free milk wouldn’t hurt.

  • mushy1342
    mushy1342 Posts: 16 Member
    grace173 wrote: »
    Yes I agree, I mean if I'm saying 1 cup of veggies then I'm packing that puppy but other people think they are having a cup full of veggies when really they are only having a half a cup because it's not packed. Do you choose dark chicken meat over white for some reason?
    I’m choosing dark chicken meat over white for a couple of reasons - I like taste of it better and I read that choosing fattier cuts of chicken may be a better option for someone who lowers their carb intake, but I obviously don’t know for sure
  • mushy1342
    mushy1342 Posts: 16 Member
    @lemurcat2, I forgot to mention that I’m 25yo, height 4’11”, starting weight 140lbs, 132lbs currently, goal weight is 110 lbs. I know it’s not that much of change, but I’ve always had trouble losing weight and gained very quick (everyone in my family is short and chubby) and I’m pretty short so any weight gain shows really quick.
  • mushy1342
    mushy1342 Posts: 16 Member
    Also thanks to everyone who I didn’t respond directly, everything is noted and I appreciate the input.