New Here....Could Use Some Support and Friends :)



  • HallehRae
    HallehRae Posts: 13 Member
    I'm new here to and would love to be your friend! You would be my first friend actually! :laugh:
  • Welcome. I'm also 22. My Mom has that as well. Good for you for working out. I know how hard that can be. You can add me if you'd like. :)

    Thank you, that means a lot! And I added you :)
  • darlilama
    darlilama Posts: 794 Member
    You are all so inspiring! I have known a few people with fibro and with RA who exercise regularly and it's awesome. I'll stop complaining about my poor big arthritic toe! :laugh: I am also a ways past 22, l … and wouldn't do it again myself (but if you told me I could be 35 again, I'd be all over it :happy: ). I'd be glad to have more friends, though. I've recently joined and haven't done an "introduced" myself yet.
  • I'm new here to and would love to be your friend! You would be my first friend actually! :laugh:

    Friends! :)
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    Hi Sarah.

    I kind of know what you are going thru, my daughter (23) has been suffering since she was 12 was finally diagnosed with Fibro a couple of years ago. She's gone thru all the drugs and all the side effects too...not nice (understatement!) for anyone but worse I feel for someone so young. Heres to a healthier you and hopefully some of the symptoms will be eased as you shed some weight
  • Friend2U
    Friend2U Posts: 13
    Hi! I am on Lyrica as one of my meds for MS symptoms. It helps me a lot,,,,but....the weight gain is not fun.Looks like we have started here about the same time and have about the same goal for weight loss. I am really hoping that this will help. I am very encouraged though I've only be at it for two days. But so far it is helping! Good luck to you.You definitely have my support and would love to be your friend if you would like that too!
  • I would be happy to give you my support! Welcome and good luck! You will do great!
  • jade_85
    jade_85 Posts: 96
    hello and welcome :) xx
  • mampy98
    mampy98 Posts: 1
    hi, I am trudy and I am new here, I would like to get support to reaching my goal. I am currently over weight witch is making me incredible unhappy and depress. I am struggling with binge eating witch is getting out of control because its driving me in the obese catigurgory.
  • Tinks2007
    Tinks2007 Posts: 62 Member
    Hi Sarah,

    You have taken the first step so well done, feel free to add for plenty of support :)
  • HI Sarah

    I too have Fibro, and have had for last 14 years or so. Always struggled with my weight, but determined to do something about it... I have actually found that healthy eating and exercise has improved my symptoms, and happy for you to add me as a friend also :)

    Good luck with your journey :)
  • downlbs
    downlbs Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Sarah...I know what you mean about the fibromyalgia i have it too along with inflammatory spondylitis. Not fun. Exercise is so crucial but do not overdo as tht may trigger a flare up. Topamax is a drug similar to Lyrica and it helps on lose weight. Maybe you could ask your doctor about this? keep plugging along. I am also a newbie and am thinking about joining a local topps group. basically that would help me with weighting in every week, and the support is great there too. Good luck.
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