Women only question

ErinWard1986 Posts: 46 Member
How much does your monthly “friend” affect weight loss? Trying not to look at the scale, but since last week I’ve gained. I was at a 9lb loss so far this month, but keep fluctuating and don’t feel like exercising this week, which I normally do. I know it’s probably water weight, but still...I like checking the scales daily. Guess, I’ll put them in the closet this week.


  • ashxtasticness
    ashxtasticness Posts: 160 Member
    I'm usually 2-5 pounds heavier during that time of the month. Try not to stress it, you'll just drive yourself crazy haha The good news is that when it's over it'll be a drop and it will feel good!
  • Boxn_n_Bellydancn
    Boxn_n_Bellydancn Posts: 171 Member
    About 2-3 pounds for me. Remember it’s normal. Weight can (and does) shift even within the same day.
  • jessalittlemore
    jessalittlemore Posts: 65 Member
    My last "friend"s visit added 5 lbs. water weight that disappeared when it was over. Just be strong and avoid the scale until at least a few days after.
  • Ellevated
    Ellevated Posts: 192 Member
    A few pounds sometimes, for sure.
  • sammidelvecchio
    sammidelvecchio Posts: 791 Member
    I should start any day now and not only did I go up 3 lbs, but I have been up 3 lbs for a week now leading up to my period. Some months I don't go up at all, but most months its 3-5 lbs for me, and I see it drop around day 3-4.
  • kami3006
    kami3006 Posts: 4,979 Member
    I go up a couple pounds when I ovulate. The first day of my period is usually the lowest of the month.

    All part of the wonderful world of normal fluctuations.
  • TMZ777
    TMZ777 Posts: 7 Member
    3lbs on average
  • AmberSpamber
    AmberSpamber Posts: 391 Member
    I honestly don't look at the scale at all. I go off of measurements, so when my friend comes around, then there is nothing to see and nothing to affect my mind. Weighing daily causes me a lot of stress if I am not careful. Don't stress it. It's not weight gain.
  • SteroidalLolita
    SteroidalLolita Posts: 122 Member
    edited May 2019
    I honestly hold onto a good 5-8 pounds of water weight when Aunt Flo comes for a visit. She's a jerk. I still watch my weight trend, though. I tried not stepping on the scale and I made myself crazier not weighing than I ever do weighing every day. I use Happy Scale to track.

    I should mention that I have an IUD and endo, so when I used to get my period it would be very, very brutal. Lots of cramping so bad it would make me feel like I was going to pass out, or actually make me throw up, but I didn't hold onto a lot of water. That would last around three days. With the IUD I don't get the messy symptoms of a period anymore, but I hold onto a LOT of water and it lasts a good two weeks, three if I'm unlucky.
  • keenest37
    keenest37 Posts: 61 Member
    No difference for me.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    i gain 3-5 lbs with my period and ovulation. it's mostly bloat. some of it is a result of indulging my cravings. my periods are heavy, barf inducing

    i just got an iud and hoping that will help.
  • OooohToast
    OooohToast Posts: 257 Member
    I honestly don't look at the scale at all. I go off of measurements, so when my friend comes around, then there is nothing to see and nothing to affect my mind. Weighing daily causes me a lot of stress if I am not careful. Don't stress it. It's not weight gain.

    I do this too and its been liberating !
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    With time you learn your body i think its healthy and helpful to stand on the scale and own your weight gain. Hiding the scale is letting the numbers control you. Its your bodies normal. Nothing shameful there. I put on 7 pounds every month from my period.
  • kretana21
    kretana21 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello I just started and wanted to see if any new friends can add me!! Thank you!!
  • DiscusTank5
    DiscusTank5 Posts: 424 Member
    I weigh every day and usually see a 4 lb gain around that TOM. After eight months of tracking calories and weight daily, fluctuations don't bother me nearly as much as they used to.