I think my HRM is trippin' bawwls

Alright here is the deal...I run for 30 mins and I burn only 300 calories (I run outdoors and was literally pushing myself sooooo hard....)...and I do turbo jam cardio party which I do NOT find challenging AT ALL and I burn like 450 in the same time (30mins)?!

Haha funniest thing is...with P90X cardio X I burn 440 calories (less than TurboJam) while it was significantly harder (goddamn yoga) than it!!!!!

What's the deal?? Should I get my polar watch into rehab??


  • Jesse13
    Jesse13 Posts: 72
    I have a polar F40 and under the same position as OP^
    I don't want to run and get another one (expensive), but I want to know where I am on my heart zones and calories burned. My polar says "transmitter error at times" and the heart rate is all over the place....
  • the higher your heart rate is the lower your calorie burn is. a lower heart rate is for calorie/fat burn and a higher heart rate is for cardio workout.
  • idwoof
    idwoof Posts: 76
    I don't know about the other workouts but 300 calories in 30 minutes is about right. Even if you are pushing yourself.
  • I think you HRM is on LSD!!! wooo :noway:
  • idwoof
    idwoof Posts: 76
    the higher your heart rate is the lower your calorie burn is. a lower heart rate is for calorie/fat burn and a higher heart rate is for cardio workout.

    I don't mean to hijack this thread but this is just not true at all. That is a common exercise myth. Just google Fat burning zone and you will get pages of studies showing it is a myth.
    The harder you work the more calories you burn, plain and simple.
  • the higher your heart rate is the lower your calorie burn is. a lower heart rate is for calorie/fat burn and a higher heart rate is for cardio workout.

    I don't mean to hijack this thread but this is just not true at all. That is a common exercise myth. Just google Fat burning zone and you will get pages of studies showing it is a myth.
    The harder you work the more calories you burn, plain and simple.

    you can also google it and find many articles that support itl. it because there is more than one opinion out there.
  • MotherOfTwins2010
    MotherOfTwins2010 Posts: 14 Member
    The running sounds about right. I burn about 300-330 calories running at a 3% incline at a speed of 5.3-5.5 for 30 minutes with a 1 minute warm up and about 2-3 minutes walking at 3.9 on the treadmill. I'm about the same weight. I don't do videos I hate them so I'm not sure what the deal is there maybe your heart rate was elevated due to caffeine or heat or maybe it is a more intense workout.
  • haha yeah 300 for running is fine but 480 burnt for Turbo Jam (which is honestly, quite 'soft') was kind of weird!! I do not want to be over estimating my exercise calories...so I was wondering.....if there could be a problem with it!!!
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    I don't know about the other workouts but 300 calories in 30 minutes is about right. Even if you are pushing yourself.

    i only burn more than that if i'm seeeriously hustling...like busting *kitten*.. 100 calories every 10 minutes is about right for a good hard workout.
  • idwoof
    idwoof Posts: 76
    the higher your heart rate is the lower your calorie burn is. a lower heart rate is for calorie/fat burn and a higher heart rate is for cardio workout.

    I don't mean to hijack this thread but this is just not true at all. That is a common exercise myth. Just google Fat burning zone and you will get pages of studies showing it is a myth.
    The harder you work the more calories you burn, plain and simple.

    you can also google it and find many articles that support itl. it because there is more than one opinion out there.

    Really??? Please post a link. Never seen anything this decade saying that it's true.

    Fat burning zone heart rate utilizes calories from body fat better than higher heart rates, but you say that is burns less calories to have a higher heart rate. And thats just not true!!! Please don't write things on here that misinform people.
  • I don't know about the other workouts but 300 calories in 30 minutes is about right. Even if you are pushing yourself.

    i only burn more than that if i'm seeeriously hustling...like busting *kitten*.. 100 calories every 10 minutes is about right for a good hard workout.

    Trust me I was busting my *kitten*!! But its not the 300 calorie that is alarming...its just that I burnt more calories for a much easier workout ....
  • I agree with idwoof 100%. The more you work the more you burn. It's common sense.
  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    the higher your heart rate is the lower your calorie burn is. a lower heart rate is for calorie/fat burn and a higher heart rate is for cardio workout.

    I don't mean to hijack this thread but this is just not true at all. That is a common exercise myth. Just google Fat burning zone and you will get pages of studies showing it is a myth.
    The harder you work the more calories you burn, plain and simple.

    you can also google it and find many articles that support itl. it because there is more than one opinion out there.

    Really??? Please post a link. Never seen anything this decade saying that it's true.

    Fat burning zone heart rate utilizes calories from body fat better than higher heart rates, but you say that is burns less calories to have a higher heart rate. And thats just not true!!! Please don't write things on here that misinform people.

    Pitching in to agree here. Besides, post-exercise fat oxidation is much higher and more sustained after high intensity exercise. We've learned so much about V02max and fat oxidation in the past 10-15 years...the "fat burning zone" does increase fat burn short term, yes, but not over the long haul. And higher heartrate = higher calorie burn.
  • Yes, everybody, please listen to idwoof!!!! He is right on the money!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • mowu
    mowu Posts: 245 Member
    Alright here is the deal...I run for 30 mins and I burn only 300 calories (I run outdoors and was literally pushing myself sooooo hard....)...and I do turbo jam cardio party which I do NOT find challenging AT ALL and I burn like 450 in the same time (30mins)?!

    As other have stated 300 cal / 30 minutes run sound quite normal.....that's what I have too, when running at a steady pace.

    I don't know how the other exercises are - but if they are build around interval spikes meaning that you go for high intensity (very high pulse - near max pulse)for a few minutes and then for lower intensity for a minute (not allowing you pulse to dip very low) and then switch to high intensity again you may see higher numbers.

    At least that's what I see when I do interval training vs. steady state training on the bike.

    This will in most cases translate to a higher average pulse during the workout than you could sustain on a steady state exercise and thus to more calories burned.

    Does your HRM have the option to show you the average heart rate for the different training passes?
  • haha it does actually....! But I was just wondering...why I am burning more calories doing exercises I do not find challenging and lesser calories doing exercises where I'm literally killing myself!! Was wondering if anyone had a clue to that??
  • idwoof
    idwoof Posts: 76
    It could be that exercises like dancing and workout dvds are full body workouts and are engaging more muscles. The reason you think you are working harder running might be because of the cardio part of running, it seems harder but you might be burning less calories. Just like vigorous weight lifting, may not make you breathe as hard, but can still burn comparable calories to jogging or running. Hope that helps
  • That is true. Silly me. And for some ready running out doors is twice harder (i'm in the tropics, freain 35 degrees out) than on a treadmill...although the calorie burn is pretty much equal!!
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    a harder workout doesnt necisarily mean higher heart rate tho.

    i find myself working my *kitten* off on the excercise bike but i cant get my rate over 155. on the tready i can hit 180

    my HRM records max and ave heart rate too, so i always record that as well as my calorie burn

    (i can burn 500 in 30 mins on a treadmill, but thats because im 90kg)
  • Makes sense..yeah... but this always makes me wanna question...whether the correlation between heart rate and calories burnt is really all that accurate..