Pancake Boobs



  • mommybgood
    This is an awesome topic! Ok, first off, people, listen to me. Skin is like elastic, yes, elastic will bounce back but for how long? Have you ever seen a worn out pair of socks or a bra that's been through the dryer one too many times? Ok then, that being said, ladies, wear a BRA! Gravity is not our friend I'm afraid and if you've been letting em hang there for years, they're just gonna keep on heading toward your toes. Second, work the pectoral muscles everything looks better when it's toned. Lastly, don't let them bounce! EVER, never ever! If that means wearing a jogging bra over your regular bra when you exercise than so be it.

    I come at this topic with personal experience. A little background: at 28 I had a breast reduction/lift due to back pain. I was a 42DDD, but the size wasn't so much the problem as the lack of support. I developed early and for years I didn't pay much attention to supporting the girls until I started to gain weight in my early 20's. By 28 my nipples were at my waistline, I kid you not. Fast forward 6 years, I've had the reduction, 2 babies, 120lb weight gain and a 100lb weight loss. They're still perky at a 38D. Why? because I baby them now and will for years and years to come.

    As a nurse I've seen countless sets of breasts and the elderly women who wear bras to bed still have perky ones. That's all I've got to tell ya.

    Support the girls!

    Oh, and get your mammograms ok? Thanks
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    Having lost 40lbs in 2006 I was well prepared this time round that my boobs would shrink (and yep I have the rock in socks thing going on - I call mine my "udders")

    But do you know what I have chosen to love my udders anyway - and I will be going topless when I go away in a few weeks!

    My OH still likes my boobs, and even if he didn't then that would be his tough luck!

    I am not a shallow person so why should I judge my own boobs but such shallow standards?

    They don't look as great as they did when I was 21, but so what? I am 31 now so even had I not gained & lost weight they'd still be 31 year old boobs .

    Personally I am just thankful to be able to say "I lost weight and my boobs shrunk" :smile:
  • helenium
    helenium Posts: 546 Member
    Haha, just for the record I'm not concerned about what males think of my body. I'm a happily married lesbian woman. I just want my boobs to look awesome in general. Mostly for my own vanity.

    But if "rocks in socks" is what nature if telling me I have to deal with to continue my healthier lifestyle. Bring it on!

    Make sure if you're exercising frequently you have a supportive sports bra. That can cause sagging in itself (which may be separate from the weight loss).

    It's a perfectly valid position to want to look good just for your own benefit. I wish more people noticed this. I am not planning on looking good for other people, male or female or other (don't give a damn about a potential partner's gender myself) - want to look good for myself. Regardless of relationship status.

    Good luck with sorting out your breasts. Don't go for any magic creams. Waste of money.

  • dreambodin2011
    dreambodin2011 Posts: 166 Member
    weight lifting concentrating on the chest area will definatly improve it but probably not fixt it entirely.

    work those weights - and accept yourself as you are. With all your beauty flaws.

    And think twice if considering implants - I fit bras for women professionally and I've seen so many dodgy jobs that I'd strongly recommend NOT going down that path.

    Best wishes.
  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    I never thought of flat boobs as pancake boobs, I always thought that a girl that wears the wrong bra and quishes her boobs flat had pancake boobs. there are workouts you can do to help a bit, i can not remember the names of them, but they are chest exercises. just google some or look on youtube.
  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    weight lifting concentrating on the chest area will definatly improve it but probably not fixt it entirely.

    work those weights - and accept yourself as you are. With all your beauty flaws.

    And think twice if considering implants - I fit bras for women professionally and I've seen so many dodgy jobs that I'd strongly recommend NOT going down that path.

    Best wishes.
    Yeah I wouldnt recommend implants either, but have you ever thought of a lift. Just to lift what you do have left? always be happy with what you have, but I dont see a problem with just have them lifted and the extra skin removed.
  • eldee3
    eldee3 Posts: 14 Member
    These boobs are not pancake boobs, but rather, boobs you can take your afternoon tea on.
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    I barely have boobs -which is good as I actually prefer smaller boobs. I have noticed them getting a bit smaller as I lose weight but I think they look better - when you have so much excess fat in your boobs they look terrible - if you naturally have big boobs they look great, but it's the WORST when you get reallly fat girls try and say they have stunnin boobs compared to yours, and it's like naw mate, they look terrible because there's like 20lb of fat that isn't actually meant to be there. (I don't mean all girls with big boobs btw, just the ones that aren't really meant to have them, it's just another bit of excess fat. And only the ones that dare compare them to mine!)

    More you lose weight closer you get to your "natural" boob shape - and taking care of your skin with vitamins, healthy food and lots of water can help your skin eventually get back to where it was - it will take longer for your skin to fix than to lose the weight but as you're young it should happen. Also yeah things like a good bra and chest work outs can really help (:
  • MiNiMoNkI
    MiNiMoNkI Posts: 447 Member
    I am Pancake Boobs! haha, i have always hade small boobs (34b) and now they have completely left my body 32a), they look nice when im cold, ;) aw well, sod it were not perfect and theyre going to be casulties along the way! some things you just cant change so try and be positive about other things, i.e boobs are crap my my stomach and my *kitten* are hot! its pants i know, but such is life eh!
  • sister_bear
    sister_bear Posts: 529 Member
    This is actually a topic that comes up regularly and you might run some searches and see what previous posts have covered. I remember responding to one that not only wanted advice on this, but also wanted to know how much other women had lost and how it changed their bra size.

    I'm unfortunately getting early signs of 'National Geographic' boobs, but I think I'll be okay.

    My plan is to give myself a year or two, maybe more, after I reach my goal weight because I may do some toning after that and see what happens. If I'm still unhappy, I may go have a consultation with a cosmetic surgeon. I wouldn't get implants or anything (I'm pretty top heavy as it is), but I can see having a reduction, tuck, excess skin removal type operation if it comes down to it.

    Anyway, when I look in the mirror and am sad about this, I just look at my muffin top and remember how it used to be a bundt cake and then I don't feel so bad. It may be that they've always been saggy and I didn't know it because my fat belly held them up. LOL
  • Lanfear
    Lanfear Posts: 524
    ....and when i lean forward, my tummy looks crinkly and not firm,

    ^^^ this (and bl**dy stretch marks) as well and I've never had kids - and at my heaviest I was 12 st 5lbs so not massively huge either!!!!!

    LOL we're all knackered with crinkly not-firm tummies, wobbly legs and flat boobs - but we'll be SLIM so who cares!!!!!!! :laugh: And there are always black leggings or long-length jeans, wonderbras and "Gok" hold-it-all-in body suits and magic knickers for emergencies..... :smile:
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    omg calm down...sometimes guys say things to overexaggerate... I was called a "cow", "fatty", pregnant, chubs by stupid college guys when I was the weight in my "before" picture (see signature)....

    Don't worry about it. I've lost a cup size, but it doesn't matter. Guys are lucky they are getting some.. If they are going to complain about it just tell them how they suck at giving it to ya anyways :P !
    holy crap i cant believe they called you that. You looked great even before. what a bunch of douches!
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    I guess I'm going to condsider myself very lucky, I'm 42 and have had 4 children, and my girls are fine. A little smaller since I've lost weight but other than that they still look pretty good.
  • TK421NotAtPost
    TK421NotAtPost Posts: 512 Member
    Depending on how fast you lost your 40 pounds, it's normal to experience a little bit of what you are going through. Sometimes your skin isn't able to adjust at the rate you lost weight. Since you are young, I'm willing to bet that you eventually your skin will tighten up in that area. Just keep doing your cardio and resistance training.
  • Kristhin
    Kristhin Posts: 442 Member
    I would think it'll go somewhat back to normal after a while. You could always try some lifting cream to help firm up your skin in that area as a temporary and slight fix. If it really bothers you, you'll probably need to eventually get a lift.
  • ShrinkingNinja
    ShrinkingNinja Posts: 460 Member
    I am getting pancake boobs and when I get all my weight off I am don't going to be shy about seeing a doctor to correct that. I didn't lose all this weight to not like "the girls" anymore. I won't get some ridiculous size, but something slightly smaller than I had naturally in my early 20s will do.
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    I have deflated boobs from weight gain and loss. :grumble:

    They look pretty darn good in the right bra, though! And the only people who see them bra-free (doctor and partner) don't see to notice or care. One of them is just doing her job and the other loves me for ME, not my boobs, but still compliments my body daily, which I appreciate. :love:
  • realitybytez
    mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm . . . pancakes. somebody pass the syrup!
  • lakersfan4life
    lakersfan4life Posts: 322 Member
    windsocks on a calm day! rocks in socks!

    you girls are funny!!!
  • lakersfan4life
    lakersfan4life Posts: 322 Member
    ....and when i lean forward, my tummy looks crinkly and not firm,

    ^^^ this (and bl**dy stretch marks) as well and I've never had kids - and at my heaviest I was 12 st 5lbs so not massively huge either!!!!!

    LOL we're all knackered with crinkly not-firm tummies, wobbly legs and flat boobs - but we'll be SLIM so who cares!!!!!!! :laugh: And there are always black leggings or long-length jeans, wonderbras and "Gok" hold-it-all-in body suits and magic knickers for emergencies..... :smile:

    magic knickers for emergencies? i dont want to know, do i?