Self conscious at the gym

This may sound a little daft but I used to go to the gym with my personal trainer boyfriend but he changed gym started to go with his brother so I need to go at a different time and on my own.

Now I know it sounds like nothing but I get self-conscious in the gym. Now I know no one cares and doing their own thing but I worry I am doing everything wrong and the routines I do won't help.
I haven't been to the gym in 2 weeks so need to get myself organised LOL!

Any advice would be good :smiley:


  • melmoon90
    melmoon90 Posts: 31 Member
    Yeah, I'm just going to have to get over it haha😂 I have to start somewhere. I know how to do a lot of things but never done alone. Just need to get over it and just do it
  • TheRealSlim_Shelly
    TheRealSlim_Shelly Posts: 66 Member
    The truth is some people DO stare. I was the same as you, and really, most people don’t stare or care. But there are a few who do. It can be for many reasons. But a lot of the times it’s because they want to use the equipment you’re using! Don’t let anyone make you feel like you don’t belong somewhere, especially a gym you are paying for just like everyone else!

    A lot of what I was feeling derived from feeling like I was “bad at lifting” (didn’t know proper form or workouts or how to use some equipment). I was given advice that just because you *think* you’re bad or inept at something doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it. The key is to keep learning and working at it. Confidence takes practice. Whether that means asking a personal trainer at your new gym to show you around and explain how different equipment works (or where it is), watching YouTube videos by professionals on proper form, or bringing a friend or family member with you the first couple times to the gym so you feel comfortable and familiar with your new routine - there are definitely options to give yourself some initial comfort.

    As someone else said, let yourself feel uncomfortable. That’s the quickest way to get over feeling uncomfortable. Put your headphones in and tune everything else out. Remember it’s you vs you, not you vs onlookers in the gym. You got this!
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    I don't really have any advice except to stick with it and it'll probably get easier as it becomes more familiar.

    Also, don't let yourself forget that just by showing up you're ahead of 95% of people. There's always someone bigger, stronger, faster, whatever, but you're rocking it.
  • neil4ad
    neil4ad Posts: 42 Member
    I find wearing headphones/listening to music helps me tune out everything else.
  • phred_52
    phred_52 Posts: 189 Member
    I too used to get self conscious using the mirrors being overweight by 40 lbs., being a small framed guy...cries, joking. Then I'd look at others, and know we all started somewhere, so now I just pay no attention.

    Many will even give a helpful answer if in between sets, if asked, at least I've found that to be true. Like one told me, not a problem, love to help.

  • madamaryna
    madamaryna Posts: 6 Member
    Oh i feel your pain, I have been avoiding the gym for the lasy few years for the same reasons. January 2019 I decided enough is enough, went to the gym and hired a pt straight away. I told her what i wanted and she delivered, she thought me how to do things properly and created a program etc, we are now in June and my confidence improved a lot, i still train with her 1-2/week but i can now go on my own (weight section) and train as well. If anyone is staring i just give them a death stare and carry on. Haha
  • Jackie9003
    Jackie9003 Posts: 1,114 Member
    melmoon90 wrote: »
    Yeah, I'm just going to have to get over it haha😂 I have to start somewhere. I know how to do a lot of things but never done alone. Just need to get over it and just do it


    It might feel odd the first time but once you've got over that first hurdle you'll be fine. Is there a member of staff there that you can ask advice from? Mine put a plan together for me when I first started.
    I'm very overweight and was very self consious at the start but had a word with myself (like you have done here) and now I pop along whenever I can.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 11,161 Member
    Also, don't let yourself forget that just by showing up you're ahead of 95% of people. There's always someone bigger, stronger, faster, whatever, but you're rocking it.

    This. Even the big, bad muscular bros can feel intimidated and out of place when they see somebody bigger and badder benching a weight for reps that they can't even lift once. (Ask me how I know...)
  • saundraxo
    saundraxo Posts: 65 Member
    This is why I bought a treadmill for home. And im still paying for my membership which Ill use if i decide i dont wanna do the treadmill one day. Maybe lmao
  • sammiejroo
    sammiejroo Posts: 5 Member
    I used to go early in the morning; it was so much quieter and the only people there was just like me (unfit, wobbly bits, nervous) That built my confidence up going alone, then I felt I belonged at any time! Just focus on your goals and enjoy it! :smiley:
  • Lenala13
    Lenala13 Posts: 155 Member
    I use the fitbot app on my phone to plan out my workouts ahead of time. Each workout comes with a quick little video on how to do whatever exercise (free weights, machines, etc. that you select. It at least gives me an idea if I’m doing it right.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I can't guarantee that you won't meet any jerks, but that's just life, unfortunately. What helped me was knowing exactly what I was going to do when I got there. I had a program and went for it. I still feel self conscious at times, but since I have an epic case of RBF, I really don't get bothered.
  • frankiesgirlie
    frankiesgirlie Posts: 669 Member
    One of the biggest misconceptions of being fit, is that you have to join a gym at all.
    I’m a little bit of a loner when it comes to fitness. I don’t like the sweaty equipment and crowds of a gym. I don’t even like running with another person. I like to be with my own thoughts when I exercise.
    Youtube is a godsend for a person like me. So many great videos on any fitness subject, and routines and plans galore.
    Who needs a gym?