What is your favorite?

I'd really like to know what everyone's favorite things are... a meal, a snack, an indulgence, whatever comes to mind!

What an easy way to share some good food ideas with each other.

So... I'll start.

Lately it's been pita pocket sandwiches (Ham, salami, lettuce, cucumbers, and low fat salad dressing). I think I'll try to come up with some other variations next week.

AND... I'm such a sweets person. I LOVE the new 100 calorie pack Chex Chocolate & Caramel Snack Packs. (They also come in Strawberry Yogurt) And also Weight Watchers Smart One's Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Sundaes. Yummy!

All of this stuff is in the data base now - I save & "share" everything that I enter.

Can't wait to see & try your favorites! Happy Friday!


  • ahertel0214
    ahertel0214 Posts: 244 Member
    I'd really like to know what everyone's favorite things are... a meal, a snack, an indulgence, whatever comes to mind!

    What an easy way to share some good food ideas with each other.

    So... I'll start.

    Lately it's been pita pocket sandwiches (Ham, salami, lettuce, cucumbers, and low fat salad dressing). I think I'll try to come up with some other variations next week.

    AND... I'm such a sweets person. I LOVE the new 100 calorie pack Chex Chocolate & Caramel Snack Packs. (They also come in Strawberry Yogurt) And also Weight Watchers Smart One's Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Sundaes. Yummy!

    All of this stuff is in the data base now - I save & "share" everything that I enter.

    Can't wait to see & try your favorites! Happy Friday!
  • Skinnier_Me
    Skinnier_Me Posts: 341 Member
    I love Whole Wheat Pita POckets too!!
    I stuff them w/ tuna fish(in water) w/ 1 1/2 tbs of light mayo.
    I'm also hooked on Lean Cuisine's Steak, Cheddar & Mushroom Panini.

    For snack I love Weight Watchers Chocolate Chocolate Chip Muffins.... I'm a chocoholic so that satisfies my craving so well! Also Weight Watchers Strawberry Shortcakes... so yummy!

    For beverage I love Fit & Active's Mango Tropical juice... no calories, carbs....

    Oh... and Special K Vanilla Crisp Bars (very satisfying) and Fit & Active's Smoothies (Mixed Berries or Strawberry)
  • CMJ1979
    CMJ1979 Posts: 42
    I like having Jell-o Fat Free Instant pudding. Sometimes I have it with light whip cream and it's just as good as the high fat stuff.
  • jessup_70
    so i am a wrap fan ..anything i can jam inside a pesto wrap , makeing sure its lots of veggies of course.... part protein and a bit os salsa.......
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    One of my most recent favorites is sliced turkey sauteed with garlic and onion and spinach with mushrooms in it stuffed into a pita with a bit of soy sauce. It would make a good dinner over rice as well but it is very tasty as a lunch.

  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I walk home from the gym, and my favorite treat/thing/ right now is to stop at the Starbucks and get an iced nonfat latte.

    Also, apples are in season here now...and "honeycrisp" are my new favorite.

    And, nothing, but nothing (well almost nothing) beats a hot bubble bath at the end of the day!
  • hjcopeland
    hjcopeland Posts: 53 Member
    Chicken Wings!

    I just tasted "Michelina's Lean Gourmet Buffalo-Style Chicken Snacks". They're awesome! They taste just like wings, have a nice "kick", cost $0.79, and have 190 calories and 7 grams of fat!

    They go great with a beer!
  • Skinnier_Me
    Skinnier_Me Posts: 341 Member
    I'm hungry!!!!!
  • ahertel0214
    ahertel0214 Posts: 244 Member
    Oh goodness, me too. I REALLY want some jelly beans.

    Think I'll make a cup of hot tea instead.

    And... I found a new food today. Greek yogurt, plain fat free with 2 tablespoons of honey. It's delish!

    Greek yogurt is SUPER thick & creamy - great breakfast, snack or dessert!
  • jlwilson
    jlwilson Posts: 13 Member
    Greek Yogurt...absolutely!! I have a drip of honey and a couple tbsps cranberry trail mix ,....really filling! And fat free!
  • charley078
    charley078 Posts: 48 Member
    I don't get a sweet tooth often, but when I do, I reach in my desk for sugar-free jolly rancher's, they are great, 4 pcs. for 35 calories and they do the job and I also luuvvv the smart ones mint chocolate chip sundaes....
  • anodyne
    Salad salad salad, people!!!
    Omg I love wraps too, I have avocado, cherry tomato, lettuce and rocket with a bit of mustard in a corn tortilla. But if you are really hungry don't go for wraps, it's all about fruit and vegetables!!!

    Cook a kilo of green beans (buy frozen, so much cheaper) with about 2 tbsp of oregano (or lots of fresh oregano, if you have it) and about 4 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil. Also chop in some garlic. Drain all the water off and then make a load of gravy from gravy granules, et voila! Now eat and enjoy!
    It's low calories but there's so so much of it it's fine, you get about 5 times your recommended daily vitamin C intake, and it tastes delicious. don't knock it till you've tried it.
    If you're a meat eater shop in a few chopped up rashers of bacon (back bacon, not that streaky stuff you get in continetal europe and america) or ham.

    oh, and while i'm here, buffallo mozzarella & beef tomatoes sliced with course ground black pepper and olive oil = love.
  • mandakay
    I love wasa crisp's!!!!!!!! You can make them a snack, or a meal! Sometimes I want something crunchy, so I make little sandwiches with them with either some lunch meat, or tuna, or chicken salad. They're great!

    Love. love, love me some mexican food. So I make some vigo yellow rice, blak beans, and sautee some chicken in some olive oil, and taco mix. Now, when I fix this for my husband and I, he get's it with cheese and a flour tortilla. I just eat the rice, chicken, and beans.

    Always eat veggies and fruit!!!!!!!

    Thanks for all the great ideas!

  • sassycass
    sassycass Posts: 18 Member
    These have gave me some great lunch & dinner ideas! Thanks!

    My favorite right now is the Pumpkin Muffins I've been making/having for breakfast. My sister just gave me the recipe (from WW).
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,045 Member
    sassy -

    would you post the recipe for your sister's pumpkin muffin on the "Recipes" message board? This time of year I have big cravings for IHOP's pumpkin pancakes, and then Starbuck's eggnog lattes. No longer an option!

    Thank you!
  • mhvrt982
    mhvrt982 Posts: 4 Member
    Premier protein chocolate pudding. So good, you can't even taste the protein.
  • ccruz985
    ccruz985 Posts: 646 Member
    I've really got a thing for cottage cheese (4% milkfat), roasted garlic Triscuits, and some grilled chicken (or when I'm at work, the Perdue short cuts). Toss in an apple or some nuts and it's a full meal for me. Indulgence? Chocolate cake with buttercream icing. Homemade because I'm a home baker and I've ruined myself for most other cakes. I'm just being real; I eat healthy 80% of the time but when it's time for cake, it is time for cake!
  • lizholt326
    lizholt326 Posts: 35 Member
    Fav meal of the moment...quinoa burrito bowl: quinoa and bulgar mix, corn and black beans, grilled chicken, avocado, cheese, and salsa. I keep it at around 375-400 calories and it is absolutely delicious!

    For snacks, clementines and Justin's peanut butter single serve packets

    And skinny cow snickerdoodle ice cream sandwiches!
  • Emily3907
    Emily3907 Posts: 1,461 Member
    edited July 2017

    Favorite Meal - Homemade Pizza. We have it every Friday or Saturday night, without fail. We never get sick of it.

    Favorite Snack - At the moment, Luna Protein Bars. I also really like pairing sharp cheddar cheese and Blue Diamond Smokehouse Almonds.

    Favorite Indulgence - Gigi's Cupcakes. My fave is the Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough or Strawberry Shortcake, but I also love their seasonal flavors. But, since I don't have the calories to spare for one except for maybe once a month, I really like the Ghirardelli Intense Dark Sea Salt Soiree chocolate squares.
  • Emily3907
    Emily3907 Posts: 1,461 Member

    And, nothing, but nothing (well almost nothing) beats a hot bubble bath at the end of the day!

    I soooooo agree with this. I probably take 4-5 hot bubble baths a week.