How long is your gym work out?



  • deputy_randolph
    deputy_randolph Posts: 940 Member
    During the school year, I go to the gym 4 days a week for powerlifting training. Compound lifts plus accessories usually takes about 2 hours.

    During the summer, I usually sprinkle in a couple of days of cardio. I legit do 20-30 minutes of cardio then stretch and foam roll for fun.
  • HollyPFlax
    HollyPFlax Posts: 79 Member
    3 days per week of powerlifting for 2 1/2 hours. I would probably do another day per week if I had time, but I'm also am equestrian and riding horses is more important to me.
  • PennyP312
    PennyP312 Posts: 161 Member
    1-1.5 hours 4-5 days a week.
    Most of that is lifting with 15-20 min of cardio here and there when I can.
  • claireychn074
    claireychn074 Posts: 1,429 Member
    1.5-2hrs 5 times a week, but c15 mins of that is warm up and c15mins is stretching after. I seize up if I don’t take the extra time to warm up and down!
  • shaykinhand
    shaykinhand Posts: 80 Member
    edited May 2019
    It depends on the day... I workout 6 days a week. A quick leg day may take me about 45 minutes. Usually my days with a trainer (or doing the routine he has me on) take me about 1 to 1.5 hours. If it's a day I don't have much time or just an 'off day' I may just do cardio for about 30 minutes hardcore non stop.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I lift 4 days a week, push/pull split 35-40 minutes/session, cardio 1-2 days per week 20-60 mins and play sports for an hour in the winter on Monday's and 1.5 hours in the summer (one day/week). I also bike to and from work, 3-5 days per week in spring, summer, and fall, but just a 3km ride each way
  • StatChicBayes
    StatChicBayes Posts: 362 Member
    I have extra time in my schedule right now and trying to take advantage of that before fall to get as far along to my goal as possible.

    Right now I try to go in the morning M-F - usually a strength/flexibilty class of 40 minutes, 20 minutes to squeeze in some of the weight machines (I alternate legs and arms) or walk around the track, and then a 45 minute cardio class - spin MWF and step and latin dance Tues and Thursday. I will sometimes walk some more to finish cooling down if the cardio class was pretty intense. I usually still have more on the weight machine circuit so I finish up and then stretch and head home. Often 1.5- 2 hours total (although some of that is waiting for machines or chatting after class :-)

    If I have time/energy I might come back in the evening for pilates on Tuesday or Tabata on Thursday depending on how I feel or if I missed the morning classes. I sometimes find that if I exercise too much or too late it messes with my sleep!

    Sat if I am in town I go the hour long class in the morning (it rotates) and might work in some weights and walking. Usually do some core work at home.

    Sunday I may go into the gym for weight machines depending on how rested I feel. Try to get maybe 30 minutes of cardio on the elliptical at home and/or some body weight core exercises.
  • dmanakho
    dmanakho Posts: 143 Member
    strength training 3 days a week 60-70 min, and i do floor/core exercises in the "off days" 20-25 minutes each
  • HulkV2
    HulkV2 Posts: 32 Member
    I go 5 days a week, weights for 1.25hr then 15 to 30 min of cardio, just depends on how I feel then
  • aokoye
    aokoye Posts: 3,495 Member
    It varies but I'd say it averages out to an hour. In the winter my rowing machine workouts are anywhere from 25-45 minutes and right now they're at least 35 minutes. I don't currently structure those workouts by time typically, though in the winter about 50% of them are.
    If I'm riding my bike inside on a trainer it'll typically be for an hour.

    I ramped up intensity as opposed to time with the exception of when I was coming back from various surgeries. I also wasn't sedentary before I started really exercising inside. Overweight? Yes. Sedentary, not at all. I have gradually upped the number of workouts I do per week and am continuing to figure that out. At first it was fairly deliberate, but this past 12 months it's been a bit more organic
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Depends what I'm doing.

    A cardio blast workout takes me around 30mins, but that would be a really high intensity interval workout. I only do these when I don't have PT though (30-60min 5x week)

    A strength training session generally takes me around 2 hours 3x a week, that's warm up, heavy lifting (with all the rest between sets that involves), accessory work, cool down and 15min stretching.

    I also go to classes and I run.
  • Smacfit_
    Smacfit_ Posts: 101 Member
    I spend 1hr to 1.5hr in the gym 4 or 5 days per week currently. Used to be around 45 mins but now I am ending my lifting with 10 mins of HIIT and a bit of core work plus a really good stretch. I find it hard to do this all in under an hour!
  • liz0269
    liz0269 Posts: 139 Member
    I have a goal of an hour a day. I want to see how long of a streak I can have.

    Two days a week I lift weights.

    Two or three days a week I cycle. Often that is longer than an hour. I will ride 25-30 miles. I am working up to a 54 mile ride. That's this year's goal. Next year I want to do a two day 110 mile camping trip and work up to a 240 mile ride to my brother's house.

    Two or three days a week I slow jog.

    In the winter I will swim laps and snowshoe.

    My mindset is to do active hobbies that I love.
  • brittanystebbins95
    brittanystebbins95 Posts: 567 Member
    Typically 40 minutes to an hour.
  • JasJaworska
    JasJaworska Posts: 22 Member
    I used to and am planning (starting today) hitting up the gym (strength training) 3x a week for an hour and home workouts (cardio) 3x a week alternating (half hour to an hour) until I figure out what my body, goals, etc, wants more/less of, sometimes I feel like I can do more so I make a decision on the spot with what I feel like I want to do :)
  • BasedGawd412
    BasedGawd412 Posts: 346 Member
    1 hour minimum 6 days a week. 2 hour runs here and there.
  • Annonymouse7
    Annonymouse7 Posts: 3 Member
    I lift 3x/week for 45 minutes before work. I live in a town where I can bike/walk everywhere and that has a lot of trails so the majority of my exercise is outside of the gym.
  • Roy1C
    Roy1C Posts: 75 Member
    In the gym 3 or 4 times a week. Weight train for 45 mins and Cybex Arc trainer ( like an eliptical) for 40 minutes. Alternate a slow speed and intense speed every 5 minutes.

    Congratulations on establishing a workout program!
  • phred_52
    phred_52 Posts: 189 Member
    Well I'm on cuckoo disability :) , not working, so I go 7 days week for 3 hrs or so. 2hrs cardio, switch between bike and treadmill, and I do 1hr or so resistance machines, and 20 min cores excercises.

    As one mentioned above, if I fail on cardio hours, I make up for difference next 1-2 days.
  • chrishamilton894
    chrishamilton894 Posts: 63 Member
    2 hour full body workout. 30 minute cardio and 1hr 30 minute weights.